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Aimbot 4 REAL!! [message #29752] |
Wed, 09 July 2003 10:30   |
Messages: 1012 Registered: February 2003 Location: England
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General (1 Star) |
sloppyjo |
Pippy007 |
bigwig992 | No aimbot. He was just good.
Bollox I know good and I know great, he was neither, I have been playing this game since the beginning and he was a n00b and I have only told half the stuff he was doing here as I knackered as it is now 3am. I am not putting this here to say "Hey.. mabye...." I am writing to tell you that there IS an aimbot and this guy was using it... I know probably the best couple of snipers on the Euro servers and what he was doing was unreal! so dont treat me like a n00b as what I am telling you is a FACT!!
Omfg I told you guys,Its the aimbot kab00m made.Im shure thell be more reports of an aimbot soon.Face it guys,There is something out there and once it goes public everyone will have it and renegade will be gay.
STFU renegade will never die,these people that try to make these things will only turn their renegade shite,face it,there is know aimbot out for renegade,and heres another thing,if there is such thing as these aimbots why has there never been screenies to prove it?
think about it child...

"It's a question of mind over matter, I don't mind and you don't fu*king matter"
Aimbot 4 REAL!! [message #29763] |
Wed, 09 July 2003 10:55   |
Messages: 7431 Registered: February 2003 Location: Phoenix, AZ
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General (5 Stars) ADMINISTRATOR |
Thanks PiMuRho... to add onto that... the OGC hook aimbot is OpenGL based while Renegade is not... therefore those who say the OGC hook could be slightly modified to work is talking from their ass.
I'm the bawss.
Aimbot 4 REAL!! [message #29770] |
Wed, 09 July 2003 11:09   |
Messages: 494 Registered: February 2003
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Commander |
Crimson | Thanks PiMuRho... to add onto that... the OGC hook aimbot is OpenGL based while Renegade is not... therefore those who say the OGC hook could be slightly modified to work is talking from their ass.
Yeah, I forgot to mention that bit 
I've seen numerous rumours that the new OGC works with Renegade, but the lack of OpenGL (or any external rendering DLLs) makes this useless.
Dev Diary
Aimbot 4 REAL!! [message #29924] |
Fri, 11 July 2003 02:04   |
Messages: 1039 Registered: February 2003
Karma: 0
General (1 Star) |
sadly... you all are clueless on this topic
it is possible, and i will NOT let out how it is done, but simple windows api programming will do the trick... seems WS didn't bother covering up every corner.
with all this talk, i decided... hell, lets see if it is even remotely possible to pull this talk off.
after about 20 minutes of easy programming, and 1 search on google for a "key" function, i had a semi-working aimbot.
now, thats 20 minutes, with about 3-4 hours, and say... some simple logic programming, i could have made serious death to anything in my reticle, tracked them, and then kept killing them.
so to all that think "hooking the opengl..." "just hook the window..." "Renegade blocks all this..." "well, its not really like that, you have to edit source code..." you are wrong.
im sorry to let you guys know this, but im not the only brain in the world that could easily find out how to do this, and im sorry to say, there is no custom skins, no bs textures, just standard Renegade, a small program, and a mouse. that is all it requires to have an aimbot in Renegade.
now, am i saying... "first one to get it rules the world?" no, i am simply implying that calling all these people idiots because it isn't possible should simply cease, but should NOT be the first resort to accuse of AIMBot... there are good players, there are elite players, there are cheaters... plain and simple.
Aimbot 4 REAL!! [message #29927] |
Fri, 11 July 2003 02:11   |
Messages: 1039 Registered: February 2003
Karma: 0
General (1 Star) |
#1. DONOT IM, PM, EMAIL me for this application, i will not give it to you. and will most likely spam your name across the community for being a potential cheater.
#2. DONOT IM, PM, EMAIL me to ask how i did it, for a screenshot, or anything related to what or how it works. i will do the same above in most cases.
#3. Refer to #1 and #2
this is serious, and i am terribly sorry to bring this public, but it must be known to everyone that it is possible. i suggest possibly moderating your servers a bit closer, but don't kick the elite player, only kick the cheaters & record there names (only AFTER you can confirm this somehow)
clues people are using an aimbot...
#1. good skill, low rank; these guys are brand new people, but play like they have played since the day they where born.
#2. play one game, never see the nick again, although they owned the entire team, and got over 100 kills on a non sniper 36 player server with good players on it.
