Nod and GDI Recon Bikes... [message #-999795] |
Wed, 13 March 2002 12:04  |
well since everyone is saying they want recon bikes...i was thinking it would be kinda cool to drive one right? wel i was looking through some wallpapers and saw a pic of a good bike, but for i've decided to make an add on mod for Renegade that gives NOD and GDI 2 different bikes, so now all u GDI people can't say it will inbalance the game =OP..i've already almost completed the GDI bike..and will be redoing the Renegade bike to look more like the Tiberium Sun bike..cuz we all know that one looks alot cooler ^_^...this mod should be done pretty soon..if the tools come out this week..expect it done by this weekend or middle of next week..
Nod and GDI Recon Bikes... [message #-999793] |
Thu, 14 March 2002 04:50   |
Not a bad idea, but also give NOD the SSM and think of something new to give GDI. Let NOD keep it's current bike skin and give GDI a new one.
Nod and GDI Recon Bikes... [message #-999792] |
Thu, 14 March 2002 17:25   |
i don't care if its Tiberium Sun or Tiberian doesn't matter and u guys KNOW what i am talking plz don't be a smart ass and correct my english by 3 or 4 letters..anyway...i really don't like the current Nod Cike =O\..but if u guys reeeeeeeally want that one i will give it "2" skins so-to-say...different models but the same thing
Nod and GDI Recon Bikes... [message #-999791] |
Thu, 14 March 2002 07:36   |
heres an Early beta pic of the GDI Bike..along with the pictures i took off of, thankx to Proclone for those pics(Proclone if u see this...i did post to ask if i could use your pic as a model for my mod, but u never saw so i wanted to make it..and i'll include u in the credits thanking u for the design of the bike) GDI Bike
Nod and GDI Recon Bikes... [message #-999790] |
Thu, 14 March 2002 07:38   |
also note that that model is my first ever attempt at modeling even though i DO WELCOME CRITISIZM...plz don't tell me it sucks =O)
Nod and GDI Recon Bikes... [message #-999789] |
Thu, 14 March 2002 07:50   |
it looks like a weiner mobile. anyway, it needs to be skinny in the middle, and fat at the ends. Right now it looks like a tube. the shiny glass cockpit is done well though.
Nod and GDI Recon Bikes... [message #-999788] |
Thu, 14 March 2002 07:54   |
Yah looks kinda like a shoe atm, but a good start, mostly need to thin the middle (alot) and front, and if your up. to it maybe add those tube thingies to the side. By the way, if you look at the original picture the GDI Bike is Really a Trike and has 2 wheels in the back and 1 in the front.
Nod and GDI Recon Bikes... [message #-999787] |
Thu, 14 March 2002 08:06   |
thankx guys..and Raptor i know...but it seems to me..driving a 3 wheeled vehicle would be pretty *** driving a tank...and i thought it would be better to make it a bike..and i'm not going to make it EXACTLY like the pic..but pretty thankx for info guys =O)
Nod and GDI Recon Bikes... [message #-999786] |
Thu, 14 March 2002 09:55   |
grr..the TS NOD Cycle is too advanced for me...if ANYONE WHO CAN MODEL would like to help me make it plz talk to me through this or my aim name ZeroX393 thankx
Nod and GDI Recon Bikes... [message #-999784] |
Thu, 14 March 2002 10:07   |
argh............ok..*trys to calm down* This is a Renegade Mod...i am making it so both GDI and NOD have Recon Bikes...i was looking through Proclones wallpapers and saw those bikes...i decided to make the mod from those pictures...if the pics came from Dune it doesn't matter...i am making that the GDI Recon Bike...and the TS Noc Cycle the Recon Bike for Nod.......get it yet?
Nod and GDI Recon Bikes... [message #-999783] |
Thu, 14 March 2002 10:18   |
well i dont know about these other guys but i say that it lookis like its gana be a kick ass bike but having Mguns on the top would kinda make it like a speedy humvee or nod buggy may i suggest rockets or even a laser
Nod and GDI Recon Bikes... [message #-999782] |
Thu, 14 March 2002 10:22   |
thankx ken =O) a couple things...#1...see those boxes on the side of the vehicle??? once its skinned u'll see more of what it is..but those are missle pods =O)...and those "tank-like-poles" are going to be rotatable machine guns..NOD will have a machine gun on the nose of the bike, but those will be either be weaker than the rifle of light infantry with unlimited strong with about 400-500 clips..once again if ANYONE WHO CAN MODEL good would'nt mind helping me make a NOD Cycle from Tiberian Sun i'd appreciate it =OD
Nod and GDI Recon Bikes... [message #-999781] |
Thu, 14 March 2002 10:43   |
i still say a laser bike whould be really cool maby it could be for the nod bike like a mini portable obelisk of would probbly need to be fixed as to not make it to powerfull. nod semes to have most of the laser stuff with the exception of the ion cannon for gdi. i whould help if i could model but i wouldnt know were to start or were to get the programs.
Nod and GDI Recon Bikes... [message #-999780] |
Thu, 14 March 2002 11:52   |
Hey once again Alright Proclone was generous enough to help me make this well he already has the Nod cycle done..and i have to say..this Model is so realistic its not even heres the model Proclone made(note don't thank me for this..just to make things clear lol)
and other pics NOD and GDI Recon Bike Pics
Nod and GDI Recon Bikes... [message #-999772] |
Fri, 15 March 2002 02:51   |
quote: Originally posted by OllBollen: Westwood have already made recon bike! its a hidden unit!
No duh. He's jus makin a better lookin version of it.
Nod and GDI Recon Bikes... [message #-999771] |
Fri, 15 March 2002 06:53   |
just to clear things up since u guys still don't get it NOD Recon Bike The NOD Recon Bike will be converted into the Tiberian Sun NOD Attack will have a nose-mounted-machine gun, with 2 missle pods on the sides, very fast but weak, and about 200-300 credits GDI Recon Bike The GDI Recon Bike will be converted into the "Dune" Trike with will have a roof-mounted-machine gun, with 2 missle pods on the sides, very fast but weak, and about 200-300 credits Hope this clears up any Q's or what u guys were thinking =O)