Water Fall [message #-988326] |
Thu, 26 December 2002 10:17  |
I made a waterfall and I want to make different sections go different speeds. I detatched the polygons (If that's what ya call em') that I wanted the water to go slower. I changed it from VPerSec=-0.5 to VPerSec=-0.1 But, when I switch back to the other meshes (The water ones that I did not change, the ones that I want to be VPerSec=-0.5) They are VPerSec=-0.1 Everytime I change something, it changes both, not one. How do I get it to change only one of them?? [ December 26, 2002, 17:17: Message edited by: maytridy ]
Water Fall [message #-988325] |
Thu, 26 December 2002 12:15   |
You need to assign a different material to each polygon--since you detached the polys from the same mesh after assigning a material to it they are still using the same material, and with every change you make you are changing it for every poly. Select the poly and hit "make new material" and then assign it to that poly. However, I don't recommend this, since it can result in some instability in gmax, so make a backup. [ December 26, 2002, 19:16: Message edited by: YSLMuffins ]
Water Fall [message #-988324] |
Fri, 27 December 2002 01:14   |
hey dude how d'you make a waterfall? i've got a river but a waterfall would be wicked
Water Fall [message #-988323] |
Fri, 27 December 2002 17:48   |
Thanks YSL, as to your question toasty, I made a hill\mountain and then blended the water texture on it and messed with it a little to make it look good, its more like a river flowing downhill. Here is a pic of the beta version. (NOT COMPLETED!) 3 IMAGES, THEY TAKE A LIL WHILE TO LOAD!
http://www.geocities.com/maytridy/WTRFLLHL L.html?1041022167022
What do you think? [ December 27, 2002, 12:49: Message edited by: maytridy ]
Water Fall [message #-988322] |
Fri, 27 December 2002 06:11   |
The waterfall looks kinda unreal. It is to smooth against the mountain...
Water Fall [message #-988321] |
Fri, 27 December 2002 06:13   |
What do you suggest I do? (It's not really supposed to be a waterfall its just a river flowing down a hill) [ December 27, 2002, 13:13: Message edited by: maytridy ]
Water Fall [message #-988320] |
Fri, 27 December 2002 06:16   |
they look wicked dude. Is there some misty kinda bits on it? Are they in the objects route thingy? and how did u blend the grass with the rock so finely. Can u change the size of the brush? and what texture did u use for the water?
Water Fall [message #-988319] |
Fri, 27 December 2002 06:56  |
The "Misty kinda bits" I think that your talking about emitters (they create mist) are found in Leveledit: Dummy Object -> demo level -> water. quote: Are they in the objects route thingy?
I don't know what you mean but I think I answered that above. The brush size can be modified by making the length settings of the object a different size. DO this on the modify tab, just after creating the mesh. The length settings are just under the size settings. Small = small brush stoke. setting the Opacity \% to a lower level edits the amout applied. E.X: 5\%= very light and 100\%=very dark. I used the wash.tga in pass 1. If you have any more questions, E-mail me at Maytridy@rochester.rr.com. [ December 27, 2002, 14:21: Message edited by: maytridy ]