Originally posted by deutzia:
PLEASE.....PLEASE.....HELP MEI cant find the **** FIRST MATE
After I get the Green pass fron the nod officer where do I go to finf the FIRST MATE?
Is he supposed to be in one of the 4 rooms on that level or di I take the stairs UP or DOWN?????
Ive been on this level now for over 5 hours & I have NEVER NEVER seen anyone who looks like the FIRST OFFICER??

I've got three passes and I'm stuck trying to find the captain, everyone else on board is dead except the three prisoners.
Try rushing through one of the locked doors when soldiers open it, you might need to fire something to attract them.
Anyone know where to locate the captain? I've killed all in the main bridge at the front of the ship and the bridge near the stern.
[ March 16, 2002: Message edited by: Nibbo ]