Aircraft in Skirmish... [message #-999733] |
Wed, 03 April 2002 09:56  |
Yes I am in the beta, but I want to test something in full version skirmish. I know you add something to the cargo plane file, but after a few tries all I figured out was how to make the vehicle just appear and not be dropped off, and crash the game I know someone posted soem screenies earlier... And no, I'm not downloading any files after flyingbuzzs thing, so just tell me 
Aircraft in Skirmish... [message #-999731] |
Wed, 03 April 2002 10:17   |
Open up the skirmish text file (can't remember the name)and add these lines at the end: MapName=Skirmish00.lsd ModName=mp_airmod_testv1.pkg MapName00=Skirmish00.lsd It should now work in MP Practice, just switch teams, and destroy the top Apache so you can move the bottom one (use the chem warrior)
Aircraft in Skirmish... [message #-999730] |
Wed, 03 April 2002 10:20   |
quote: Originally posted by Ragnarok2: Open up the skirmish text file (can't remember the name)and add these lines at the end:MapName=Skirmish00.lsd ModName=mp_airmod_testv1.pkg MapName00=Skirmish00.lsd It should now work in MP Practice, just switch teams, and destroy the top Apache so you can move the bottom one (use the chem warrior)
Does that work without a file named mp_airmod_testv1.pkg?
Aircraft in Skirmish... [message #-999727] |
Wed, 03 April 2002 10:27   |
quote: Originally posted by psg243246: Taximes download the mod, link: and then you need to extract it to the Renegade\Data dir and edit the ini file, or playing it online with other ppl 
I'm not downloading anything after the Trojan Incident.. I thought someone said you just edit the cargo planes drop off file and every vehicle it drops will be an Apache?
Aircraft in Skirmish... [message #-999725] |
Wed, 03 April 2002 10:35   |
I got it myself!  For anyone who wants to know, create a file called cnc_c130drop.txt in Renegade/Data with the contents: code:
;_________________________________________ ; ; Available Cinematic Script Commands ; ; time/frame Create_Object, id (slot), preset_name, x, y, z, facing, animation ; id can be -1 to mean do not store this object, and do not destroy ; 0 Create_Object, 0, .44 Magnum, 0, 0, 0, 180, "Human.jump" ; ; time/frame Destroy_Object, id (slot) ; 0 Destroy_Object, 0 ; ; time/frame Play_Animation, id (slot), animation_name, looping, sub_obj_name ; 0 Play_Animation, 0, "Human.Jump", false ; ; time/frame Control_Camera, id ( slot ) ; use id -1 for disabling control; ; note this will also disable star control and disbale the hud ; 0 Control_Camera, 0 ; ;_________________________________________;******************* CHEAT SHEET ****************************** ;Start frame create_object slot number model x,y,z,facing animation name( model*hierarchy*.anim ) ;Start frame Play_Animation slot number anim name ( model*hierarchy*.anim ) looping Sub Object ;Start frame Play_Audio wave filename slot number bone name ; * no slot # / bone name = 2D Audio ;0= NO LOOP ( kills object when finshed ) 1= LOOP ;************************* CNC MODE: NOD AIRSTRIP DROPOFF ************************ ; ****************************** Fly the C130 -1 Create_Object, 1, "V_NOD_cargop_sm" -1 Play_Animation, 1, "V_NOD_cargop_sm.M_cargo-drop_sm", 0 -1 Play_Audio, "C130_IDLE_02", 1, "Cargo" -360 Destroy_Object, 1 -1 Create_Real_Object, 4, "cnc_nod_apache" ; ****************************** Attach the object -1 Attach_To_Bone, 3, 1, "Cargo" ; ****************************** Drop the object off...
-180 Attach_To_Bone, 3, -1, "Cargo"
Aircraft in Skirmish... [message #-999724] |
Wed, 03 April 2002 10:41   |
quote: Originally posted by psg243246: Ragnarok2 are you my little copey? i said almost the same thing!
MUAHAHAHAHA!!! Actually I did see your post, that's how I got mine to work.