Ok you people are idiots, GDSLAV, ill forgive you for now.... I will try and explain this best I can since im amazed your not smart enough to have realised this.Whatever patch does against infantry, the blackhand does THE EXACT SAME, they are the same cost, same characters with different skins.
They both fire fast, and if you hit headshots they both kill infantry EXTREMELY fast.
In fact their is no difference in how both are effective vs infantry.
In fact there is little difference between the damage an officer does compared to patch/blackhand, ive downed people in 3 seconds with an officer many times, its easy.
BUT patch does 20\% as much damage against vehicles then the blackhand.
Its an ERROR, you shoot tanks with the officer and its the same effect you get shooting them with patch.
NOW take a blackhand, and you will be pleasantly surprised (if your a nod fan) at how much faster that tanks health goes down, THAT is what patch is supposed to be like, otherwise right now he is NO BETTER THAN A REGULAR OFFICER FOR SUCH A HIGHER PRICE.
And you guys call ME a noob?
I know games INSIDE AND OUT, I don't just play them, I test them, I compare things, I don't run along and gun someone in the head and then say, well that means this character is great.
Patch is INFERIOR to blackhand AND the mighty gunner.
As a matter of fact, I can down people 2x faster with gunner in the open then with patch, and in tunnels, 10x. Factor in gunners awesomeness against vehicles.
Patch sucks, and thats @#*!$ FINAL YOU NOOBS!!