VIS - - Location? [message #-993799] |
Sat, 19 October 2002 10:36   |
Haven't tried vis, although I'm going to on my next map. From what I understand, the Vis sectors must be a clone of your ground terrain that is exploded. It can't just be a flat plane (that is unless your terrain is a flat plane.) Also, I believe it must be 10 meters below the real ground, although I am unsure. Check out the hourglass file.
VIS - - Location? [message #-993798] |
Sat, 19 October 2002 10:42   |
No. It can be in the same mesh locations as the terrain and explode it.
SomeRhino's correct about looking at the VIS group in the hourglass.gmax example. And look at their W3D exporting selections for it.
The 10 meters part is only for flying units. And it goes up. [ October 19, 2002, 17:44: Message edited by: Ingrownlip ]
VIS - - Location? [message #-993797] |
Sat, 19 October 2002 08:04   |
alright before i said i am gonna make a continuum mod and said i already have some models done... here is some info on the mod. there will be 8 ships with different abilities. the mod takes place in space. so far i only thought of 2 type of games TDM and DM. so anyways, the objective of the mod is... well go and kick some butt!!! ********************************* here are some info on the ships.* *********************************
Name Warbird
Special abilities None (i might make some up)
Weapon Single medium powered lazer cannon
Speed Fast
Shiled Type Light
Type assult craft *************************************************
Name Javelin
Special Abilities Heat seeker Missile
Weapon Single low powered lazer cannon
Speed Fast
Sheild Type light
Type Bomber *************************************************
Name Spider
Special Abilities None (i might make some up)
Weapon Low powered plasma chain gun
Speed Between Fast and Medium
Shield Type light
Type Medium assult craft *************************************************
Name Leviathan
Special Abilities Heavy Heat seeker Missile
weapon Heavy Twin Lazer Cannons
Speed Slow
Shield Type Heavy
Type Heavy defence Bomber *************************************************
Name Terrier
Special Abilities Energy Burst
weapon Twin low powered lazer cannons
Speed Very Fast
Shield type light
type assult craft *************************************************
Name Weasel
Special Abilities Cloak
Weapon Single Low powered lazer cannon
Speed Medium
Shield type between light and medium
Type stealth assult craft *************************************************
Name Lancaster
Special Abilities None ( might make some)
weapon Heavy Twin Lazer Cannon
Speed Medium
Shield Type Between Medium and heavy
Type Assult Fighter *************************************************
Name Shark
Special Abilites Heat Seeker Missile
Weapons Single Medium Lazer Cannon
Speed Medium
Shield Type Between Medium and High
Type Defence craft *************************************************
thats it... oh wait and here is the pic of the Weasel
and ill soon post the other pics
the only problem im having is... i cant open my level edit. i tried reinstalling it like 10 times but no luck
any ideas? [ October 19, 2002, 18:37: Message edited by: Havoc 89 ]
VIS - - Location? [message #-993795] |
Sat, 19 October 2002 09:42   |
yes i got leveledit to work!!!! i guess deleting everything worked. now i have to install everything. all the games and moding stuff. well atleast none of my model are gone.
now i can finally start continuum mod
VIS - - Location? [message #-993794] |
Sat, 19 October 2002 12:24   |
H89, you have made some cool models in the past. I think I have your office building and house models, they were sweet.
good luck.
and oh yeah, KANE LIVES!
VIS - - Location? [message #-993792] |
Sun, 20 October 2002 17:09  |
ok i just finished my new model of the javelin. ill post a pic soon. here is a question. i was thinkning of adding emitter on the back of each ship as jets. but for the weasel how ever. the jets still show up even when the weasel is in cloak mode. so should i take away jets for weasel? or should i take away jets for every ship??
EDIT: Here is the pic of the Javelin [ October 20, 2002, 12:18: Message edited by: Havoc 89 ]