I;m a good driver and when I buggy in to factory is usually has something like full health no armor... I didn't know u could make it to refine and plant, I guess it's just risky. But Factory is easy... I buggied in to factory and killed it with tech and this guy kept saying I was cheating
I love thatHere's the deal with remote/timed c4
as tech or engy, always do timed first
Make sure they get on the MCT, and dont stack them on top of eachother
Then plant your 2 remotes, look at the clock to see when ur timed will go off.
if you are advanced and the plant is empty, have some fun planting proxmities.
If someone walks in on you and you can not kill them, dodge and try to stay alive for as long as possible. 2 timed and 2 remote is overkill on a building, so u dont have to wait for the timed to blow before u detonate.
if the enemy that walks in on you is an engy/tech, then dont blow remote until u have to. instead, run away behind a wall, if they follow blow before u die. If they try to repair the MCT or disarm the c4, take out ur pistola dn headshot em, they usually wont ahve enough time to disarm.