yea i have a plugin to get the players serial from a ssgm plugin serial.dll. But the plugin tries to get this line #Serial hash response from player 1 -> 00000000000000000000aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. I don't understand what the symbols are at the end of the line are "s.+\s\-.\s.+\./" Could you explain what they mean or give me a Perl reference so i can find out what each character does.
if ($line =~ m/^Serial\shash\sresponse\sfrom\splayer\s.+\s\-.\s.+\./) {
$line =~ /^Serial\shash\sresponse\sfrom\splayer\s(.+)\s\-.\s(.+)\./;
$spass = $1;
$shash = $2;
else {
$line =~ /^Serial\shash\sresponse\sfrom\s(.+)\s\-.\s(.+)\./;
$spass = $1;
$shash = $2;
<hook event="rl_playerserial" regex="^Serial\shash\sresponse\sfrom\s" />
Edit: I cant use adas serial plugin because it will crash my fds because of the modifications that I want to keep.
[Updated on: Wed, 03 February 2010 11:45]
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