HELP!! GMAX [message #-991766] |
Fri, 15 November 2002 14:38  |
I need help with my GMAX, after working about an hour or so on an outpost for my map in progress. It just came up with an error and shut down GMAX. every time I try and open the Level this error occurs:
Failed to open file : c:\documents and settings\[rest goes here]\outpost.gmax
This problem has only happened to me twice, on the second time only after 5 mins of work it crashed . How I fixed it you might ask, i didn't. [ November 15, 2002, 22:08: Message edited by: chompy ]
HELP!! GMAX [message #-991765] |
Fri, 15 November 2002 15:03   |
at least you werent finished with it......5 minutes into a project isnt bad.
save often and use new names....model_01,model_02,model_03....etc.
that way if you do have a crash you can always go back to the last good version of your work.
start over and save often....that's my suggestion.
HELP!! GMAX [message #-991764] |
Fri, 15 November 2002 15:07   |
quote: at least you werent finished with it......5 minutes into a project isnt bad.
I was about an hour into it 
That line was ment to say, that it has happened to me before... ive edited the post
HELP!! GMAX [message #-991763] |
Fri, 15 November 2002 15:18   |
As far as i know, you can't fix these problems. If you can't get the file to open, i'm afraid its gone (well, as far as i know).
There are many, many, many, problems in renx, mostly due to the Westwood plugin, not gmax. My advice to you is:
- Make your meshes in Gmax, then texture them in renx. - SAVE OFTEN! Under different filenames. - Make a list of all the problems you encounter, write them down, and find out when they occur(what makes them occur). Then try your best to avoid doing this again, avoid these problems.
I know all the problems i have with renx. And i haven't had a single problem with it for months, simply because i avoid the things that can create problems. Its different for every computer, but i used to loose hours of information...
Hope this helps.
HELP!! GMAX [message #-991762] |
Fri, 15 November 2002 15:19   |
Yes, save with a diff file name each time. I was up to Pillars200.gmax when I was almost finished, no to mention the cave was a seperate file and had way over 30 saves to it.
and oh yeah, K4N3 L1\/3$ lol
HELP!! GMAX [message #-991761] |
Fri, 15 November 2002 15:36   |
I would also recommend:
Customize -> Preferences -> Files -> Check "Increment on Save"
Also, scareface has the right idea. Use gmax to make/create the model and then texture it with RenX.
HELP!! GMAX [message #-991760] |
Sat, 16 November 2002 04:54  |
i dont know why you guys are having so many problembs with hardly crashes on me.....mostly when i reset the toolbar settings to use the texture browser....otherwise i dont have a problemb with it crashing.
I guess i'm just lucky....