Well we got the mod and i like it i guess but. WTF is up with the beta testing they are taking their sweet time and i want the real patch not no only get vehicles from NOD base bull. It really ****es me off that the beta testers get to do everything my god they act like they are soo special. i'm sick of it can't you just give us our air vehicles like we want. come on westwood! Oh yeh I found your file for the beta testers air stuff it was like 90mb I downloaded but well didn't have the sereal. I deleted it anyways because there is no use in playing it if no one else has it. All I want is for guys like me who aren't in beta testing to be able to chat with beta testers and ask questions on progress and for beta testers to stop being so stuck up like they are soo much better than the people who are not testing. The truth is I am losing intrest in this game for more graphically enhanced games like Jedi Outcast and feel that WOL needs a lot of work a lot of times people cannot connect to WOL and I would like to see some technical support guys in chatroom like the zone.com has. I can't host games for Sh*t and I know its because of my router and I would like to know what ports need to be opened but well Sh*t cannot find a place that will tell me. but in the end if you want more people buying this game WESTWOOD you might wanna come out with those Flying vehicles soon I got friends who are not going to get the game until the flying vehicles come out because they are satisfied with counterstrike. The flying vehicles would be a great addition to this game and make it a better online hit. also how about som more maps these same ole maps get boaring after a while you know.
I urge everyone who reads this message to post a reply about this and I want a "Yes" or "No" at the beginning of your reply stating wether you agree or not. We need to show westwood that we want this patch now. as i quote from a member by the name of lance240 "We've waited long enough for the love of God this guy is right we need flying vehicle's and new maps Now!"
If westwood cannot get this stuff out i quote from another guy by the name of morphine "all mod makers should come together and create a mod Team that makes mods with all kinds of ideas" unimaginable to even westwood and make there beta flying patch obsolete.
This is all in the name of all those guys who are tired of the same ole renegade online gaming and want a change.