#3. engineers everywhere... engineer is a versatile character, in the hands of an aimbot or even a clickbot, the engineer is one of the most lethal.
just some comments...
Aimbot 4 REAL!! [message #29935] |
Fri, 11 July 2003 05:38   |
Messages: 3322 Registered: February 2003 Location: Phoenix, AZ
Karma: 0
General (3 Stars) Administrator/General |

Nobody ever said an aimbot is not possible, simply that a fully working one for renegade does not exist. Many people are using the deathadder clickbot and the OGCbot (also a clickbot). They don't even try to hide the fact anymore as they release screenshots that show they are using infantry skins with blue or purple heads.
I find snipers (even cheating clickbot-using ones) to be nothing more than a mild annoyance in normal games. Of course in a sniper-only server a clickbot user can wreak some havoc (no pun intended), but as I have pointed out many many times, Renegade is not about sniping. Even if you had an "anything-I-look-at-instantly-dies" bot, you might get a lot of kills but your team will most probably still lose unless they actually have their shit together.
An aimbot isn't going to stop the APC full of techs headed to your base, and aimbot isnt going to disarm that beacon on your pedestal, an aimbot isn't going to protect you from that stealth tank running you over.
If you want to be a pussy, use an aimbot.
If you don't want to be a team player and brag about getting 100 kills of basic infantry, use an aimbot.
If you want to get bored of Renegade really fast, use an aimbot.
As I said if worst comes to worst, I can and will create a punk-buster type client/server application that will disallow all skins and fingerprinted programs in memory.
Don't fear the aimbotters...just laugh at them for they are weak.
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http://www.n00bstories.com | Crimson is the 0wnage, and I Love her!
Aimbot 4 REAL!! [message #29943] |
Fri, 11 July 2003 05:51   |
Messages: 205 Registered: June 2003 Location: Im going to a place where...
Karma: 0
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Blazer | Nobody ever said an aimbot is not possible, simply that a fully working one for renegade does not exist. Many people are using the deathadder clickbot and the OGCbot (also a clickbot). They don't even try to hide the fact anymore as they release screenshots that show they are using infantry skins with blue or purple heads.
I find snipers (even cheating clickbot-using ones) to be nothing more than a mild annoyance in normal games. Of course in a sniper-only server a clickbot user can wreak some havoc (no pun intended), but as I have pointed out many many times, Renegade is not about sniping. Even if you had an "anything-I-look-at-instantly-dies" bot, you might get a lot of kills but your team will most probably still lose unless they actually have their shit together.
An aimbot isn't going to stop the APC full of techs headed to your base, and aimbot isnt going to disarm that beacon on your pedestal, an aimbot isn't going to protect you from that stealth tank running you over.
If you want to be a pussy, use an aimbot.
If you don't want to be a team player and brag about getting 100 kills of basic infantry, use an aimbot.
If you want to get bored of Renegade really fast, use an aimbot.
As I said if worst comes to worst, I can and will create a punk-buster type client/server application that will disallow all skins and fingerprinted programs in memory.
Don't fear the aimbotters...just laugh at them for they are weak.

Come and register!
Online Info
WOL Nickname: Laser555
Gamespy Nickname: MI6
E mail: Tha_funmaker@hotmail.com
Known as Havoc on N00bstories.com and the N00bstories forum.
Known as Havoc or Havoc_elite on most popular chat sites.
Re: Aimbot 4 REAL!! [message #29944] |
Fri, 11 July 2003 06:11   |
Messages: 640 Registered: February 2003
Karma: 0
Colonel |
Pippy007 | Now, we have all heard the n00bs shouting, aimbot, aimbot.... But I now know that there is in fact a aimbot of some sort. Most regular renegade players on the Euro server will possibly know myself Pippy007 or my servers Pippy008, Pippy009 (Must apologise for the lag over the recent months, damn NTL crap cable company, going back too ADSL soon).
