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- Chinook [message #-978790] Tue, 12 March 2002 01:57 Go to next message
will you be able to shoot out of the side of the chinook like they do in SP?
- Chinook [message #-978789] Tue, 12 March 2002 02:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message

- Earls

- Chinook [message #-978788] Tue, 12 March 2002 10:48 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Originally posted by Earls:

- Earls

lol nice answer! BTW will someone be able to use the mounted machine gun on the chinook? Much like the way a passenger can use the vehicles guns.

- Chinook [message #-978787] Tue, 12 March 2002 11:09 Go to previous messageGo to next message
all I have to say is that if you will be able to place a mid air nuke on the chinok it will be bad ass!! There will be no way to defuse it!
- Chinook [message #-978786] Wed, 13 March 2002 09:08 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Originally posted by Violator-(X)-:
lol nice answer! BTW will someone be able to use the mounted machine gun on the chinook? Much like the way a passenger can use the vehicles guns.

Duh! he said no and its NO!

- Chinook [message #-978785] Thu, 14 March 2002 08:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Relax, man.

Just like in the original C&C, the Chinook is an unarmed transport helicopter. It will work just like the other vehicles (when you're inside, you'll get that nifty "third person" view), but there are no guns inside, outside, or on the Chinook.

And I'm willing to bet that you won't be able to "stand" on the aircraft at all, with those big rotors and all, so midair nuke attacks are probably not going to happen.

- Chinook [message #-978784] Thu, 14 March 2002 08:41 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I am sure somebody will find a way to step onto the chinook. But it DOES have weapons, just not used. There are mounted guns on the sides but they are never used.
- Chinook [message #-978783] Thu, 14 March 2002 09:04 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Is the Air Vehicle patch out yet and wher else can i get the gmax tool becuase i hate fileplanet and discreets site says THIS PAGE CANNOT BE DISPLAYED I hate that error.
- Chinook [message #-978782] Thu, 14 March 2002 13:34 Go to previous messageGo to next message
What happens if you are aboard a Chinook while flying, and arm a beacon?

Does the beacon remain in mid-air?

- Chinook [message #-978781] Fri, 15 March 2002 00:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message
You can't arm a beacon in mid-air. If you board a chinook you go to 3rd person, just like when boariding any other vehicle. You can't arm a beacon inside an apc either.
- Chinook [message #-978780] Fri, 15 March 2002 01:31 Go to previous messageGo to next message
hmm that sounds like a cool MOD a chinook...heres a link about them
- Chinook [message #-978779] Sat, 16 March 2002 06:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Hehe, bad news for the poor people who entertained thoughts of sniping from a Chinook.


- Chinook [message #-978778] Sat, 16 March 2002 11:44 Go to previous messageGo to next message
you can jump out and set it.
get really high up.
jump off
deploy it in air.
die from fall.
get fast vehicle
go by their base
watch fireworks
thats how.
- Chinook [message #-978777] Sat, 16 March 2002 12:13 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Why are you so despret (SP?) to set a nuke in mida air?
- Chinook [message #-978776] Sat, 16 March 2002 15:00 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Maybe u guys havent realised this yet...

*fly over to a building, float above it, jump out on top of building (eg hand of nod) arm beacon (laugh at engys running around looking for it) and fly off


- Chinook [message #-978775] Mon, 18 March 2002 04:28 Go to previous messageGo to next message
All buildings have roof access... No hiding beacons on a building for you.
- Chinook [message #-978774] Mon, 18 March 2002 04:45 Go to previous messageGo to next message
dunno what the name of the map is, but i found easy access to the infantry barracks, and i placed so many nukes on it, and watch the stupid people run around and scream, WHERE IS THE BEACON ARGH!!! stupid n00bs
- Chinook [message #-978773] Sat, 20 April 2002 11:21 Go to previous message
hehe newbs...nah im jsut joking(posted b4 airpatch came out)
- Chinook [message #-978772] Tue, 12 March 2002 07:30 Go to previous message
I have recently been playing Renegade and have seen many people strafing. I asked a lot of people and they say to strafe to stay alive, but i find this method hard to keep the cursor on the enemies head. So i ask my self, strafe or croutch? Also I have seen Gunner's devestating power against infantry and tanks alike, but if I'm haveing a good day and i hit everyone on the head with the officer, I do very well also. So once again gunner or officer.
- Chinook [message #-978771] Tue, 12 March 2002 07:36 Go to previous message
strafe for fast weaps, crouch/jump for slow weaps if you aren't comfortable yet... eventually you will beable to aim and strafe and jump and keep your targets head in your sights.. takes practice and timing

try looking at the change in position when you take on extra actions like jumping or strafing.. then slowly over-lead your aim BEFORE you make your move.. this way your aim will cross your target at least twice and then you can lead back and keep laying down fire... eventually you will get fluid... and the 0wnage will be complete

- Chinook [message #-978770] Tue, 12 March 2002 07:39 Go to previous message
oh yeah and move erratically... move back and left then strafe right etc.... think of like a 5 step dance your going to do.. practice it keeping a light post or something in your sights.... then move to the battle field and try it out there.. you will be suprised how effective it is to move like a drunken maniac
- Chinook [message #-978769] Tue, 12 March 2002 07:41 Go to previous message
Thanx but Gunner or officer?
- Chinook [message #-978768] Tue, 12 March 2002 07:45 Go to previous message
it's not that generic, you need to use whatever class is tuned to the task at hand... this means you should change depending on what you want to or are asked to do for your team...

Gunner is good againt tanks and againt infantry in tunnels, officer is good againt light vehicles and infantry.

However, some people 0wn with the rocket launcher and some 0wn with the Officer, personally I opt for the rocket launcher because if i do get to the base I can do more damage.. or make a great distraction going for 1 building when a buddy c4s the real target.... again... different situations call for different things... be aware of the battle field and choose your unit accordingly.. not only will you be more successful.. but your team will last longer 2

- Chinook [message #-978767] Tue, 12 March 2002 07:47 Go to previous message
the gunner is very nice against tanks but useless against a good infantery player ... some ppl say "gunner is extremly good vs infantery you can kill everyone with 1 rocket". Well they have never played against a skillfull player ... if u you are in medium range u can dodge any rocket.

chaingun is nice but not great
its good against the free troopers but allmost useless against armor

- Chinook [message #-978766] Tue, 12 March 2002 07:59 Go to previous message
and do what killjoy said

just look at what u are fighting at ... dont buy a gunner becoz u think its nice ... buy it then u see incomming tanks ... and if u got like 500 cash ... it may not me smart to buy a gunner, just buy a rocket trooper for 225 ... some times u run in the battle field and u are sniped down the moment u show up. then u are all out of money ... so buy only what u need ... and dont trow your money away

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