Just wondering where you place the beacons here is my list of places:GDI Weapons factory - Behing console supoort just in front of glass.
GDI Barracks - Around the back under GDI LOGO where nobody looks
GDI AGT - Between the structure and mast
GDI Power Plant - Outside at the big long round section out of site
GDI Tiberium Refinery - Whereever i think the enemy is least likely to find it
NOD Obelisk - Whereever i think the enemy is least likely to find it
NOD Airstrip - At the highest point of the runway down the little slop noone looks there
NOD Power Planet - Same as GDI Power Plant
Nod Hand Of Nod - On the top level in a corner
NOD Tiberium Refinery - Same as GDI Refinery
How about where you place yours, just post any comments, thoughts, or where you place yours below.