Anyway, myself and several others were starting to get suss about this one guy (OLi0LLi0L at a glance it looks like 011011101) Just checked his stats actually and in 21 games he has 701 kills which is an average of 35 kills per game, not that high but its very high for an average. The games we were in he was getting 50+ kills in just a short 30 min game (btw not sniper games, normal games on the server4cc server) As a basic soldier I watched him take out a sniper SBH (CLOAKED! and too far away for him to see him) and a Ravenshaw all as a basic soldier?? Every shot was a headshot and then he became a sniper on the next game and as soon as he saw someone that was it they were dead and of all the sniper games I have been in and played with various excellent snipers, NONE were as quick as this guy. There was myself, topcat49K, geeti, loopyuk, zephillius and several others telling this guy to either leave or stop cheating, but he never said a word, just carried on cheating. It didnt matter what character he was he would get straight kills ALL the time...
So watch out for this guy and any others as this is really gonna ruin renegade.

You stupid n00bs, SHUT UP!
Aimbot 4 REAL!! [message #30068] |
Sat, 12 July 2003 09:53   |
Messages: 4 Registered: February 2003
Karma: 0
Recruit |
Dante | sadly... you all are clueless on this topic
it is possible, and i will NOT let out how it is done, but simple windows api programming will do the trick... seems WS didn't bother covering up every corner.
with all this talk, i decided... hell, lets see if it is even remotely possible to pull this talk off.
after about 20 minutes of easy programming, and 1 search on google for a "key" function, i had a semi-working aimbot.
now, thats 20 minutes, with about 3-4 hours, and say... some simple logic programming, i could have made serious death to anything in my reticle, tracked them, and then kept killing them.
so to all that think "hooking the opengl..." "just hook the window..." "Renegade blocks all this..." "well, its not really like that, you have to edit source code..." you are wrong.
im sorry to let you guys know this, but im not the only brain in the world that could easily find out how to do this, and im sorry to say, there is no custom skins, no bs textures, just standard Renegade, a small program, and a mouse. that is all it requires to have an aimbot in Renegade.
now, am i saying... "first one to get it rules the world?" no, i am simply implying that calling all these people idiots because it isn't possible should simply cease, but should NOT be the first resort to accuse of AIMBot... there are good players, there are elite players, there are cheaters... plain and simple.
WAY TO GO DANTE!!!! Maybe now people will start to listen and work to fix this problem! And yes Blazer, I DO REMEMBER YOU SAYING IT WASN"T POSSIBLE, I THINK THE WORDS included something to the effect anyone that says a aimbot exists is a n00b. You had many followers standing by your side talking out of all your asses ripping on people that didn't share your intellectually chalanged opinions.
Under other names I have tried MANY BOTS, some work poorly and a good sniper can do better even on a bad day, BUT THERE ARE SOME EXCEPTIONAL ONES. It was a lot of searching news groups to find them and
it takes a lot of effort to get them set up and pointing to the right files since I'm just not that well versed in reading the manuals since they are in German.
Why was I concerned about this? Just like Death Adder (made the bot for CS), he did it to bring awareness to the community. If there is awareness that IT IS A REAL POSSIBILITY, then perhaps people would work on the means to stop them. Because until it happens, you'll see more of what I've been able to do with various names in testing, pop in a server and get super high scores with no effort. I would like to play in servers that I KNOW ARE CHEAT FREE.
Oh and I have been in AOW games. True I can't hurt a tank or apc, but OH CAN I HURT THOSE TRYING TO FIX THEM OR AS PEOPLE RUN TO GET IN THEM. This is a problem that plagues more than just sniper servers.
One major drawback that I have seen, although they do work in laddered servers, at times the program will become unstable and boot you out of Renegade. You then have to wait for WOL to release your name before you can log back in.
Like Dante said, DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT ASKING ME FOR IT, HELL WILL FREEZE OVER BEFORE I GIVE IT OUT. I'm fed up with a lot of the so called "LEADERS" of the community. All but a couple have belittled people at every mention of an aimbot and any comment that differed from their own. I WILL NOT HELP YOU. If it wasn't for the majority of the people out there being good and fun to play with, I'd post the info I found to every site I could find. I don't need to prove that I have one. I don't need it in a game, but if I want to rape the players in the game, I can really do it with out hardly trying. Why don't you prove I don't have one, or that it's not possible. Like Dante said, he made one with out putting a ot of effort into it. I just found one that already existed, just in German though.
I'm not about to give it to people with no integrity and will use it just to win. TRY PRACTICE FOR THAT! What is the difference in me using the bot or not using it? I average 20-35 kills without bot, with bot I average 80-100 kills, and this can be done in a 30 min game sniper or AOW.
