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- Getting past the GDI tower without a vehicle. [message #-978813] Mon, 11 March 2002 22:27 Go to next message
Talking about the demo map. I know this topic was discussed in the past but i've never seen it done.

I can run into the nod base and get into either the hand of NOD or the power plant as a hotwire. It's not that difficult from the far tunnel as long as you don't run into mines.

But how do you get into the GDI base? i've tried using stealth black hands and techs because they have high armor. I run through the furthest tunnel towards the back of the barracks. I always get killed. How can it be done?

- Getting past the GDI tower without a vehicle. [message #-978812] Mon, 11 March 2002 22:38 Go to previous messageGo to next message
You can't, as far as I know.

The only reason you can run past the obelisk is because it's targetting sucks in the demo. It was stepped up in the full version so you cannot run past it anymore. Smile

It was just a temporary imbalance, I believe.

- Earls

- Getting past the GDI tower without a vehicle. [message #-978811] Mon, 11 March 2002 22:50 Go to previous messageGo to next message
get a couple of people with you, run like hell and jump like crasy! one of you should make it to safety inside the powerplant!
- Getting past the GDI tower without a vehicle. [message #-978810] Tue, 12 March 2002 00:17 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Actually in the full game and the demo you can get past the oblisk with no problems. Just crouch and keep behind the boulder then crouch to the barrier between the boulder and the hand of nod. After that you can either mad dash to the Hand of Nod or crouch along the wall off the power plant until the oblisk is out of view...then blow the plant and roam free!! GDI is the same principal I believe you can crouch through to the infantry barracks...try to keep as far away from the AGT as possible until you are close to cover.
- Getting past the GDI tower without a vehicle. [message #-978809] Tue, 12 March 2002 02:36 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Originally posted by Spifff:
Talking about the demo map. I know this topic was discussed in the past but i've never seen it done.

I can run into the nod base and get into either the hand of NOD or the power plant as a hotwire. It's not that difficult from the far tunnel as long as you don't run into mines.

But how do you get into the GDI base? i've tried using stealth black hands and techs because they have high armor. I run through the furthest tunnel towards the back of the barracks. I always get killed. How can it be done?

Nod relies on infantery so Gdi has a good infantery defense(AGT). Gdi relies on tanks so Nod has good anti-tank defense(Obelisk). The trick is to use the units the defense isn�t made for. USE TANKS AGAINST AGT!!!! A flame tank can resist the AGT long enough to flame it down. Or else use a light tank wich is fast enough to doge the rockets and get hit only by the machine guns. There is no way to get into a Gdi base alive with one infantery unit as there is no way to get into a Nod base with one tank. (Except humvee and apc but their machinegun is useless against buildings)

The reason why its easier to destroy a Nod base is that people doesn�t defend against infantery.(Everyone just buys a tank not understanding that you can�t fight a mammoth with an artillery or a stealth tank at close range) If your playing Nod DEFEND AGAINST INFANTERY! They are the real danger to a Nod base

- Getting past the GDI tower without a vehicle. [message #-978808] Tue, 12 March 2002 06:39 Go to previous messageGo to next message
It is easier to destoy a GDI base... Just drive in with an apc and blow up a building with a stealth black hand or do that with a nuke...
- Getting past the GDI tower without a vehicle. [message #-978807] Tue, 12 March 2002 06:55 Go to previous messageGo to next message
It is easier to destoy a GDI base... Just drive in with an apc and blow up a building with a stealth black hand or do that with a nuke...

And just how does one do this?
If you get out anywhere within range of the guard tower you get shot.
If you drive to a secluded corner you've most likely got a tank or other offensive GDI soldier following you.
There's probably proximity mines around which you can't disarm.
If you start planting the beacon you'll be killed by the guy who was following you.

Or are you talking about destroying an undefended base? WE all know how to do that.

- Getting past the GDI tower without a vehicle. [message #-978806] Tue, 12 March 2002 07:00 Go to previous messageGo to next message
use my engineer/tech train trick to get past the GDI AGT on CC_Under

0. Find 1 friend.. make sure he is an engie or tech and you are a tech
1. Go through tunnels to base entrance near PPLant
2 run to rock and crouch
3. Have your friend heal you with repair gun.
4. both run at once... little jumping... he will get to rock.. you will get to pplant.
5. he switches to pistol and distracts anyone trying to get to pplant
6. blow up pplant
7. now your buddy can get back to tunnel or attempt to hit another building if he has C4 (tech) or a beacon..

it works great.. if 2 techs with $$ to get beacons and then get another dude or 2 for gun cover its an effective rush, and on other maps too actually with a slight variation.

