Transparent water tut released [message #-983985] |
Sun, 02 February 2003 06:17   |
quote: Originally posted by aircraftkiller2001: Waste of time... Don't download it.
at least its easy to understand [ February 02, 2003, 13:18: Message edited by: mike9292 ]
Transparent water tut released [message #-983982] |
Mon, 03 February 2003 17:36   |
quote: Originally posted by SlugWollop-CNCU[BG]: quote: Originally posted by aircraftkiller2001: Waste of time... Don't download it.
useless to someone perfect such as yourself
Actually someone explained it to me on here awhile ago in like 2 sentences without any pictures. Its a easy process.
Transparent water tut released [message #-983980] |
Mon, 03 February 2003 10:05   |
just make a box, delete the sides so you just have 2 planes, put a texture on em, then make them transparent just like water but without linear offset settings.
Do not check "shatter", but make sure the material type is glass. [ February 03, 2003, 17:06: Message edited by: DeafWasp ]
Transparent water tut released [message #-983979] |
Sun, 02 February 2003 17:07   |
I have completed the animateable havoc model.....now all i have left to do is the tutorial for it.
I have uploaded the stand alone model without any readme info or preview shots for the more advanced users who would rather just get down to business
Download animateable_havoc.zip from FilePlanet
I will be working on a short tutorial document to release with the final version of the poseable havoc.
Go here to look at some of the screen shots of havoc's animateable parts.
This project is nearly completed....i figure the tutorial should be ready tonight and i should have the final package ready by tomorrow {monday}
Transparent water tut released [message #-983977] |
Sun, 02 February 2003 06:56   |
This is a Fully animateable model......facial expressions and all fingers on the hands are animateable.
Yes it can be used for mod games.....but if you plan on using it for multiplayer games you would have to build a completely new library of character animation sequences and character skin binding referances for it to be compatible with multiplayer gaming applications.....that in it's self is a big project.
This was mainly made for the single player mods in mind.....for cutscene animation sequences and SP in game AI character animations.
This one skeleton base is in it's self a verry usefull tool for making animated gmax scene movies.
It can and will be used for more than just renegade mods.......i am working on making walking,crawling,and swimming animations so that the renegade tools can be used to create new SHP animation sequences for creating new characters for Red alert2,Tiberian sun,....for that matter....any of the earlier cnc series that uses 2D animation sequences for the infantry units.
That has been a goal of mine longer than renegade has been on the market......it just made my job that much easier
Eric. [ February 02, 2003, 13:57: Message edited by: SGT.May ]
Transparent water tut released [message #-983974] |
Sun, 02 February 2003 09:21   |
ummm......i wasnt gonna go there....
Though i already have thought of the possibilities of going with even higher poly figures with simulated clothing for cutscenes.....it would make the physical appearance of the model more realistic.....and the basic male and female meshes are nude...and it's not really that hard to come up with nude female/male textures you can find tons of them for poser
Little things like the hair and cloth simulation scripts for programs like 3DStudio can really step up the quality of the 3D rendered movie.....even Lucasfilm®™ uses cloth simulators.....though a little more complex....it's the next step in creating commercial quality renderings.
Eric. [ February 02, 2003, 16:22: Message edited by: SGT.May ]
Transparent water tut released [message #-983972] |
Sun, 02 February 2003 11:06   |
quote: Originally posted by SGT.May: [QB]and i was thinking more like sakura...not hotwire....they had a past and i really think it would be hotter [QB]
Transparent water tut released [message #-983971] |
Sun, 02 February 2003 11:23   |
quote: Originally posted by Blazer: What about a posable Hotwire...so we can make "interesting" Havoc-Hotwire animations...LOL
i'm telling Crimson...
Nice work Sgt. May --- it will come in handy for the SP mod -- The Dead Six.
Transparent water tut released [message #-983970] |
Sun, 02 February 2003 11:41   |
you will have to make each characters mesh with animateable hands and attach the head and hands to the main body mesh......look closely at how i attached the hands on the model.
The hand that i used for this model came from dante's firing and reload animation model....you can retexture this hand with most of the hand textures that are in renegade.
Each model will also have to have a separate "k mesh" set made out of them so that you can split them up into the same pattern that you want the vertices in the westwood skin binding to go to......that just makes it easier.
Take a close look at the k meshes......they are an exact cloned copy of the original one piece body mesh.....i just removed the texture and split it up by face selection{select and detach}into the separate animation bone sections.
The animation bones move the k meshes and the k meshes move the vertices on the textured body mesh with a westwood skin binding.
Eric. [ February 02, 2003, 18:43: Message edited by: SGT.May ]
Transparent water tut released [message #-983969] |
Wed, 05 February 2003 05:24  |
Sakura is on the way
I've got her made into one mesh now.....I'll include her with the final release.
So now you will get both male and female skeletons.....both fully animateable....as well as a tutorial to show you how to apply westwood skin bindings and assign veritces to biped characters.
I will also be including the original westwood s_a_human,and s_b_human base skeletons so that you can make new compatible animations for multiplay applications
More when i get this done....i am multi tasking at the moment.....i have three projects going on simultaneously.
Eric. [ February 05, 2003, 00:39: Message edited by: SGT.May ]