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Hey Ack...... [message #-987364] Tue, 07 January 2003 10:26 Go to next message
You're going to have to excuse me here...

I've been with this board since the day it opened, getting on two years ago. Now, lots of modification ideas have been tossed around since then... But mainly in the general board which was the only board to exist at that time, until The Silo came into effect a few days later.

As the game grew closer to release, the modification forum was prepped by Westwood. It was opened shortly after the game was released if I remember correctly. Now, ever since then, has any real modification been released? I'm not talking about some map with some modified units, I'm talking a total conversion or at least a good modification.

The answer? None, none at all. "Tiberian Evolution" attempted to be a modification... Yet all it did was add some stupid units and structures that made no sense -- a modification without direction is a bad modification. I don't care how you'll attempt to defend the MIQ (Modification In Question) here, it never has and never will be anything more than some kid's playtoy he tossed out and supposedly made better.

How many ideas have we gotten over the months this forum has been open? What, over two hundred, at least? How many modifications were cancelled because the designers had no initiative, or that they didn't want to actually do it? You get people saying "Well, I need this and that and whatever else," making it seem like anything you're telling them to do is easy, so they end up quitting in the long run and your modification-to-be dies off... Leaving you like PlanetShaun and Andre\AllGusto, empty handed and full of empty promises that just kills your reputation.

So why are any of you here? Are you here to really modify the game and design stuff that will make Westwood turn its head towards you, or are you still going to stick with lame additions or other stupid things because you won't go above and beyond?

What real modifications do we have, anyways? I keep hearing concepts and other things that we always hear, yet only the Renegade Alert and Reborn modification teams are actually doing anything with any real substance. Yes, obviously, I'm biased towards Renegade Alert - seeing as how I'm a team member, yet I'm also able to see things like this without having to think of the RA conversion. It's pathetic, we have all these good modding tools and no one but two teams are really using them to their fullest potential. The rest have either slacked off, not delivered, or promised about 15 separate maps or modifications and never updated anything about them again.

So, ask yourself, why are you here - are you here to recruit for other games, recruit for some imaginary modification team, or are you here to modify the game in your image and how you think it should be, by really using the tools instead of ****ing with some Westwood maps to put in Guard Towers?

Come on, get with the program. Either start modifying the game, or get out of the modification forum. The last thing we need is more people calling for more modification teams which will never make a single modification in their entire existence.

Ack posted this a little while ago, and there were way too many comments, so here's what i think: I agree with what you said, i think that this is a good thing for the guys that are REALLY SERIOUS about modding. But me, im only 13, and im just here for the ****ing fun dude. I love making maps and stuff with RenX and i'm learning a ton, but, I think that the majority of us are here because we want to have fun modding and learn. Now, you guys like Ack, Dante, Andre..(The list goes on) are really serious, but if you're gonna flame all our work (us guys that aren't that great), and put us down, just dont even comment. We post our work so people can give us CONSTRUCTIVE, and i emphasize CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, so we can learn and make it better. But please, dont just say that looks like hell or that sucks. Help us out, we are the future mod community. We are here to have some fun.
There's my two cents.

[ January 07, 2003, 17:27: Message edited by: maytridy ]
Hey Ack...... [message #-987363] Tue, 07 January 2003 12:29 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I don't understand ACK, im not Stupid, He Tells Us we should start modding and stop talking, but then he trashes all of our work!
Hey Ack...... [message #-987362] Tue, 07 January 2003 14:01 Go to previous messageGo to next message
So ****ing what if Tib Ev had no sense of direction? It was meant to be a fun mod. So maybe Ike tried to put a storyline into it. It may have failed, but it evolved into a mod that "could be played for the hell of it." Come on, ACK. At least have som respect for those that at least tried.
Hey Ack...... [message #-987361] Tue, 07 January 2003 14:44 Go to previous messageGo to next message
lol that make me remeber my path bayound map i made... Ack said it look like super Mario Bros. lol [Big Grin] i got mad a little because he didint really help me saying to me what i should do to fix this... but today i think again of this thing and its **** funny lol.. i dont really care anymore cause i learned by myself i know many stuff... i wont tanx Ack for this [Razz]

[ January 07, 2003, 21:45: Message edited by: Francois ]
Hey Ack...... [message #-987360] Tue, 07 January 2003 21:22 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Haha, he told me to stop my latest one, It will be finished. And if Ack reads this, Ack Never post in any of my threads again, I either dont listen to what you say or dont bother reading whta u say.

[ January 08, 2003, 04:27: Message edited by: psycoarmy ]
Hey Ack...... [message #-987359] Tue, 07 January 2003 23:44 Go to previous messageGo to next message
guys let it be. ack will not change his behaviour, even if you criticize him. WW will delete this thread for sure. That might be the reason why ack don't post here in this thread.
Hey Ack...... [message #-987358] Wed, 08 January 2003 02:55 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Originally posted by Laser2150:
I don't understand ACK, im not Stupid, He Tells Us we should start modding and stop talking, but then he trashes all of our work!

He isn't trashing your work, he is trashing your garbage. The garbage that you get all hyped up about, and think is soooooo neato, when you should be practicing and trying and becoming better.

