Dummys Released [message #-988168] |
Sat, 28 December 2002 07:15  |
I just made some dummys to stand in for buildings when your map making in renx. They are the aprox size and shape of the normal structures. I made these so you can work faster.
and so in leveledit, when your testing the map early on it wont take ages to load.
http://www.n00bstories.com/image.fetch.php?id=17 47613636
Also included in this pack is a scale dummy of havoc, so you can further scale proper map areas.
If you are interested in using these dummys tell me. [ December 30, 2002, 14:28: Message edited by: DeafWasp ]
Dummys Released [message #-988167] |
Sat, 28 December 2002 08:03   |
W00t! I'm interested in them. I am making a new map right now, and it is big with a lot of details. I am constantly forced to open the map in LevelEdit to check the size and space in parts of my map. Because of the size and detail in it, it takes for ever to load. But, I need to keep the buildings where they are for proper testing. (Make sure there is no Base-to-Base anywhere in it, or other flaws.) This will really help me out, and save me a lot of time.
Please, put it up for download or something. I could really use it right now.
Dummys Released [message #-988165] |
Sun, 29 December 2002 03:04   |
I really need those dummy's!! they would help a ton! Please, when they are up in Realm, post a message on the forum!!
Dummys Released [message #-988162] |
Sun, 29 December 2002 04:20   |
In the mean time, could you send a copy to me? I really need them now, as loading my map is taking like 8 minutes just to check on one small part. kkirst@fuse.net. Please send them to me, and I'll give you 5 stars.