For those who missed me posting it in the TT forums. Doesn't trigger on TEAM or TEAM2 so just replace those with a custom version.
Hook *TeamChangeHook = new Hook;
int TTHookAddress = 0; // Will be loaded with the calculated address of script 4.0's suicide hook code
bool __cdecl ChangeTeamHook(int ID)
Console_Output("derppppp = %d\n", ID);
return true;
void _declspec(naked) TeamChangeHook_Glue()
mov edi, ecx // save ecx
push [edi+6B4h] // First argument, the ID of the player attempting to suicide
call ChangeTeamHook
add esp, 4; // Manually re-align the stack (our hook is __cdecl)
mov ecx, edi // restore ecx
test al, al // Check the return value of our hook
jz BlockTeamChange // If the return value is zero (return false), jump to BlockTeamChange
mov edi, TTHookAddress // Otherwise move the address of scripts 4.0's hook
jmp edi // And jump to it
retn // Return immediately without doing the team change
int Calculate_Address_From_Displacement(int JMPStartAddress)
char OpCodes[5];
int Displacement, Address;
Hooking::ReadMemory(JMPStartAddress, OpCodes, 5); // 0x004B4910 is where the JMP opcode (E9) starts, next 4 are the displacement/relative address
memcpy(&Displacement, OpCodes+1, sizeof(char)*4); // OpCodeBuffer+1 or we'll also read the JMP opcode
Address = JMPStartAddress + 5 + Displacement;
return Address;
char OpCodeBuffer[5];
Hooking::ReadMemory(0x004B4910, OpCodeBuffer, 5); // 0x004B4910 is where the JMP opcode (E9) starts, next 4 are the displacement/relative address
int Displacement;
memcpy(&Displacement, OpCodeBuffer+1, sizeof(char)*4); // OpCodeBuffer+1 or we'll also read the JMP opcode
TTHookAddress = 0x004B4910 + 5 + Displacement;
Console_Output("displacement = %x, function address = 0x%X\n", Displacement, TTHookAddress);
TeamChangeHook->Install('\xE9', 0x004B4910, (int)&TeamChangeHook_Glue, "");
[Updated on: Tue, 03 July 2012 00:33]
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