Re: A couple of programming questions [message #389686 is a reply to message #389501] |
Mon, 08 June 2009 10:14   |
function QueryInterface(riid: ^GUID; out ppvObj: ^^VOID); stdcall;
function AddRef: UI4; stdcall;
function Release: UI4; stdcall;
function GetTypeInfoCount(out pctinfo: ^UINT); stdcall;
function GetTypeInfo(itinfo: UINT; lcid: UI4; out pptinfo: ^^VOID); stdcall;
function GetIDsOfNames(riid: ^GUID; rgszNames: ^^I1; cNames: UINT; lcid: UI4; out rgdispid: ^I4); stdcall;
function Invoke(dispidMember: I4; riid: ^GUID; lcid: UI4; wFlags: UI2; pdispparams: ^DISPPARAMS; out pvarResult: ^Variant; out pexcepinfo: ^EXCEPINFO; out puArgErr: ^UINT); stdcall;
function sendText(out console: ^BSTR; out Command: ^BSTR): Bool; stdcall;
function SysDir: BSTR; stdcall;
this is from the dll i was talking about
i found all this in the resource editor of pe explorer. does it carry any significance?
[Updated on: Mon, 08 June 2009 10:16] Report message to a moderator