Grenadiers, always dying? [message #-980645] |
Fri, 22 February 2002 01:42  |
Grenadiers have a short range, and their only use is as indirect fire support. This means their only use is lobbing grenades from hills to ground, or ground to hills. The problem is, at ground to ground grenadiers are always shot to pieces. I'd rather get a soldier instead.
Grenadiers, always dying? [message #-980644] |
Fri, 22 February 2002 01:58   |
That is a problem. WW shold fix that. but untill the game comes out we will just have to use them tactifully. --------------------------------- "Ahh, there it is!"
Grenadiers, always dying? [message #-980643] |
Fri, 22 February 2002 02:25   |
If they changed the secondary option into a medium range grenade launcher with bounce I'd be happy. For now I'm using GDI soldier...I think secondary fire has underslung. I cannot be sure.
Grenadiers, always dying? [message #-980639] |
Fri, 22 February 2002 17:54   |
Grenadiers have great range if you know what your doing. They work good on light armor too. If you tilt back up to around 70 degrees the grenade flies farther.
Grenadiers, always dying? [message #-980638] |
Fri, 22 February 2002 07:49   |
When talking about the grenadier you must compare it to NODs 3rd unit, the flamethrower. They are both good at dealing a lot of damage to vhicles compared to assault rifle and shotgun. The flamethrower is better against infantry but has a very very short range. The grenadier is prety useless against infantry that can easily dodge the slow grenades. But the grenades have a longer range and can be lobbed over obstacles.
Grenadiers, always dying? [message #-980637] |
Fri, 22 February 2002 08:46   |
the best thing about being GDI during the first minutes, is being a grenader. you can go around that mountain on that circuling stair thingy. From there you could destroy the harvestor before it even gets to the base for the first time.
Grenadiers, always dying? [message #-980633] |
Sat, 23 February 2002 10:53   |
do the gernades explod on impact and have some sort of splash damage. Because most first person shooter games gernade lauchers usually suck when it comes to killing people unless you are really skilled, in TFC I never used reg. gernades with demoman, I always used pipes because I could actually hit people with them (I used shot at them and detted them when it got near them).
Grenadiers, always dying? [message #-980630] |
Sat, 23 February 2002 15:45   |
i like gettin teh grenegadeer and terrorizing the tunnels.. i stand at teh top of teh nod tunnel and jus lob grenades tuwn teh chute an they are very effective vs infanty in close spaces
Grenadiers, always dying? [message #-980627] |
Fri, 01 March 2002 07:33   |
I take the grenadier always as first class it is very good against the harverster ... u get al lot of fast points and money u can even kill it
Grenadiers, always dying? [message #-980626] |
Fri, 01 March 2002 11:44   |
Well I went back and played it, and decided the best, gah, the ONLY way to play grenadier is in third person mode. Otherwise it's much harder to "calculate" your landed shots. I made one kill as grenadier. Someone rushed me and I planted a grenade in his head. Then someone else rushed me, I brought him to almost dead, but his assault rifle fired faster, and I died. Moral: Play in third person. Aim high, fly far. Hide behind rocks. Switch to pistol when at closer ranges.
Grenadiers, always dying? [message #-980625] |
Sat, 02 March 2002 08:00   |
Now, isn't that odd that with a Garnade luncher you will still have a VERY SHORT range? I mean a Garnade launcher should give a 80 meters range in regular holding!
Grenadiers, always dying? [message #-980624] |
Sat, 02 March 2002 11:29   |
The M79 grenade launcher (Vietnam era, single-shot 40mm) had a maximum effective range of 380 yards. It became inaccurate beyond 175yd. Although the GL used in Ren isn't a M79, the maximum range isn't my problem. It's the damage. If I send a HE grenade to give you a lap dance, you should be dead. It would be understandable for elite characters to not die (they're elite), but the HE grenades should at least do significant damage to a enemy target even if a direct hit, or a inaccurate one. At close ranges pinpoint accuracy is almost impossible. One ends up relying on splash damage which is nobody's best friend. [I'm saving up for a TAR-Sydney. ]