Hi, im new [message #-974786] |
Sat, 13 April 2002 09:10  |
HI all, im new on this forum and i hope to have a verry nice time here. Let me tell something about myself. Im a cop and i life in The Netherlands, im ranked 1300 with renegade and i love playing the game. If you want to take me on just mail me and we will fight  well thats it for now,
Hi, im new [message #-974785] |
Sat, 13 April 2002 10:35   |
welcome to the boards! you picked the right one to post on. the tac and strat is for gamers, the public forum is for everybody else. lol...
Hi, im new [message #-974783] |
Sat, 13 April 2002 12:10   |
I'm pretty new here myself too, but welcome. As zukkov said, this board is one for the real players
Hi, im new [message #-974780] |
Sat, 13 April 2002 13:32   |
Hey there! good to see you! Just to let u know something! If you want people to like you on this forum, dont ask anything about aircraft... all hase been said in old post, just read them... Couple of people could get mad... Dont worry about AircraftKiller2001, he's a little weird, but his tactics are quite impressive... that's quite it!!! see ya!
Hi, im new [message #-974777] |
Sat, 13 April 2002 15:40   |
hey M16, have you ever played delta force land warrior? Want to know if your the same person i know
Hi, im new [message #-974776] |
Sat, 13 April 2002 15:50  |
Welcome, lots of good tips in the tactics area. The line about being a cop sure is working here, your getting a lot of respect, I'll have to try that line one time, . Just kidding, maybe you can bring some law and order around here! ha
Hi, im new [message #-974775] |
Sat, 13 April 2002 09:45  |
Do any of u think that a mammoth tank shoud have extra modifications? If so, how?
Hi, im new [message #-974774] |
Sat, 13 April 2002 10:15  |
actually i do. for the most part i believe the game is balanced. but i do think the mammy comes out a little short for the money. look at it this way. the lt costs 600 and has 300 armor, 300 health. 300+300=600. the medium costs 800 and has 400/400. but the mammy only has 600/600 yet costs 1500. yes it has the missiles as an extra weapon, but it is also much slower than any other vehicle in the game. it is also a much bigger target, making it the easiest thing to hit other than buildings. my suggestion would be to up the armor/health to 750 each and make the mammy the formidable monster that it should be....
Hi, im new [message #-974773] |
Sat, 13 April 2002 10:53  |
you mean the nod light tank has 300/300 and costs $600. I agree the mamoth is just a little under the mark...
Hi, im new [message #-974772] |
Sat, 13 April 2002 10:54  |
btw, read the "Three examples of idiotic or n00b behavior" post and comment (u might not believe it, but the examples are true)
Hi, im new [message #-974771] |
Sat, 13 April 2002 11:12  |
The mammoth AND the stealth are both a little under the mark no matter what people say. Mammoth needs 700-750 armor/health instead of 600 They are slow and can't escape when things get ugly, and then their puny 600/600 armor does them no good even with their self heal which itself could also be better, maybe healing 5 points at a time instead of 2. It takes 5 minutes to self heal back to 600 which is way to long in 30 minute games to EVER make a difference And the stealth needs 250/250 Even when I surprise attack mediums, if its a good medium driver my stealth will loose everytime, can't attack bases with stealths, extremely open to infantry attacks such as sydney PIC, and sneaking up and crushing infantry is overrated because they can spot you a long ways away and its easy to dodge stealths trying to crush you, and then the missiles are hard to control sometimes.
Hi, im new [message #-974770] |
Sat, 13 April 2002 16:14  |
Ways to make it better? Give it FOUR barrels and make the tusk missiles shoot as far as the mrls  But seriously though, I agree with this: quote: Originally posted by Every Silent Victim: The mammoth AND the stealth are both a little under the mark no matter what people say.Mammoth needs 700-750 armor/health instead of 600 They are slow and can't escape when things get ugly, and then their puny 600/600 armor does them no good even with their self heal which itself could also be better, maybe healing 5 points at a time instead of 2. It takes 5 minutes to self heal back to 600 which is way to long in 30 minute games to EVER make a difference.
Hi, im new [message #-974769] |
Sat, 13 April 2002 19:54  |
I dont thing the mammoth is good... is to slow!!!  the extra extra modifications shuld be faster mammoth[ April 14, 2002: Message edited by: Ghost1988 ]
Hi, im new [message #-974768] |
Sat, 13 April 2002 20:57  |
it needs a bigger bite with the mrls and 120mm cannon. it has trouble frying a light tank ffs...
