I'm trying to figure out how to install ssgm with Brenbot but i'm getting now where does anyone know how to do it?
I also have this problem.
RANK PLUGIN :: FTP :: Login Successful
RANK PLUGIN :: FTP :: Path '/dabomb.dsgaming.us/rank' does not exist!
RANK PLUGIN :: FTP :: Disconnected
FDS STATUS PLUGIN :: FTP :: Login Successful
FDS STATUS PLUGIN :: FTP :: Path '/dabomb.dsgaming.us/rank' does not exist!
FDS STATUS PLUGIN :: FTP :: Disconnected
i have it set up right here is the files.
This one is the Rank system and i have it all put in there right i think.
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<plugin name="rank">
<command name="rank">
<permission level="1"/>
<syntax value="!rank"/>
<help value="Player rankings"/>
<enabled value="1"/>
<renguard required="1"/>
<command name="top">
<permission level="2"/>
<syntax value="!top [<number>]"/>
<help value="Shows top x players. <number> can be between 1 and 10, defaults to 3."/>
<enabled value="1"/>
<command name="rankstats">
<permission level="1"/>
<syntax value="!rankstats <playername>"/>
<help value="Shows detailed statistics for the specified player."/>
<enabled value="1"/>
<renguard required="1"/>
<command name="update">
<permission level="3"/>
<syntax value="!update"/>
<help value="Forces an update of the statistics website"/>
<enabled value="1"/>
<command name="rankignore">
<permission level="3"/>
<syntax value="!rankIgnore <playername>"/>
<help value="Ignores the specified player when calculating ranks."/>
<enabled value="1"/>
<renguard required="0"/>
<command name="rankallow">
<permission level="3"/>
<syntax value="!rankAllow <playername>"/>
<help value="Stops the specified player being ignored calculating ranks."/>
<enabled value="1"/>
<renguard required="0"/>
<command name="rankmerge">
<permission level="1"/>
<syntax value="!rankMerge <playername>"/>
<help value="Merges your rank data with that of another account"/>
<enabled value="1"/>
<renguard required="0"/>
<command name="delrank">
<permission level="4"/>
<syntax value="delRank <playername>"/>
<help value="Deletes all rank data for the specified player."/>
<enabled value="1"/>
<!-- Shows a players rank when they join the server.
Set to 1 to enable, 0 to disable -->
<cvar name="showRankOnJoin" value="1"/>
<!-- Delay before sending, in seconds. -->
<cvar name="showRankOnJoinDelay" value="10"/>
<!-- Play siren when players above this rank join
Set to 0 to disable -->
<cvar name="sirenMinRank" value="3"/>
<!--Minimum score players must have before they are
ranked. Players with less than this will be ignored. -->
<cvar name="rankingMinScore" value="50"/>
<!-- Path to where you want your ranks.txt file to be output.
This path will NOT be checked by the plugin, so make sure its correct. -->
<cvar name="sitePath" value="./"/>
<cvar name="enableFTP" value="1"/>
<!-- FTP Server -->
<cvar name="ftpServer" value="ftp42.bravehost.com"/>
<!-- Username -->
<cvar name="ftpUsername" value="Distrbd21-3109448889"/>
<!-- Password -->
<cvar name="ftpPassword" value="********"/>
<!-- Path to place uploaded files
Must start with /, but does not need a / on the end -->
<cvar name="ftpPath" value="/dabomb.dsgaming.us/rank"/>
<!-- Ranking Mode
1 = AOW, ranked by Score
2 = Snipe, ranked by Kills
3 = Snipe, ranked by K/D
4 = Rank Points - See settings below
<cvar name="rankMode" value="4"/>
<!-- Settings to setup rank scoring (rankMode 4 ONLY) -->
<cvar name="scorePerRankPoint" value="2500"/>
<cvar name="killsPerRankPoint" value="6"/>
<cvar name="deathsPerMinusRankPoint" value="12"/>
<cvar name="buildingKillsPerRankPoint" value="1"/>
<cvar name="buildingRepairPerRankPoint" value="1200"/>
<cvar name="vehicleKillsPerRankPoint" value="3"/>
<cvar name="vehicleRepairPerRankPoint" value="900"/>
<hook event="GL_buildingKill" regex="KILLED;BUILDING;"/>
<hook event="GL_buildingRepair" regex="DAMAGED;BUILDING;\d+;[^;]+;-?\d+;-?\d+;-?\d+;-?\d+;\d+;[^;]+;-?\d+;-?\d+;-?\d+;-?\d+;(-\d+\.\d+);\d+;\d+;\d+"/>
<!-- KILLED;VEHICLE;1500000930;CnC_GDI_Medium_Tank;-132;4;-2;142;1500000189;CnC_GDI_Engineer_0;-116;0;-3;-86;CnC_Weapon_MineRemote_Player_2Max;Medium Tank;Engineer/Remote C4 -->
<hook event="GL_vehicleKill" regex="KILLED;VEHICLE;"/>
<!-- DAMAGED;VEHICLE;1500000930;CnC_GDI_Medium_Tank;-132;4;-2;142;1500000189;CnC_GDI_Engineer_0;-127;4;-3;-92;-2.000000;400;390;0 -->
<hook event="GL_vehicleRepair" regex="DAMAGED;VEHICLE;\d+;[^;]+;-?\d+;-?\d+;-?\d+;-?\d+;\d+;[^;]+;-?\d+;-?\d+;-?\d+;-?\d+;(-\d+\.\d+);\d+;\d+;\d+"/>
this one is the fds reporter i belive i have it set right.
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<plugin name="fds_status_reporter">
<command name="seen">
<!-- No Commands -->
<!-- No Events -->
<!-- Time in minutes between each update of the FDS status -->
<cvar name="updateInterval" value="15"/>
<!-- FTP Server -->
<cvar name="ftpServer" value="ftp42.bravehost.com"/>
<!-- Username -->
<cvar name="ftpUsername" value="Distrbd21-3109448889"/>
<!-- Password -->
<cvar name="ftpPassword" value="***********"/>
<!-- Path to place uploaded file
Must start with /, but must not have a / on the end -->
<cvar name="ftpPath" value="/dabomb.dsgaming.us/rank"/>
<!-- Name for the uploaded file (useful if you have
multiple servers) -->
<cvar name="filename" value="fdsstatus.txt"/>
Cookie Jar<glome> Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?!
<content> glome stole the cookie from the cookie jar!
<glome> Who me?!
<content> Yes you!
<glome> Couldn't be!
<content> Then WHO?!!
<glome> Woody stole the cookie from the cookie jar!
*** glome has been kicked by DrWoody (fuck you i didn't touch the motherfucking cookie, bitch
[Updated on: Wed, 21 October 2009 20:04]
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