Brenbot 1.40 not reporting to gsa [message #123626] |
Thu, 02 December 2004 14:29  |
Messages: 43 Registered: September 2004
Recruit |
Ok I got a couple of problems after installing the SS-CP1 win 32 update onto a fresh FDS install i did not install anything else.
#1 brenbot does not seem to be sending the game to GSA
#2 On the map under non of the base defences seem to be working obe/agt turrets but are all destroyable.
#3 No matter what I set the second map to be about 15 minutes into the game, the server restarts itself without any error message.
#4 error in brenbot startup ; server:error 11004 creating socket: unknown error.
Here is my info

#--Start Configuration-IRC-----------------------------------------------------------------
# Edit the information below for your setup.
# At least edit BotName and IrcChannel.
BotName = br4
BotFullName = BlazeRegulator/BRenBot 1.36 Win32
IrcServer =
IrcPort = 6667
IrcChannel = #geeclanbrenbot
# Enable auth via "Q" or "Nickserv" below. Sample input is shown.
Qauth = 0
Qusername = RenBot01
Qpassword = mypassword
# Note for Nickserv auth you give the name of nickserv and the full ident string as example
Nickservauth = 1
Nickservname = Nickserv
Nickservauth = identify br4 ******
#--Windows or Linux-----------------------------------------------------------------------
# BotMode MUST be "WIN32" for windows servers, or "LFDS" for Linux servers.
BotMode = WIN32
#--Remote Admin Settings------------------------------------------------------------------
# The next 3 lines should be the same info that is in your server.ini
# Note: Although it says "Linux" its the same for Win32 
RenRemLinuxHost =
RenRemLinuxPort = 5000
RenRemLinuxPassword = ********
#--FDS Installation-----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Verify these paths are correct with your Renegade installation.
# Note: FDSLogFilePath must end with the trailing slash (as example below)!!
# Note: Linux users use forward slashes (/) in your paths.
FDSConfigFile = C:\Westwood\RenegadeFDS\Server\Data\svrcfg_cnc.ini
FDSLogFilePath = C:\Westwood\RenegadeFDS\Server\
#--Miscellaneous Settings-----------------------------------------------------------------
# Every x minutes the bot will announce a random line from AutoAnnounceFile.
AutoAnnounceInterval = 600
# LadderLookup currently not working. Do not turn it on or it will hang the bot.
EnableLadderLookup = 0
# Set this to 0 or anything but 1 to disable voting.
VotingEnabled = 1
# How long people get to place votes. Default here is 60 seconds.
VotingPeriod = 60
# Set vehicle kick to 1 for Sniper servers
VehicleKick = 0
#--BR Configuration Files----------------------------------------------------------------
# BR Config Files - You shouldn't have to change these names. You can still open them with notepad.
AutoAnnounceFile = autoannounce.brf
Messagesfile = messages.brf
AdminsFile = admins.brf
MastersFile = masters.brf
KickLogFile = kicklog.brf
BanLogfile = banlog.brf
# Generate_Gamespy_Queries = 1
# Generate independant gamespy queries, instead of quering the orginal GSA UDP Query
# handler. In WOL Mode, you don't have one.
# GameSpyQueryPort = 23500
# The query handler listens on this port
# Broadcast_Server_To_Gamespy = 1
# Broadcast the query handler to gamespy.
# If you enable this, YOU NEED TO SET "GameSpyQueryPort=<value>" in server.ini to 0!!!!
# Gamelog / Donate Settings
# Donate is tied to gamelog, because bhs.dll causes to crash the fds, when a player
# tries to donate to a player, which has not loaded the game yet. with gamelog, brenbot
# can find out, if a player has loaded the map. you can disable it here.
# Seperate_Donate_From_Gamelog = 1
# Delete gamelog files instead of archiving it. Normally, brenbot archives it.
# Delete_Gamelog_Files = 1
#--End Configuration--------------------------------
Config = svrcfg_cnc.ini
GameType = WOL
Nickname = ********
Password = ********
Serial = 06694513*************
LoginServer =
Port = 0
GameSpyGamePort = 4848
GameSpyQueryPort = 0
BandwidthUp = 0
NetUpdateRate = 10
AllowRemoteAdmin = true
RemoteAdminPassword =********
RemoteAdminIP =
RemoteAdminPort =5000
I am going back to brenbot 1.36RC3 for now, but I would really like to get 1.40 working for all the new features and asides from the problems I've had so far it seems to use a lot less CPU than previous versions.
Thanx for anyone who can shade some light on this.
P.S. I have tried a complete server reboot for the socket error and that does not help.