Buildings. [message #-990860] |
Mon, 25 November 2002 14:20  |
Ok, i got the buildings set up pack, i merge them into scene, i place them where i want to have them, delete the footblocks, hidden, and rocks.
ok, now how the h3ll do i set up the pt zones if the interiors of the buildings dont show up in renx or leveledit?
Buildings. [message #-990859] |
Mon, 25 November 2002 14:38   |
Umm you set up your PTs in Commando. While inside the building press Ctrl+Shift+T to close the building doors, then the PTs shoudl appear.
Buildings. [message #-990858] |
Mon, 25 November 2002 16:50   |
If the building interiors aren't showing up in level edit, you have a problem. With the gmax buildings there should be little yellow boxes called "proxies" in the middle of the buildings. DO NOT DELETE THEM. They determine the building interoirs for level edit. They just look like yellow boxes in renx, but they are the building interiors for level edit.
And as caranto5 said, set the PTs up in level edit.
Buildings. [message #-990857] |
Mon, 25 November 2002 18:02   |
little yellow boxes do appear.
I just tried cntrl shift t, didnt do anything. [ November 26, 2002, 01:06: Message edited by: DeafWasp ]
Buildings. [message #-990856] |
Mon, 25 November 2002 18:40   |
Press crtl shifft t when your mouse icon is over the veiw of you map. It will work then, but not when your mouse is over one of the toolbars or whe you are in walkthough mode.
Buildings. [message #-990855] |
Mon, 25 November 2002 19:46   |
just walk up to the building, wall or door. then enter editor (teapot/f6) mode. now use the 8number pad key, now you just went through the wall and are inside the building, you should be looking at the interior. now select Preset tree OBJECT>SIMPLE>CnC_OBJECT>GDI or Nod PTZONE
hit make while looking at the PT in f6 mode. click around that area until a white boarder appears, thats the PT zone. its invisable so you have to hunt for it to move it. to rotate it use the < and > keys, and the arrows to move.
hope that wasnt too much info.
Buildings. [message #-990852] |
Tue, 26 November 2002 13:32   |
Did you make an entry in the Tile section of the presets in Commando?
If you didn't, first write down the name of that yellow box in the center of your buildings. It should be like buildingprefix_int~. Next, in Commando, open up the Tile section of the presets, and create a new section. Give it a name, and press OK. Next, create a new file under your new section. (Click on your new section in the Tile folder, and click New at the bottom.) For this new file, name it the exact same name as that yellow box in Renx MINUS the "~" mark. So, for the example I gave above, it would be buildingprefix_int. Next, click on the Physics Model tab. (2nd tab from the left.) Make sure it is set as AccessiblePhys for it's physics type. Then, under settings, click on the folder icon next to the ModelName, and find the W3D file of the building interior. Then press OK, and you should be done!
If this doesn't make sence, or you need more help, just PM me, and I'll be glad to help you out some more.
Also, be advised that I am tired, so if I missed anything, and I think I didn't, then feel free to correct me. I'm off to bed now. ![[Razz]](tongue.gif) [ November 26, 2002, 21:50: Message edited by: vloktboky03 ]
Buildings. [message #-990851] |
Tue, 26 November 2002 18:10  |
all that? the interiors showed up a while ago but not now. maybe i changed something.