- Getting past the GDI tower without a vehicle. [message #-978805] Tue, 12 March 2002 07:01 Go to previous messageGo to next message
read spiff *bump*
- Getting past the GDI tower without a vehicle. [message #-978804] Tue, 12 March 2002 10:51 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Originally posted by Spifff:
And just how does one do this?
If you get out anywhere within range of the guard tower you get shot.
If you drive to a secluded corner you've most likely got a tank or other offensive GDI soldier following you.
There's probably proximity mines around which you can't disarm.
If you start planting the beacon you'll be killed by the guy who was following you.

Or are you talking about destroying an undefended base? WE all know how to do that.

Usually your vehicle will be destroyed after you get behind a vehicle, the sad part is that once you are out of the vehicle most players are too stupid to realize you are a stealth black hand and do not even come looking for you. Even if they try to find you, they are easy to evade. Mines are not a problem since if you have a nuke you just plant it outside the building and you do not even have to go in. When a the other team hears the nuke message, only engies/hotwires normally go after the beacon. All you have to do is sit back, cloaked and wait for the engies/hotwires to congregate, then unload on them in the head eliminating your problems. If there is a combat class player who sees the beacon, dispatch him first but only once the techs arive to try to defuse. It is also much easier to nuke the powerplant or refinery than the barracks because they are generally farther back in the base, but cause almost the same problems to a team who loses them. It is also easier to do this in the back of enemy bases because no enemy troops are usually there.

- Getting past the GDI tower without a vehicle. [message #-978803] Tue, 12 March 2002 12:03 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Originally posted by Spifff:
And just how does one do this?
If you get out anywhere within range of the guard tower you get shot.
If you drive to a secluded corner you've most likely got a tank or other offensive GDI soldier following you.
There's probably proximity mines around which you can't disarm.
If you start planting the beacon you'll be killed by the guy who was following you.

Or are you talking about destroying an undefended base? WE all know how to do that.

i find it easier to kill the AGT as Nod

if you drive an APC into base its almost guaranteed that your APC wont go down (by the time it takes to get to the AGT)

that is, unless there are tanks pelting you AS you go in

anyway, two shots from the obselik will kill the APC so i think the post about GDI being good against infantry and Nod being good against tanks somewhat true

however, the only way for GDI infantry to successfully infiltrate the Nod base is in numbers, cuz i cant seem to get near the obselik by myself on foot

- Getting past the GDI tower without a vehicle. [message #-978802] Tue, 12 March 2002 23:19 Go to previous messageGo to next message
get the full game, loser
- Getting past the GDI tower without a vehicle. [message #-978801] Wed, 13 March 2002 00:31 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Thanks to Killjoy for suggesting the "tech/engie train" tactic. That's exactly what i was looking for. I'll have to try that out. But it seems that NOD needs to use teamwork whereas GDI can do it alone.

To the guy who can't get into the NOD base... Go to the tunnel farthest from the Obelisk. Then just run and jump along the edge of the power plant. Hopefully the tower will miss completely or just take off a bit of health. From there you can easily get into the hand of NOD or do a bit more run/jump to hopefully get to the door of the powerplant. The obelisk gets another shot at you here.

To the guy who called me a loser and told me to get the full game... WTF is your problem? Does my enjoyment of the demo somehow ruin your gameplaying experience? Does it hurt Westwood in any way? There's no way i'd buy a game like this without trying the demo first and i'm just trying to get everything i can out of it. Mostly likely i will be picking up the full game and it's 100\% because i'm enjoying the demo. It's not like i'm using a Warez version or anything. Jeez. And if my orignal post had been about the FULL GAME and this same map... then what? Would you have said "Play a different map Loser..."?

- Getting past the GDI tower without a vehicle. [message #-978800] Wed, 13 March 2002 00:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I'be soloed the PPLant as NOD. You gotta have good FPS, good timing and one hell of a timed jump. Someone else posted the timing before for Under way back when...

I think its like this but usually I get lucky.

1. Run/Strafe to Rock.. you should have about 25 armor left as tech.
2. slowly back to ramp crouching, when you hear the missile hit back to rock
3. Before missle can reload...Keep close to PPLant and RUN/JUMP to avoid missile splash damage when you round last corner...

something like that anyway, every once in a while i remember.. usually get a little to nerved to pull it off, but it can be done

- Getting past the GDI tower without a vehicle. [message #-978799] Wed, 13 March 2002 22:05 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Originally posted by SystemX:
Actually in the full game and the demo you can get past the oblisk with no problems. Just crouch and keep behind the boulder then crouch to the barrier between the boulder and the hand of nod. After that you can either mad dash to the Hand of Nod or crouch along the wall off the power plant until the oblisk is out of view...then blow the plant and roam free!! GDI is the same principal I believe you can crouch through to the infantry barracks...try to keep as far away from the AGT as possible until you are close to cover.

