Reborn MOD Team Requests: [message #-993179] |
Mon, 28 October 2002 13:39  |
First of all let me say !!! I'm very pleased to know someone else liked the Tiberium Sun Storyline as much as I and decided to turn it into a FPS reality. I was reading about the progress of the Modeling and noticed that the "Carryall" Unit was not accounted for. Do you plan to make a Carryall unit still, or is it not possible to incorparate into the engine (Ovcourse I am talking about the ability to pickup a vehicle and fly it to another destination ) Boy wouldn't that add a whole new element of strategy to the battlefield...
Reborn MOD Team Requests: [message #-993178] |
Mon, 28 October 2002 22:38   |
As reborn beta tester:
No I dont think DarkOmen cant impliment this into the game simply because it would be extremly hard if not imposible to get one vehcicle to carry another without scripts.
So bassicly No.
Reborn MOD Team Requests: [message #-993177] |
Mon, 28 October 2002 23:17   |
What about with scripts? Hasnt Westwood released new scripts with the latest patch (meaning, why not ask them for a few more? ) and isnt Jonathan Wilson releasing a new DLL with scripts or something?
Reborn MOD Team Requests: [message #-993172] |
Tue, 29 October 2002 12:35   |
well ok... make the model than at the bottem add something like an elevator. but it doesnt go up or down. like i was saying make something like that, give that phicial and/or projectile settings in w3d options. then ingame. buy the carrier. then buy another vehicle and move the vehicle up on that elevator kind of a thing then try flying and see if it works. i havnt tested that but ill try on the weekends. you might not understand so ill try to show you a pic of what i mean.