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Pros/Cons of booby-trapping your rush vehicle [message #-975443] Tue, 09 April 2002 17:33 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Originally posted by Particle Noun:
Rojan et al.
Yeah, vehicle theives suck. I've found that pulling in round the back of your power plant or tib refiner is a good place for GDI to place your 2 C4 then refil. With Nod, if you drive up to the door in the airstrip, you can run in and refill pretty d@mn quickly.
Nothing will deter a good car jacker.
And BLAZER...That is so funny!! I am definetly trying that next game. Just leave the buggy or humvee right out front of their a trojan horse. Great idea. I guess it's better to leave it a little farther out from base so they don't disarm the c4.
(Oh, that reminds me...always space your two c4 out, don't clump them both on the hood or rear bumper...they are very obvious this way. If you put one on the back bottom right and left, they are hard to notice....unoticed booby traps are a lot more fun know, of course, that I would never actually presume to tell a texan correct cowboy lingo
Thanks for the replies everyone.

Haha yeah...probably the best place is to place the remote c4 on the front bumper, and abandon it with the rear bumper facing the base, so they dont notice it when they hop in or when they are driving.

Pros/Cons of booby-trapping your rush vehicle [message #-975442] Tue, 09 April 2002 06:15 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Why put remote c4 on ur vehicle? Put proxies so you do not have to worry about knowing when to explode your remote! Set it and forget it, that is what i always say!
Pros/Cons of booby-trapping your rush vehicle [message #-975441] Tue, 09 April 2002 06:39 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Well, I've found that you have to put a lot more proxy on a vehicle to blow it up, so it's a much greater drain on the already stressed base defense. Plus I love to think that someone thinks they've stolen a shinny new humvee only to have it blow out from under him.
Pros/Cons of booby-trapping your rush vehicle [message #-975440] Tue, 09 April 2002 23:37 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I have used this tactic many times It is a nice way to take out people who think they are safe hiding behind a rock or low wall where they are hard to hit with your gun oand are unsquishable <~ new word? Been able to rack up a few kills with the proxy. The problem with using it for base rushes is that 9 out of 10 times the first newbie you run over takes out the c4 and you would have gotten the squish kill anyway
Frontrunner - if you reread the original post, PN was talking about placing REMOTE c4 on the hummv. Which I think is a good idea btw. And I've too have noticed that there are times when you can't GIVE a vehicle away (probly cuz the players are standing a pt's trying to purchase instead of listening to messages about free vehicles).

BTW - here's another strat...Helicopter Tunnel Rushing check it out Heli tunnel rush

Let me know what you think

Pros/Cons of booby-trapping your rush vehicle [message #-975439] Wed, 10 April 2002 00:20 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Hmm.. I never thought about rigging the raid vehicle. I have used a mammoth to force my way in and place a nuke, worked perfectly too but only on levels without base defense (those tanks are slooooow).

Personally, what has worked well for me when doing solo c4 runs is to have patience. I drive as close as possible to see what they're up to and wait for any tanks to leave the base. Then I'll sneak in. Same thing for placing beacons. If I can get in with an APV and get the beacon placed then the building's gone because the APV will usually take enough damage for me to sit on the beacon until it's too late for them to disarm it. Hotwires smoosh nicely when they try to come disarm it.

I don't do APV runs a lot though, since I'm usually the only one on my team that recognizes the need for defense.

As far as same team vehicle stealing.... almost the most frustrating thing since they're supposed to be on my team. One time I just bought a mammoth only for it to be mangled by a rogue flame tank before I could get to it. While I was repairing it, it suddenly drove off.

The most frustrating thing is to have a teammate purposely destroy your own buildings in a friendly fire game. The culprit easily sticks out with their score of -3500 or so. This server is also laddered so most people prefer not to destroy their own buildings. I don't know how it's laddered, since it's also friendly fire.. but it was.

Pros/Cons of booby-trapping your rush vehicle [message #-975438] Wed, 10 April 2002 01:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Well, I'd say that it could be an effective tactic depending on the situation but you should DEFINATELY notify your team when doing this. If too many people use the tactic at once, you'll eliminate all base defenses without knowing it so keep your team informed if you're about to use this tactic. You never know, you might get a volunteer driver out of it instead.
Pros/Cons of booby-trapping your rush vehicle [message #-975437] Wed, 10 April 2002 17:11 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Yes, definitely. I always try to communicate this to my team. I try to commmunicate everything to my team, usually, but it rarely makes a difference!
When I first start a game, I usually send out a few communication feelers, to see who out there is reading the comm. If I don't get any responses, you can be pretty sure it's going to be a rambo game.....
Pros/Cons of booby-trapping your rush vehicle [message #-975436] Wed, 10 April 2002 06:01 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Originally posted by Particle Noun:
I have a 7-10 split in my brain right now about a certain subject: The act of loading a few (read: 2 to 3) remote c4 on a buggy/humvee that you are planning on rushing with into the enemy base:
Pro's: Well, there really is only one. When you sneak into base, you really don't want to let people know you are there by chasing down infantry firing your gun. This, for obvious reasons, blows any sort of surprise you might achive with a sneak attack. If you don't want to leave a full health vehicle for the enemy you have to drive around until you get blown which point, you have very little chance to sneak into the refinery and blow that mutha. Placing two remote c4 on your vehicle allows you, when you blow up your remote c4 in the building, to remove your offending vehicle from the game, and often times, right out from under enemy hands. It's very satisfiying to hear the humvee's engines start up outside of your victim building (why people drive that vehicle away instead of checking the building for the enemy who LEFT IT THERE is still beyond me) and seconds later hearing the satisfying explosion of the powerplant AND the now enemy Humvee in blowing up in chorus together.

