Alt-fire mod [message #-999633] |
Wed, 17 April 2002 08:28  |
I'm going to make a mod that adds and alt-fire to all the weapons. Post your ideas on what alt-fires guns should get.. Make sure it's a balanced idea... like take extra ammo for faster firing/longer range, or more range less damage, or slower projectile speed with more damage.. that type of thing. Same for vehicles too. And A-10 also.. gunboat..
Alt-fire mod [message #-999631] |
Wed, 17 April 2002 08:45   |
Oddly I found a wav file in the game called "rocket_launcher_altfire.wav", and when you play it, it fires all the rockets at once, just like the altfire of the rocket launcher in UT
Alt-fire mod [message #-999628] |
Wed, 17 April 2002 09:10   |
1. pistol has a burst fire 2. shotie has a more powerfull but use up more ammo 3. flamegun ? 4. gernade launcher has a multi shot 5. minigun faster use more ammo does more dammage but eats bullets real fast 6. patch ? 7. rocket launcher multi shot 8. syndey gun burst fire(cool) 9. sniper rifle keep same 10. chaingun ? 11. chemgun ? 12. lasergun charge type thingy 13. ramjet keep same 14. prototype/ravesaw guns small bursts not as powerfull but shoot multi shot 15. mobius guns ? just some ideas
Alt-fire mod [message #-999627] |
Wed, 17 April 2002 09:13   |
a flametank that alterny BLOWUP like a giant BOMB.. i could be possible since it have 2 giant tanks of some sort of gas.offcourse with some delay and sound(warning) to make it fair.
Alt-fire mod [message #-999626] |
Wed, 17 April 2002 09:16   |
I'll probly do more range but half damage on flame tank.. I like the laser chaingun charging idea.
Alt-fire mod [message #-999625] |
Wed, 17 April 2002 14:08   |
there realy is no alt-fire for the sniper and change gun make there alt able to be bashing clip van monrow
Alt-fire mod [message #-999623] |
Wed, 17 April 2002 14:32   |
Since the blackhand has stealth it would be cool to be able to charge his rifle with alt fire while he stands still, charge up for one big blast while you are cloaked and BAM let loose and run, restealth, repeat.
Alt-fire mod [message #-999622] |
Wed, 17 April 2002 14:42   |
how bout a sniper alt atack that when used, u point it at a enemy and u here the other teams chat,sound good?since it suposedly has a mic,put it to use,lol
Alt-fire mod [message #-999621] |
Wed, 17 April 2002 14:53   |
how about for the rocket soldiers and the flamethrowers, they take one canister (or rocket round) and do something to it to make it explode on impact and make them chuck it like a hand grenade, for the rocket rounds, they can bash it on something, like in Saving private ryan (remember that?) as for the flamethrower, the attack uses up their whole canister of gas (100 rounds) but produces a large napalm-like expolsion, you wouldnt be able to do this for long as you only have 4 canisters. that would be cool, as for the sniper rifles, I would say make their alt fire switch to full auto on their guns, but that would unbalance the game. hey, how about for the pistol, make the guy throw the pistol as it's alt attack, make it stun the victim for a sec or two so he can escape [ April 17, 2002: Message edited by: BrainSpitter ]
Alt-fire mod [message #-999619] |
Thu, 18 April 2002 05:29   |
I wondered, within the first hour of playing, why the second MB wasn't utilised more, so this kind of 'mod' is a FANTASTIC idea to me. Maybe just keep in mind, that the quicker the firing rate, the less accurate the targetting should be (keeps the 'balance'). Changing the firing rates and powers of weps will change the whole multiplayer balance, so if u do one thing to one sides unit/vehicle, you must equal up the other sides equal vehicle. For example: As someone suggested, make the Flametank able to detonate. Well then the Mediumtank needs to have the same ability, or something similar, because all the vehicles are different from one another, so maybe the Mediumtank gets a more powerful, but slower to reload, cannon shot. Then you have to work out how long it takes for Flametank to detonate. How loud the alarm is for detonation, whether to have a 'disable detonation' switch/button. Can the 'driver' get out of the Flametank once detonated, or do they have to go down with the 'ship'? You'll need to pick some very fair minded individuals to help you 'beta' test and 'balance' the changes you make before you make them public, otherwise it will just be a big 'whinge fest' of 'YOU MADE THE GAME UNFAIR!' . I'm not trying to tell you what to do, their just suggestions . It was mentioned before about a possible Blackhand change. If the Blackhand were given a 'build up power shot', they would be overpowered and unbalance the game. They already rule in the maps with no Defence Towers. I think what GDI needs is a unit that can uncloak the nod stealth units. The infantry unit that has uncloaking abiltity, would only see the uncloaked unit in their view and would have to inform others in the team as to the whereabouts of the stealth unit (which a sniper could be listening to if the 'microphone' idea is implemented, then he could warn his buddy he's been busted ). There could be a GDI Vehicle, with a radar dish on the back that would expose the stealth units for ALL to see. There should be a limit as to how far the 'uncloaking' detects. As for what that limit should be, I have no idea. Maybe the longer you stay still and hold the alt key/button, the bigger the 'detection circle' gets (up to a set limit)... Anyway, I'm looking forward to this .
Alt-fire mod [message #-999617] |
Wed, 17 April 2002 21:46  |
quote: Originally posted by ][-=SeRpEnT=-][: make the flamethower have alt fire as a blue flame that is twice as powerful
And also less plentiful, or the other flame would be useless.