I tried that as a NOD Black Hand Cost=400. Crouched down gotten to the big rock and still gotten killed by the AGT. So there is no way you could have done it. So guess you will have to prove it either showing it online or providing a screenshot of you getting past the AGT without gettting hit or killed in process.

- Getting past the GDI tower without a vehicle. [message #-978798] Thu, 14 March 2002 02:14 Go to previous messageGo to next message
You should try again before you go claim this to be mission impossible. Hiding behind the rock is not a problem, just don�t get TOO CLOSE to it. When enemies launch missiles at me and I hide behind rocks, I back up a bit if possible, or else I will take some damage even though the missiles hit the opposite side of the rock. Just back up 1-2m and you should be ok.

As for the succeeding to sneak all the way into GDI powerplant or tower as black hand, I have never got that far myself either, but it must be possible anyway. If someone else on your team are attacking the base, the tower will aim for them eventually, then you get your chance.


[ March 14, 2002: Message edited by: Hidden ]

- Getting past the GDI tower without a vehicle. [message #-978797] Thu, 14 March 2002 02:22 Go to previous messageGo to next message
you don't need a diversion at all, you just need to practice, it can be done two ways... with a tech to heal you at rock as i mentioned above and also with some serious skillz... the later is harder but i have done it numerous times, learn the timing of the missles from AGT and time your jumps and strafes to minimize splash
- Getting past the GDI tower without a vehicle. [message #-978796] Thu, 14 March 2002 03:30 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I got to the second boulder, and planted a beacon by the wall of the PPlant. Did a lil damage. As far as making it all the way to the power plant I have never tried. But you can make it lil over half. When you go to first boulder crouch wait a sec and back straight up crouched not to far though maybe a step or 2. The rockets will hit the rock and you should be fine. Wait another second and run to second rock and crouch down and wait. Same thing will happen. That is as far as I have got. I found it always easier get 2 techs, get an APC rush the AGT and then remote c4 it. Better chance of taking it out and then hopefully your team will attack the base.
- Getting past the GDI tower without a vehicle. [message #-978795] Thu, 14 March 2002 03:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
If you are going to atack the AGT, flame tank is the way to go, and just in case you should get blown up, be an engineer and plant c4 on the MCT. If you are going to destroy the obelisk, an APC is the way to go. An apc will take enough damage for you to get around back and gain access to the MCT.
- Getting past the GDI tower without a vehicle. [message #-978794] Thu, 14 March 2002 11:55 Go to previous messageGo to next message
by some twist of fate i got past agt in far tunnel with a tech.i was the only one fired at too.i got to barracks...when i headed for pp i hit a bad spot and was gunned down
- Getting past the GDI tower without a vehicle. [message #-978793] Thu, 14 March 2002 20:33 Go to previous messageGo to next message
You people miss a key point. You don't stop behind the rock to hide from the AGT, you run your ass off, jumping when the rockets come, and you should easily survive. If you hide behind the rock, you get splash from the AGT rockets, and the guns are already trained on you. If they're not, that's an extra step you can take and that could make the difference.

This is why I never mine the power plant on Under, just the open field between the plant and the tunnel. This way, if anyone tries to get through, they're guaranteed to die.

- Getting past the GDI tower without a vehicle. [message #-978792] Thu, 14 March 2002 22:08 Go to previous messageGo to next message
The fastest way is to buy a buggy (nod) or a hummve and a rocket soldier. These vehicles are to fast for the GDI tower to aim, and even if you loose the vehicle you still can manage to run into the building and set some C4 or use the rockets to blow the console in the building.
- Getting past the GDI tower without a vehicle. [message #-978791] Fri, 15 March 2002 08:11 Go to previous message
Originally posted by ekin:
The fastest way is to buy a buggy (nod) or a hummve and a rocket soldier. These vehicles are to fast for the GDI tower to aim, and even if you loose the vehicle you still can manage to run into the building and set some C4 or use the rockets to blow the console in the building.

What old beta version are you playing? A buggy or humvee cant get past ethier of the base defences without going byebye. Unless your cheating its impossible(ive tried in multiplayer pratice and keep on dying).

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