I was wondering if the mirc_ren.dll can also read out the console.
Or get playernames working. At the moment it only to work with IDs.
on *:text:!mute*:#:{
if ($nick == crysis) {
dll mirc_ren.dll FDS_Send 4949 ***** mute $2
msg $chan UserID $2 has been muted for: $3-
dll mirc_ren.dll FDS_Send 4949 ****** pamsg $2 You have been muted by $nick for: $3- :: Do not rejoin to evade the mute.
1) This is working only if i type the ID in the second place. Possible to get it with nicks working?
2) Possible to read out the Console(FDS) with mirc_ren.dll without 50000 lines of scripts?