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Schiavo Situation [message #145726] |
Fri, 25 March 2005 19:56  |
Messages: 1943 Registered: February 2003 Location: Canada, eh?
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General (1 Star) |

I am fairly sure that most have you have been following this situation from time to time over the last week or so.
In case you haven't, you can view the entire story here.
Should she live, or should she die?

Sniper Extraordinaire
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Schiavo Situation [message #145728] |
Fri, 25 March 2005 20:35   |
Messages: 1144 Registered: February 2003 Location: Moved a long time ago (it...
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Let her body rest in peace. Her soul has already left us.
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Schiavo Situation [message #145733] |
Fri, 25 March 2005 20:58   |
Messages: 1756 Registered: November 2003
Karma: 0
General (1 Star) |
Terri Shiavo has been braindead for over a decade. The pretend rumor that she hasn't is a lie perpetuated by Republicans in the media in an effort to create yet another wedge issue of morality. What they, and Terri's family have done, is rob the husband of an incredible sum of money keeping a body without a brain on life support. The vast majority of the brain, including the parts governing higher thought processes, has been replaced by cerebral spinal fluid. The video tapes CNN and FOX show of her muscles twitching exist because muscles twitch. Terri Schiavo not being dead is scientifically impossible, and no miracle will come around to save her now.
Letting the body die from lack of sustenance is not morally wrong to me, since there is no brain to suffer from it. Even if there were, she's under so many drugs she would feel nothing anyways.
"To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public." -- Theodore Roosevelt (1918)
"The danger to political dissent is acute where the Government attempts to act under so vague a concept as the power to protect "domestic security." Given the difficulty of defining the domestic security interest, the danger of abuse in acting to protect that interest becomes apparent. --U.S. Supreme Court decision (407 U.S. 297 (1972)
The Liberal Media At Work
An objective look at media partisanship
Schiavo Situation [message #145735] |
Fri, 25 March 2005 21:36   |
Messages: 1943 Registered: February 2003 Location: Canada, eh?
Karma: 0
General (1 Star) |

The legal argument at this point is merely a tossing of words between two sides who cannot defend their case. The husband says that she spoke with him regarding this issue (without documentation) over a decade ago. Conversely, the parents obviously contend this with their own asperations of what Terri would want. This means that the legal debate must go into the realm of what makes more sense, as no more than circumstantial evidence can be presented.
An interesting thing to note is that there is absolutely no logical basis behind the death decision. Doctors call this woman braindead, and she very well may be. However, her body continues to function to a certain degree. Aside from the fact that the brain is required to control the body in the first place, there is absolutely no scientific evidence to say that Terri's consciousness is in fact dead.
In fact, to date there is no evidence to support a definate region of the brain where self-awareness takes place. We have general ideas, we know what can affect it in a peer-to-peer scale (talking, emotions, communication), but we do not know where this originates. Therefore, the purpose of this judgement is to determine the fate of that which all thought originates.
That being said, it is no more logical to kill a "brainlive" person than a "braindead" person, as there is no more definable proof that the actual person is dead outside the lack of communication in a tangable way. In essence, someone with Down's Syndrome isn't killed because that person can still speak, learn, and think in a fashion that tells others that he can in the first place. The only difference that we can actually tell with Terri is that she cannot do it in a way we can understand.
Does that constatute killing her and not a child with Down's Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy... or even a kid who is completely normal?
The logic isn't there, so lets hope they can figure it out in time.