Dont hype up little bits of trash like a 25000 polygon building you make that dont even look right.

instead toss it aside, start over and keep working until you have something worth praising. I am still working, and have made many maps that never saw daylight. So get to work boys.
Hey Ack...... [message #-987357] Wed, 08 January 2003 04:41 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Originally posted by DeafWasp:
Originally posted by Laser2150:
I don't understand ACK, im not Stupid, He Tells Us we should start modding and stop talking, but then he trashes all of our work!

He isn't trashing your work, he is trashing your garbage. The garbage that you get all hyped up about, and think is soooooo neato, when you should be practicing and trying and becoming better.

Dont hype up little bits of trash like a 25000 polygon building you make that dont even look right.

instead toss it aside, start over and keep working until you have something worth praising. I am still working, and have made many maps that never saw daylight. So get to work boys.

Exactly, and maybe the work he does like he doesn't even comment on at all
Hey Ack...... [message #-987356] Wed, 08 January 2003 17:12 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Face it Renegade was a failure, Renegade was a disaster. There is no point whatsoever in making any mods or maps at all anymore due to the lack of players playing Renegade.
Hey Ack...... [message #-987355] Wed, 08 January 2003 17:21 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Originally posted by
Face it Renegade was a failure, Renegade was a disaster. There is no point whatsoever in making any mods or maps at all anymore due to the lack of players playing Renegade.

eh? where do you get that from??

i usually have a full house (20 players) on my server - and i usually play on 40+ servers - both on WOL and GS....

Hey Ack...... [message #-987354] Wed, 08 January 2003 17:24 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Originally posted by
Face it Renegade was a failure, Renegade was a disaster. There is no point whatsoever in making any mods or maps at all anymore due to the lack of players playing Renegade.

With that kind of attitude, Renegade will be dead, But, as long as I see people playing this game, and making stuff for this game, I will always see it as alive and kicking. It may be weak, but once the RA mod and Evolution are complete, Renegade will bounce back stronger then before. At least I would like to think it will. [Smile]
Hey Ack...... [message #-987353] Wed, 08 January 2003 06:12 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I so much want westwood to make a 2nd fps. But learning from rens mistakes.
Hey Ack...... [message #-987352] Wed, 08 January 2003 20:03 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Deaf, Ack doesnt care he only cares about himself and the fact that he is trying to make people feel bad about their work, some peopel react to this worse than others, people take things in differently. He doesnt care if its good or bad.
Hey Ack...... [message #-987351] Wed, 08 January 2003 20:32 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Originally posted by psycoarmy:
Deaf, Ack doesnt care he only cares about himself and the fact that he is trying to make people feel bad about their work, some peopel react to this worse than others, people take things in differently. He doesnt care if its good or bad.

STFU - You're speaking out of your ass again.

I'll post in any topic of yours that I feel like posting in, so get over it or get the hell out of the forums.
Hey Ack...... [message #-987350] Thu, 09 January 2003 01:09 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Ok, you win, im out. Ack knows best, and the community will do better without me here. But 1 thingi gotta know before I go, Why do you always have smily face with glasses with every thread?
Hey Ack...... [message #-987349] Thu, 09 January 2003 01:23 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Originally posted by psycoarmy:
Ok, you win, im out. Ack knows best, and the community will do better without me here. But 1 thingi gotta know before I go, Why do you always have smily face with glasses with every thread?

So you're leaving because of me, eh? Whatever, be a quitter... Make sure to tell the next mod community that you join that you quit when someone gives you a truthful opinion and doesn't kiss your ass.
Hey Ack...... [message #-987348] Thu, 09 January 2003 01:30 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Ok, heres the thing, im not quiting, Ive just had enough of seeing ur crap everywhere i look, I will still be owrking hard, just not posting anything up here, becuase if i wanted crap that just takes up space i would post it myself. ACK add me to ur icq and i will explain something 163647177.

[ January 09, 2003, 08:32: Message edited by: psycoarmy ]
Hey Ack...... [message #-987347] Thu, 09 January 2003 01:32 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Look the fact is peoples, ignore ACK. Hes jealous of other people and there work. Truth is he wants all the.. "fame" to himself. Guys just ignore him. Everytime someone has brought out a map, or mod or something, ACK critized it negativly. I strongly suggest you ignore him.

- Matt
Hey Ack...... [message #-987346] Thu, 09 January 2003 01:35 Go to previous messageGo to next message
hey matt.. [Smile]
Hey Ack...... [message #-987345] Thu, 09 January 2003 01:36 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Hey [Big Grin]
Hey Ack...... [message #-987344] Thu, 09 January 2003 01:38 Go to previous messageGo to next message
is tehre a server on radiantx that wont give you 20 mins + of lag ?
Hey Ack...... [message #-987343] Thu, 09 January 2003 01:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
lol [Razz]

The servers shouldnt lag.. its just when stupid packet kiddies like to attack the network.. *cough* Ty *cough* ... [Roll Eyes] [Mad]
Hey Ack...... [message #-987342] Thu, 09 January 2003 01:42 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i ping out every time...

and when i am connected tehre is an insane ammount of lag.... and i lagg out
Hey Ack...... [message #-987341] Thu, 09 January 2003 01:42 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Thats on an OC192 connection.. shouldnt lag at all [Roll Eyes]
Hey Ack...... [message #-987340] Thu, 09 January 2003 01:44 Go to previous messageGo to previous message
lagged like hell yesterday
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