DEV. Please read this it is EXTREMELY important. It MUST b [message #-998866] |
Fri, 26 April 2002 17:53  |
Dang it dev. Are the coders working on mod support or not? When someone runs a server with a mod that people don't have it shows up as VERSION MISMATCH so NO ONE can tell WHAT THE H3LL THE SERVER IS RUNNING. This MUST be patched. When a server has a mod package running in the information at the bottom it NEEDS to have the name of the mod, the version of the mod, and were to download it. Mod name, ver, and URL should be something the coder types in. When a mod is exported a prompt should come up asking for that info. This is EXTREMELY important. It MUST be patched. Spreading the word about a mod ISN'T enough. Many many people DO NOT go to the forums, and the ones that do mostly just come twice a week. You cannot make the name of a server the URL because it is always VERSION MISMATCH. People CANNOT put 200 mods on there harddrives because almost all of them at 25+megs, and almost everyone of them sucks. Unless you feel like finding out what mods servers are running every 5 minutes in putting it in the MOTD.
DEV. Please read this it is EXTREMELY important. It MUST b [message #-998864] |
Fri, 26 April 2002 06:02   |
quote: Originally posted by Mmmm_cheese: Dang it dev. Are the coders working on mod support or not? When someone runs a server with a mod that people don't have it shows up as VERSION MISMATCH so NO ONE can tell WHAT THE H3LL THE SERVER IS RUNNING. This MUST be patched. When a server has a mod package running in the information at the bottom it NEEDS to have the name of the mod, the version of the mod, and were to download it. Mod name, ver, and URL should be something the coder types in. When a mod is exported a prompt should come up asking for that info. This is EXTREMELY important. It MUST be patched. Spreading the word about a mod ISN'T enough. Many many people DO NOT go to the forums, and the ones that do mostly just come twice a week. You cannot make the name of a server the URL because it is always VERSION MISMATCH. People CANNOT put 200 mods on there harddrives because almost all of them at 25+megs, and almost everyone of them sucks. Unless you feel like finding out what mods servers are running every 5 minutes in putting it in the MOTD.
wtf, how is dev gonna know where you got the mod from, he cant just put up random urls. if you get vermismatch, then ppl know its a mod. it would be nice to put the name of the .pkg but the way you are asking for it, you sound desperate and dev dont need to waste his time correcting it. he gives mod support, but he doesnt push mods or maps like he said. he gave you support, and thats the mod tools. go back and read the psots or search for it. what he means also, that he isnt gonna fix this, because he would be promoting everyones mods, and Westwood dont need a lawsuit because someones mod screwed someones system. Youll just have to post it here and hope people see it. Thats all.
DEV. Please read this it is EXTREMELY important. It MUST b [message #-998863] |
Fri, 26 April 2002 06:15   |
King, its VERY important that somehow we can make it easier for someone to be able to try mods. Don't you get it, as long as there is no way to tell what a server is running, mods are going to die, or were going to be flooded in crappy endless single player or dumb idea mods. Multiplayer is what makes a game great, and renegades mod multiplayer support is horrible, just like westwoods other games. They take the time to work on all these tools and then don't support them properly, they are wasting their time, modding for this will die out soon if it stays in this situation.
DEV. Please read this it is EXTREMELY important. It MUST b [message #-998861] |
Fri, 26 April 2002 06:20   |
It shouldnt be integrated into gmax. That wouldnt make it come up on the WOL browser anyway. It will require a patch to game.exe...I have suggested this many many times, that svrcfg.cfg have entries for "InfoURL=", and that the InfoURL is displayed in the browser along with all the other info when you select a server.
DEV. Please read this it is EXTREMELY important. It MUST b [message #-998859] |
Fri, 26 April 2002 06:22   |
Yeah, and is it really that difficult to put in another box where when people select our game they can see the name and/or location of it? Not really. Anybody remember how some things worked in half life, during that loadup screen it would send you sounds and modded files while you logged into the server....
DEV. Please read this it is EXTREMELY important. It MUST b [message #-998855] |
Fri, 26 April 2002 07:01   |
actually it's very simple. Add an extra setting when hosting a game for Modname and Modurl and add that to game details with the ability to click the url and open that in the in-game browser that Renegade uses to show html pages, like the one where you register for a name to use.
DEV. Please read this it is EXTREMELY important. It MUST b [message #-998854] |
Fri, 26 April 2002 07:49   |
Why can't the mod implementation be done like Halflife. If I remember correctly if you identified a server you wished to join and it had a mod running it would auto d/l and patch??? That would be a neat option. Another option would be Westwood hosting a mod FTP server and people could periodically upload their mods for ppl to d/l. 
DEV. Please read this it is EXTREMELY important. It MUST b [message #-998853] |
Fri, 26 April 2002 07:51   |
Auto-DL would slow the servers down. But if you click on a server that is running a mod and it's VErsion mismatch.. When you click on it the renegade browser(like when you make your account) should come up with the site the mod creator put were to download it. And then WOL would upload it from that site to your comp and install it. Or.. They could stop being lazy and get the original idea done which should only take one day, two max... When you click on a server thats running a mod there needs to be a clickable link in that bottom server info box, the mods name, and mod version. Those three things would be entered in by a promt when the coder hits export.
[ April 26, 2002: Message edited by: Mmmm_cheese ]