Sniper Extraordinaire
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Schiavo Situation [message #145737] |
Fri, 25 March 2005 22:34   |
Messages: 827 Registered: September 2003 Location: Atlanta, GA
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Colonel |
SuperFlyingEngi | Terri Shiavo has been braindead for over a decade. The pretend rumor that she hasn't is a lie perpetuated by Republicans in the media in an effort to create yet another wedge issue of morality.
"The Republican-controlled media is spreading lies about this woman!"
I'm not surprised to hear that coming from you.
Those evil Republicans and their "morals"; how dare they try to save this woman's life!
Do us all a favor and stop talking.
Quote: | What they, and Terri's family have done, is rob the husband of an incredible sum of money keeping a body without a brain on life support.
You call having only a single feeding tube and probably a catheder (screw spelling) to collect body waste full-blown life support?
You must not have ever seen anyone in the ICU in the hospital, or you'd know what true life support is; this woman is not on full-blown life support.
Had her husband allowed it, she might have been rehabilitated to the point of feeding herself.
Quote: | The vast majority of the brain, including the parts governing higher thought processes, has been replaced by cerebral spinal fluid. The video tapes CNN and FOX show of her muscles twitching exist because muscles twitch. Terri Schiavo not being dead is scientifically impossible, and no miracle will come around to save her now.
So you call her watching and following a balloon held over her head a simple twitching of her eye muscles that just happen to correspond to the movement of the balloon? How about when she smiles when people she recognizes walk into the room? Is that just a simple twitching of muscles?
Quote: | Letting the body die from lack of sustenance is not morally wrong to me
That's because Hitlery Clinton won't allow you to have any morals.
Quote: | since there is no brain to suffer from it. Even if there were, she's under so many drugs she would feel nothing anyways.
To my knowledge, they haven't given her any painkillers since they believe her to be unconcious and not suffering.
No brain to suffer from it? What is it, then, that keeps her heart beating; that keeps her lungs breathing; that keeps her kidneys functioning? What is it that makes her smile when her parents enter the room? What is it that makes her make signals that obviously mean, "No," when asked if she wants her feeding tube removed?
Why do you support the murder of this woman?
Walter Keith Koester: September 22, 1962 - March 15, 2005
God be with you, Uncle Wally.
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Schiavo Situation [message #145740] |
Fri, 25 March 2005 22:59   |
Messages: 1989 Registered: September 2003 Location: LOS ANGELES
Karma: 0
General (1 Star) |
cowmisfit | She should live.
I've been following this really really closely reading about it and everything. Watching / Reading coverage from both sides of the media and just the family view points as well. I have quite a few reasons why i think she should live but im tired and dont' want to type them right now.
My biggest problem though is starving a woman to death. Thats wrong no matter how you put it. Prisinors (Spelt wrong prob) die more peaceful than that. If that was a dog we were starving to death im sure the PETA and all these other groups would be all over it calling for the people doing it to be thrown in jail.
I was wondering were a topic was about this.
I think she should die. But I was thinking along the same lines as you about them starving her to death. That is just barbaric. Lethal injection is quick and painless. I mean, the needle of a Lethal injection is sterilized before use to reduce discomfort. I hear she can't even feel any pain and that she doesn't know that she is being starved, but it is still barbaric.
You lot should check out the video for One by Metallica http://launch.yahoo.com
It covers exactly this topic.

Quote: |
Quote from IRC
<[Digital]> get man_fucking_a_car.mpg
<[Digital]> ah fuck wrong window
Schiavo Situation [message #145741] |
Fri, 25 March 2005 23:01   |
...She doesn't feel pain.
Quote: | No brain to suffer from it? What is it, then, that keeps her heart beating; that keeps her lungs breathing; that keeps her kidneys functioning? What is it that makes her smile when her parents enter the room? What is it that makes her make signals that obviously mean, "No," when asked if she wants her feeding tube removed?
She has a brain, but it's in a neurovegetative state.
By neurovegetative state, I mean that only her vegetative nervous system is working, this system regulates all invonluntary body activity.
Quote: | So you call her watching and following a balloon held over her head a simple twitching of her eye muscles that just happen to correspond to the movement of the balloon? How about when she smiles when people she recognizes walk into the room? Is that just a simple twitching of muscles?
Where the hell are you getting this from?
I suck cock and love it... absolutely love it. And I just got banned for being too immature to be allowed to post here.
Schiavo Situation [message #145748] |
Fri, 25 March 2005 23:38   |
Messages: 6507 Registered: March 2003 Location: Jackson, Michigan
Karma: 0
General (5 Stars) |