Cons': Well, you're wasting two of your teams 30 limit for mines, as remotes count agains the limit. However, you're not handing over a vehicle to the enemy either.
I, myself, favor this tactic.
Would anyone here be upset if they saw someone on their team do this? And I don't mean loading it up with c4...that's just dumb in my opinion. Just two to prevent it falling into enemy hands.....
Ok, chime in.

an easier way is to place remotly detonated c4 or if your a good driver/its a small map, you can place timed c4 on it, the restocking yourself.

Saves on the prox, and is just as effecient.

Pros/Cons of booby-trapping your rush vehicle [message #-975435] Wed, 10 April 2002 06:37 Go to previous messageGo to next message
an easier way is to place remotly detonated c4 or if your a good driver/its a small map, you can place timed c4 on it, the restocking yourself.

Saves on the prox, and is just as effecient.

I think that's what I was talking about....I meant plaicing remote c4 on your vehicle. Some people seem to have thought I was talking about proxy, which I wasn't. Placing Proxy on a vehicle seems to me to be a waste, and Timed c4 doesnt' seem to work as well. It will usually blow before I get to the destination. For this tactic, I think remote c4 is the only way to go.
Pros/Cons of booby-trapping your rush vehicle [message #-975434] Wed, 10 April 2002 08:08 Go to previous messageGo to next message
just stick prox. mines on you vehicle,get it done for pete's sake.
Pros/Cons of booby-trapping your rush vehicle [message #-975433] Wed, 10 April 2002 09:03 Go to previous messageGo to next message
OK, well, Proxy mines on vehicles s*ck and are a bad idea, and I don't think I'll ever do it, so that's where I stand on that.
Pros/Cons of booby-trapping your rush vehicle [message #-975432] Wed, 10 April 2002 09:38 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Originally posted by huntleader:
Why put remote c4 on ur vehicle? Put proxies so you do not have to worry about knowing when to explode your remote! Set it and forget it, that is what i always say!

I dont trust that...just last night on Hourglass.mix, I put 4 prox c4 on my humvee that I parked outside the AGT so I could go in and refill...some nod guy comes in, we shoot it out...he plants c4 and kills me. Right after I die I saw him jump into my humvee, proxy explosions and all, and drive off running over 2 teammates in the process. It didnt stop him and wasted proxies
Pros/Cons of booby-trapping your rush vehicle [message #-975431] Thu, 11 April 2002 12:56 Go to previous messageGo to next message
LOL blazer... time for plan X I guess! [/Wile e.]
Pros/Cons of booby-trapping your rush vehicle [message #-975430] Fri, 12 April 2002 06:44 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I'm really amused by the idea of kamikazee missions myself... why not load vehicles up with c4 and ram things? How much c4 can you stick on the front of a hummer or APC? enough to blow a bldg? I'm going to give it a try.
Pros/Cons of booby-trapping your rush vehicle [message #-975429] Fri, 12 April 2002 06:55 Go to previous messageGo to next message
excellent tip man. Thnx
Pros/Cons of booby-trapping your rush vehicle [message #-975428] Fri, 12 April 2002 14:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Just fill a humvee full of remote c4, take someone with you, have them open the enemy building door, drive in and park next to the MCT. I dont know if this would destroy the building faster or not at all for not begin directly on the MCT.
Pros/Cons of booby-trapping your rush vehicle [message #-975427] Sat, 13 April 2002 02:01 Go to previous messageGo to next message
In what little experience I have of that, timed c4 does cr*p damage to buildings via splash damage. It has to be planted on the MCT. Same goes for all these proxybomb vehicles...unless you just like killing guys (and one guy will usually set off all the proxy), then it's not very effective...almost non-effective against buildings, in fact. And, of course, a waste of team resources.
Pros/Cons of booby-trapping your rush vehicle [message #-975426] Sat, 13 April 2002 02:06 Go to previous messageGo to next message
all true particle dude. but just once, wouldn't you like to come roaring into the enemy base loaded with c4s and shout "I GOT A PRESENT FOR YA!"? lol...
Pros/Cons of booby-trapping your rush vehicle [message #-975425] Sat, 13 April 2002 17:32 Go to previous message
Heck ya....
Actually, this is a very sneaky tactic that has one brilliant use....and I've seen it work once to brilliant effect.
Setting:Close to end of game. The enemy has one structure left, and almost the whole team is in there repairing as engies/techs...
Your lobbing away at it with five or six vehicles, but it just won't die.
So, you can either sit there and rack of points, or, if you get bored and just want to end it...
Load up someone with tons of remote c4, maybe a few people, and have them run in to the building (you might have to have a few suicide's to take out the doorway proxy first), saddle up the the mct, and BOOM, all the good little repairing engies are so much wallpaper, and the vehicles are free to level the building.
When I saw this happen, I laughed for a good 10 minutes!
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