Ok well these are all basic things you should know before trying to make a map, this is 3d stuff, if you are not experimented in 3d editing then i suggest that you read some tutorial on 3dmax and the gmax tutorial...but anyway i'll answer your questions
1. when you apply the texture using the uvw map modifier, you only need to play with the value for U and V, if your texture seems to be stretch its because it has only 1 tile for U and V so you need more U and V tiles. try seting the value to 8 or more and see what happens.
Once your done fixing the material, right click on your mesh and convert it again to editable mesh.
2. I've posted the script you need to attach to your Obelisk and AGT already since Jonathan Wilson found out how to use the scripts in the editor finaly
here's the link of my previous post on the subject:
Obelisk/AGT problem solved
3. For making tunnel in gMax, select the object you need to cut the hole in, press 2 on your keyboard, on the new toolbar click on "compounds" and select boolean.
What you just did is convert your object to a boolean object, now on the right hand panel make sure A-B is selected then click on pick operhand B button.
The button will remain pressed untill you select the object you want to use for the operhand B, so click on the object you want to use to cut the hole in the object A and that's it.
theres plenty of other way to do it but this is the basic way...
4. for the strings, be more specific, what exactly you need to know ?
5. All these object are grouped together, notice the name: Hidden this mean they wont show up in the game they are just blockers, now if you want to ungroup them, then just select them, and in the menu group, click on ungroup, now they are all separate object, place them where you need them, then group them again as Hidden for the name.
6. Well if you got more stuff concerning 3d just read some tutorials, there are plenty on the net, and this as nothing to do with moding. and btw you realy should look at the posts before asking, these questions have probably have been answered alot of time before.
Tip : use that search options on top of the topics