She's not a fucking vegetable. She smiles, and she responds to movement. That's not what I call being brain dead. I honestly think that she has more activity in her brain than most liberals do, and they're not considered brain dead (Yes, I know it's rhetoric, but I felt that this was a perfect time to insert it no matter how incorrect it may be, so fuck off anybody who wants to bitch at me for this comment).
The husband has a girlfriend with two kids from that girlfriend, he just wants his wife to be out of the way, collect the money from her death, and then live happily ever after with his girlfriend. Sure, he hasn't come out and said that, but who can deny that being a motive?
Now, let's say she IS brain dead, starving the woman is horrible. It's a slow process, and just wrong. I just can't see how letting this woman starve is even an option.
I swear, this world gets stupider and stupider by the fucking day. Next week animals will be put in front of humans in importance and we'll all be eating out of dog dishes because some "revolutionary" "thinkers" decide that it'd be a great way to support our pets and whatnot bullshit.
Schiavo Situation [message #145751] |
Sat, 26 March 2005 00:29   |
Messages: 1989 Registered: September 2003 Location: LOS ANGELES
Karma: 0
General (1 Star) |
Aircraftkiller a.k.a. ACK | One does not cover the topic. One is about a soldier that lost his arms, his legs, was blinded, deafened, and cannot speak. Terri can see, she can hear, and she can move somewhat.
She can move?
She can hear alright, but it doesn't really make a difference seeing as she can't communicate...
That soldier and Terri ended up in a very similar situation...
Anyway I had no clue that she could move at all...

Quote: |
Quote from IRC
<[Digital]> get man_fucking_a_car.mpg
<[Digital]> ah fuck wrong window
Schiavo Situation [message #145752] |
Sat, 26 March 2005 00:36   |
j_ball430 | She's not a fucking vegetable. She smiles, and she responds to movement. That's not what I call being brain dead. I honestly think that she has more activity in her brain than most liberals do, and they're not considered brain dead (Yes, I know it's rhetoric, but I felt that this was a perfect time to insert it no matter how incorrect it may be, so fuck off anybody who wants to bitch at me for this comment).
LOL, I never said she was a vegetable.
I can tell you've made that statement based on the overplayed clip of her "reacting" to her surroundings...
j_ball430 |
The husband has a girlfriend with two kids from that girlfriend, he just wants his wife to be out of the way, collect the money from her death, and then live happily ever after with his girlfriend. Sure, he hasn't come out and said that, but who can deny that being a motive?
How exactly his she been in his way?
Remember, 20 Courts agreed with the man.
The only reason why they're unplugging her in the first place is because euthanasia on human beings is illegal.
I suck cock and love it... absolutely love it. And I just got banned for being too immature to be allowed to post here.
Schiavo Situation [message #145762] |
Sat, 26 March 2005 04:48   |
Messages: 1756 Registered: November 2003
Karma: 0
General (1 Star) |
This is Terri Schiavo's brain. Note hole in middle. The reason her muscles involuntarily twitch and she has reaction is because the small part of the brain at the base of the spinal cord is still intact. It is infact impossible that she has higher brain functions.
And Hydra, have you actually watched the major media on this? They bring on a bunch of fake "medical professionals" like their "Nobel Prize Nominee" [There is no such thing] and then run series about how people recovered from comas. [Different medical condition entirely]
And hey, I just heard that someone in North Carolina got rolled up by the police this morning for posting a bounty on both Michael Schiavo's head, and Judge Grier's.
"To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public." -- Theodore Roosevelt (1918)
"The danger to political dissent is acute where the Government attempts to act under so vague a concept as the power to protect "domestic security." Given the difficulty of defining the domestic security interest, the danger of abuse in acting to protect that interest becomes apparent. --U.S. Supreme Court decision (407 U.S. 297 (1972)
The Liberal Media At Work
An objective look at media partisanship
Schiavo Situation [message #145780] |
Sat, 26 March 2005 08:59   |
Messages: 663 Registered: March 2003 Location: Montana
Karma: 0
Colonel |
Javaxcx |
Can someone please give a logical reason to kill her off that doesn't include the irrelevant statement of "I wouldn't want to live that way".
It seems sort of obvious to me, that Michael has convinced a trial judge, an appeals judge, the supreme court of Florida, a Federal judge and a Federal appeals judge... that Terri didn't want to live that way; it has nothing to do with I
Of course, I haven't read all those court transcripts.. but regardless of all the "evidence" that each side is pulling out of their ass these days, can someone please provide me with a logical reason to believe over seven judges at the state and federal level have erred, or are for some reason biased?
Schiavo Situation [message #145785] |
Sat, 26 March 2005 09:45   |
Renx | "I want her to die in peace, so lets starve her to death!"
Quote: | euthanasia on human beings is illegal.
I suck cock and love it... absolutely love it. And I just got banned for being too immature to be allowed to post here.
Schiavo Situation [message #145790] |
Sat, 26 March 2005 10:18   |
Messages: 663 Registered: March 2003 Location: Montana
Karma: 0
Colonel |
Nodbugger | Breathing is not an involuntary action.
actually, it's both.
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