Tiberium Sun Mod Question(guys who are making this PLZ read) [message #-999978] |
Mon, 04 March 2002 06:13  |
alright alright...i got a couple Q's... #1---For the NOD and GDI Light Infantry...your going to make it like the pics right???...cuz the light infantry for both look SWEET as crap...if u need pics of what i am talking about i will get them..but i'm sure all know what infantry i am talking about #2---Also...for the Cyborg Commando and Ghost Stalker...will the blasts be like the 1000 guys on Renegade?...cuz if its any weaker or stronger i'd be *** or too powerful [b]#3---i know someone already asked..but are u going to do the full Orca series? Orca Fighter Orca Bomber Carryall [b]#4---Last Q..will u be making any new units? just going by the regular ones would be cool..but some NEW units would be pretty nice too ya know?..like maybe a new air vehicle for NOD or something..i just think it would add more touch to get some new units in there.. ok well i guess this is pretty long so i'm going to shutup now..thankx for your time guys
Tiberium Sun Mod Question(guys who are making this PLZ read) [message #-999972] |
Mon, 04 March 2002 23:16   |
@Spartan, i think you mean the ts models which i 've posted here ? hmm some answers to your questions : @3:we are making he whole orca series:
Orca Fighter Orca Bomber and the CarryAll the Orca Bomber is in work at the moment @4 : i think so(also some new buildings) @1 : we will make the light infantry like the ones in the movies.... to the campaigns : we make a new story (after or befor TS) ... first we will make a Nod Campaign , and maybe sometimes later we will release a GDI Campaign too 
Tiberium Sun Mod Question(guys who are making this PLZ read) [message #-999967] |
Wed, 06 March 2002 17:40   |
personally i think a firestorm mod would be a waste of time <=O\...i didn't like it cuz i usually play as NOD..and when i have 30 cyborg Reapers...i went to attack and all their stupif ****ing rockets hit each other and they all died in 5 seconds!@!!!! they are *** ***s!!!..lol...it wasn't a pretty site =O(
Tiberium Sun Mod Question(guys who are making this PLZ read) [message #-999964] |
Fri, 08 March 2002 13:50   |
Reapers are very strong to the cost of accuracy. Only an idiot would mass and send them as a large pack. Split em up and attack from multiple direction, or send groups one by one, alternating once the attacking group takes too much damage. When they blow up they leave quite of tiberium, so use that to heal at least 1-2 other Reaps. Hard to use, but great power.
Tiberium Sun Mod Question(guys who are making this PLZ read) [message #-999962] |
Sat, 09 March 2002 09:04   |
Dude, I was thinking about making a Tiberian Sun Mod too. But do you realize that Titans would have to be huge? And, Maybe you guys should re-model the buildings too. I also wouldn't mind being a bet tester for the mod also. [ March 09, 2002: Message edited by: xXSoul_SlayerXx ]
Tiberium Sun Mod Question(guys who are making this PLZ read) [message #-999959] |
Sat, 09 March 2002 11:11   |
They are big, but I wouldn't say very big. Just like the mammoth, they would give a shock the first time you saw them in action. What I'd like is to see the MMk2 attacking a base. But more importantly, if it would be possible to have more than 2 persons having control of the weapons (Driver, Dual Rail Guns, Dual Machine Guns, Dual Rocket Launcher).
Tiberium Sun Mod Question(guys who are making this PLZ read) [message #-999954] |
Sun, 10 March 2002 01:07   |
I myself was toying with a TS mod 2 things u cant do tho are subterrainean units which is a good thing and the tick deploy would probably be impossible to do considering the limitations of the Engine and gameplay reasons. Still i might do some models soon. Just a few things to consider. also infantry there isnt enough infantry types to fill all the positions and limiting it would be a waste so creative thinking is in order.