I'm having problems with this code.
I want to make a command that arests a player and teleports it into a zone.
Zone id = 100054
Here is the code:
class jailChatCommand : public ChatCommandClass {
void Triggered(int ID,const TokenClass &Text,int ChatType) {
if (!Text[1].empty() ) {
int player = atoi(Text[1].c_str());
GameObject *obj = Get_GameObj(player);
int x = ?????????("100054");
GameObject *gotoObject = Commands->Find_Object(x);
Vector3 gotoLocation = Commands->Get_Position(gotoObject);
else {
Console_Input(StrFormat("ppage %d ERROR!",ID).c_str());
ChatCommandRegistrant<jailChatCommand> jailChatCommandReg("!jail",CHATTYPE_ALL,1,GAMEMODE_AOW);
I dont know what to put in the place where are the ???????.
Do any of you guys know what i could put there?
I got it from a script and it was Get_Int_Parameter but it is getting a error:
Quote: |
1>.\gmmain.cpp(3116) : error C3861: 'Get_Int_Parameter': identifier not found