Hi, im new [message #-974766] |
Sat, 13 April 2002 21:53  |
thank you, the post above me finally pointed it out. The prices really don't reflect anything, except that all the prices in the game are the exact same as the original C&C. They had to do it that way. But.....I do think the mammoth needs improvements. Without saying anything stupid, the TUsk missles need to be more powerful and need at least twice the range they do now. I'm not saying MRLS range, just a better range. The cannon should also be more powerful, but the mammoth's speed is fine. Its a gigantic tank with the most armor of anything in the game, so it should have slow speed. Plus, how is a tank carrying twin rocket launchers and twin 120mm cannons going to move fast?
Hi, im new [message #-974765] |
Sat, 13 April 2002 22:26  |
IMO the only thing the mamoth needs is a faster regeneration rate. 5 per second, like mentioned by "Every Silent Victim" Sounds verry good to me. Else it gets overpowered, esspecialy on no defense maps. And the stank could definately use an armour upgrade to 250/250 for battles with multiple tanks... it a good tank for lone tanks (even the mamoth). Just get behind one and have the first 4 shots for free (ofcourse you have to drive around it to avoid targeting) but against 2 or more tanks it does poorly. (but personaly I already like it more than the flametanks). Oh and has enyone of you tried a stealth rush? I wonder how that would work out... [ April 14, 2002: Message edited by: Emerge ]
Hi, im new [message #-974764] |
Sun, 14 April 2002 04:25  |
stealth rush doesn't work, because stealths suck at taking out bases, just 1 sydney PIC or a 2 gunners can take out stealths faster then you can snap a finger, same if there is a medium around. Now add that in with flames having twice as much armor and costing 100 less....stealths are definately not worth it for taking out bases over flame tanks. Everyone overrates the getting behind the mammoth tactic, if the mammoth simply tries to turn sideways you aren't able to stay behind them (for some reason half the time the hitbox messes up and you end up DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF THE MAMMOTH) and then those tusk missiles come and your stealth dies in about 3 seconds. Hitting infantry? Only snipers because they are the only ones that stand still and there isn't many snipers around usually. Last thing you want also is to not kill them and have them shooting you causing your tank to de-stealth and end up getting you killed. Currently the stealth is good for nothing really, MLRS missiles track stealths especially, so if they are shooting while you try to sneak in or paranoid your not gonna get too close before your discovered. They can't take any gdi heavy tanks 1 vs 1 or in groups vs groups. They aren't good against infantry because once they are spotted your in big trouble. A skilled humvee driver can kill a stealth 1 vs 1 every time because the stealth has extreme problems shooting stuff thats direcly in front of it and directly on its side(ive done it about 20 times and really gotten a lot of people angry). And lastly stealths are not good vs buildings because they are more expensive then flame tanks yet worse against bases because they have less armor and on defence maps its hopeless. Its funny how you can get a stealth into a predicament by placing c4 on it because it will die if it doesn't get it off, so if there is other tanks or soldiers around its doomed. Not the same story with mediums or lights as they can survive a c4.
Hi, im new [message #-974763] |
Sun, 14 April 2002 04:30  |
Just making the mammoths self-heal better would do nothing. As it is the self heal right now is worthless, I was just recommending something that would make it slightly noticable. Most people repair their own tanks anyway as long as you bring it back near the base a little, too many times have I seen someone loose their mammoth to a stealth, ugh. It requires 750/750 health because it is already slower then the medium, much slower. A regular soldier I believe can catch up and outrun it.
Hi, im new [message #-974762] |
Sun, 14 April 2002 04:51  |
i do agree that with its slow speed it can be ganged up on rather easily. the cannons and missils should do more damage ive shot flame tanks 3 times dead center and not even knock off a block of health without them even having an engy. and yes the TUSK missiles should fire alot farther because with air units coming out and it slow speed the mammoth needs something that can take them out easier. i mean when infintry can do more average dmg to a flame or stealth than the mammoth which is supposed to be a war machine there is seriously something wrong. i believe that the mammoth need to be upgraded all around in power so it can be used more effectively in offense. i myself noticing its uselessness in soloing just use it for defense so i dont waste 5 minutes getting to their base. in terms of how good it is its a really good road block thas it.