APC's the neglected tactic? [message #-980700] |
Thu, 21 February 2002 06:33  |
I don't know about some of your games but when I play I don't see very many players in APCs. These units rock. In many respects they can be compared to the hummvie/buggies. they carry the same weapon but apcs have alot more armor and cost only 300/400 more than hummvie/buggie. They can carry 5 other players in them which that in itself is very important. They go at about/or equivelent to the speed to hummvie/buggies. I have tried to carry out numerous APC assults but many other players dont recognize it as a feasable way to get into the enemy base. because of that I havn't been able to create that best APC assult. I have however driven an apc in my myself and I destroy the enemy power plant, I also might add that the GDI AGT was still up and running at the same time, my teammates where trying to take it out by shooting from outside. But that proves that APCs are extremely effective against an enemy that has its base defense still in opperation, and all it needs is a little diversion provided by freindly tanks.
APC's the neglected tactic? [message #-980699] |
Thu, 21 February 2002 07:20   |
true, and very good tactic, but i just use the most huge ones, flame tanks or medium tanks but i think that there is need of more suicide attacks, with 5 guys on the APC, that can put the enemy base with lot of stuff to handle, and at least 1 or 2 of the 6 that go to the enemy base could blow up 2 structures, but there is lack of team play
APC's the neglected tactic? [message #-980698] |
Thu, 21 February 2002 07:59   |
Most of the time I see an APC all I see is it's backside as it drives right by me. People rarely even stop to try and pick up other players. The times when someone does actually stop and say "get in", I usually do.
APC's the neglected tactic? [message #-980696] |
Thu, 21 February 2002 08:57   |
lol @ Leadmecca "By popular request we have introduced a new vehicle to Command & Conquer:Renegade." "Behold the new Porche 9970!" "This is the latest in combat sports cars with a sleek sexy design covered in paper thin armor plating that sports nine-g turbohandling, a silky soft suspension, and 0-100 in .3 seconds!" "Now you'll be able to spin circles that will make you vomit and crash into walls with breathtaking ease!" "All for the low low price of only $1,000,000! Financing available, see local dealer for details." [ February 21, 2002: Message edited by: RageMachine ]
APC's the neglected tactic? [message #-980693] |
Thu, 21 February 2002 13:42   |
it's pathetic really, one APC can cripple a base, yet no one cares to actually stop it (they actually just shoot it if they see it, they don't actually chase it or anything). While at the same time, a single FlameTank, or humvee for that matter (just bump into it!) can stop the thing for teammates/towers to take it out
APC's the neglected tactic? [message #-980692] |
Fri, 22 February 2002 00:40   |
Many a time I've seen a Nod APC drive through the GDI base, and park around behind the WF (or the Refinery, or just outside the PP, out of sight of the AGT) and I come back a fair while later and the apc is still there (although everyone who WAS in it is dead )
APC's the neglected tactic? [message #-980691] |
Fri, 22 February 2002 01:03   |
I drive an engie APC behind the line of tanks to give them someplace to run to. But if it's a small game and, like, me and 1 other guy are engies, then I'll just use the buggy or Humvee.
APC's the neglected tactic? [message #-980690] |
Fri, 22 February 2002 01:06   |
Easy to do in a pub. Don't expect a clean run to the enemy base in a clan match. You'll be mined to death and then the characters will get picked off. Fun to do in a pub though.
APC's the neglected tactic? [message #-980689] |
Fri, 22 February 2002 01:30   |
Last night a buddy drove an APC and I made a Hotwired. We drove straight to the Obelisk. The thing gets destroyed just as we reach the Obelisk so I just run in, he starts shooting anyone trying to get near. I set my 2 timed C4 first and then Unload the rest of my C4 anything all over the MCT. He and I made it out and back to base to do it all over again. I'm really not sure why that tower did not get destroyed but I got 3 kills while walking back to the base. That was really an adrenaline rush. The second time we had 2 hotwired but NO Obelisk destroyed. Seeing as that was my first time trying that technique I'm thinking I don' t quite have it down yet. Can't wait to try it again.
APC's the neglected tactic? [message #-980688] |
Fri, 22 February 2002 02:58   |
apc rush is a very sweet tactic. I always do it when i know there is not much vehicle traffic. I've evens stopped a rush cuase of a jam, turned around and gotten healed and waited for the moment to be right. I also always take at least one other. Funny story: Called for an APC rush, filled it with 2 others, half way down to obelisk when 2 others asked to come, reversed out. Managed to save the APC and an engi hopped out and healed it, put the other 2 in and rushed in. The funny part, the second time i was ignored, they though i'd leave again. OOps... surprise!! bye bye obelisk, followed by airstrip.
APC's the neglected tactic? [message #-980687] |
Fri, 22 February 2002 12:10   |
I've said it once, and I'll say it again, I am an enemy MAGNET. Whenever I start an APC rush, it seems I am the only friendly unit on the map and everyone else is a bad guy, I get blasted before I reach the other side of the Tib field 90\%of the time.
APC's the neglected tactic? [message #-980686] |
Fri, 22 February 2002 12:13   |
i can never handle the apc driving... i load up a team of engys and drive straight towards the tower... but i always seem to slide or turn... or run into a vehicle... if it wasnt for that id make it directly there... i did once and that time i actually took out the tower... but that is a good strat...
APC's the neglected tactic? [message #-980682] |
Sun, 24 February 2002 02:54   |
So far I have yet to see an effective APC rush. There is little to no teamwork in the Pubs. Everytime I request people to help with my rush, no one joins, and the few times people did get in they hopped out before I got in range of the obelisk. Hopefully when the game comes out people will get more used to the tactics and teamplay will be more prevalent, but until then..
APC's the neglected tactic? [message #-980677] |
Sun, 24 February 2002 13:04  |
APC's rock. I normally host a non-dedicated server of 6ppl. I had gone away from my pc for a while and when i came back i was one GDI against 3 Nod. And all of them where in my base attacking my AGT. Well the time away i had ac***ulated 3000cred, bought apc, ion connon, and a tough special character. I drove out of my base took some damage stormed their base, their tower took out my apc out when i reached it and i ran into hand of nod and placed the beacon and won the game. I was ROFLMAO. What else is there to say, so many great tactics for both sides but you gotta love those apc's. Rorschach