Aimbot 4 REAL!! [message #30069] |
Sat, 12 July 2003 09:56   |
Messages: 4 Registered: February 2003
Karma: 0
Recruit |
oh, don't plan on me coming to your ded servers. I will not make myself a target to packet attacks by giving you my IP, so don't even waste yours or my time by inviting me.
As I said, I have many names and go in and get out. And I stay away from servers that run BR so there is no constant log running.
See you :twisted:
Aimbot 4 REAL!! [message #30100] |
Sat, 12 July 2003 12:07   |
Messages: 3322 Registered: February 2003 Location: Phoenix, AZ
Karma: 0
General (3 Stars) Administrator/General |

Argus, I have never ever said an aimbot was impossible to make. I simply said that a 100% working aimbot for Renegade does not exist. And I still stand by that claim. You can spout off about all the clickbots that your google search turned up all you want, but you still won't succeed in your goal of scaring everyone away from playing Renegade.
I think its pretty pathetic that you did a google search and downloaded some clickbot, and then proceed to say that "like dante, don't ask me for it...", like you have something special. Good job making yourself look like an ass.
Oh and...
Quote: | As I said, I have many names and go in and get out. And I stay away from servers that run BR so there is no constant log running.
See you :twisted:
ALL servers have a constant log. It's not BR that makes the log, its Renegade itself. So ANY server you join your IP is logged to the renlog.txt. Too bad you can't play via a UDP proxy, so you can be a coward and hide like you did posting here via a proxy. You sir, are a joke. Grow some balls and state your opinion without hiding. FFS we are just talking about aimbots here, not drugs or anything illegal.
http://www.renevo.com | 
http://strike-team.net/forums/ | XWIS Forums
http://www.n00bstories.com | Crimson is the 0wnage, and I Love her!
Aimbot 4 REAL!! [message #30114] |
Sat, 12 July 2003 13:03   |
Messages: 494 Registered: February 2003
Karma: 0
Commander |
Quote: | Why was I concerned about this? Just like Death Adder (made the bot for CS), he did it to bring awareness to the community.
Bullshit. If that's the case, then why release it to the public? Take screenshota, make a video to prove your point. Releasing it only has one effect - to cause disruption. There are no altruistic motives.
Dev Diary
Aimbot 4 REAL!! [message #30126] |
Sat, 12 July 2003 14:41   |
Messages: 382 Registered: February 2003 Location: Good old England
Karma: 0
Commander |
There is another way that needs no major program, most of them can be dl for free if you know what your looking for. Some of them cost alot of money, others nothing, you don’t need an aimbot or a clickbot and only need to know how to edit a single file.
I saw my girlfriend using it on halflife (not the online versions but the single player game) And then I remembered some of the threads on these forums, and how it was almost impossible to make an aimbot.
And it took me only a few seconds to figure it out. I had seen it a hundred times and not realized it was there.
It was sad really.
It took only 10 minutes to get it working on my machine. All I had to do was edit a single file.
I don’t play ren much any more, its getting hard to move the mouse, but I imagine any one using this would have a big advantage over any one else.
I would post a screeny, but it gives it all away.
I have always prided my self as being able to contribute to my side even though I am at a major disadvantage, using what ever skill and movement I have at the time. But with this I found it easy to aim, and shoot.
A level playing feild for some, a big advantage for others.
Yossarian Lives
Aimbot 4 REAL!! [message #30187] |
Sun, 13 July 2003 03:21   |
Messages: 65 Registered: March 2003
Karma: 0
Recruit |
FFS people, what is so hard to grasp about the concept that a program will home in on a color? I've had a working one myself, and it was a good long time ago. Back when WSE first released the death adder program, people said it was junk, but people did not realize that they needed coustomized skins. Me and a friend tried it out, and he made us some pink skins, and behold, it worked. This was back in October. And I just cant help but want to reach out and slap these people who just keep thinking that it is not possable.
They are out there, but dont go calling everybody a aimbotter just because of that, I mean, ask for a screen shot first.
I am too tired to write on, but you get the idea
Aimbot 4 REAL!! [message #30922] |
Sun, 13 July 2003 19:12   |
Messages: 47 Registered: February 2003
Karma: 0
Recruit |
Okay, I am convinced an aimbot exists... somewhere. But isn't there a way to stop it? Renegade will fall if there is no way to stop this...
Renegade is a team based game... not a Rambo style game. For without teamwork, non shall be accomplished.
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