Contrary to Popular Belief... [message #-973501] |
Wed, 17 April 2002 11:30  |
I also posted this in the General Discussion Forum. Sorry for re-posting, but I believe it is of tactical importance. Read on: Aircraft aren't amazing. Other then flying, they can't do much damage on the battlefield. Now, I know everyone's so excited about the new patch, but so many people are overlooking the fact that aircraft aren't unstoppable killing machines. In fact, on Walls, team GDI was buying orcas like madmen. I wisely saved up and bought a Raveshaw, which takes down an orca in 3 (yes, 3) shots. I succeeded where 5 apaches couldn't. So that's point one: aircraft aren't that strong against even an infantry class. I also noticed no one is buying tanks anymore. Common people! They're the basic part of C&C! All I see is orcas, apaches, orcas, apaches, orcas, apaches, and yes, of course, orcas and apaches. Tanks happen to be great in assaulting the enemy base. So that's point two: Aircraft aren't the only things in your buy menu. Since this aircraft boom, I've never seen any good tactics that were in common use before. Everyone's just too happy with their flying coffins to even think that they could win any other way. So that's point three: The aircraft caused the death of tactics. Now, I could be wrong. Aircraft could just be a trend. And I'm not saying they aren't good. But just remember, there are tons of other things you can do in Renegade.
Contrary to Popular Belief... [message #-973498] |
Wed, 17 April 2002 11:43   |
quote: Originally posted by zukkov: remember you guys, the a/c are new and everyone is trying them out to see what they're capable of. give it some time. things will return to normal...
Hmmmm...... I guess you have a point. It is just that we (I) have been waiting a long time with high hopes for this and it turns out to be a small dissapointment. Nonetheless, I will take your advice and wait.
Contrary to Popular Belief... [message #-973497] |
Wed, 17 April 2002 16:21   |
quote: Originally posted by zukkov: remember you guys, the a/c are new and everyone is trying them out to see what they're capable of. give it some time. things will return to normal...
and before they do lets take advantage and rank up ladder pts while the idiots fly around trying to shoot each other. I wonder if anyone in an apache/orca would get out of thier plane to chase a tech into a build or will they say "somone go in there and kill that engy while i fly around"
Contrary to Popular Belief... [message #-973495] |
Thu, 18 April 2002 05:17   |
i got out of mine. i mean, in walls i'll take a sniper, sit all the way back in front of nod refinery, and shoot orcas all the way accros the map just lifting off from their base. 5 shots, hit all 4, reload, then get em. hit them all the way accross base, and fortunately, this method does seem to rack up a hefty amount of ladder points. however, on city, thing to do is take your orca or apache, sit up high right between power plant and refinery, you can see all entrances from there. when you see something coming, move and get in it's way. nothing like stopping an apc dead in it's track right where the base defenses can hit it. then when the engis hop out, land on em with the helicopter. but it is just a phase, i mean the patch has been out 10 hours now. everyone is still wanting to just test things out. i've changed my server to non-laddered because i knew no one really wanted to play seriously yet.
Contrary to Popular Belief... [message #-973492] |
Wed, 17 April 2002 23:14   |
i am ****ed about people just buying choppers but there is an upside, i just get a havoc and get to a good vantage points and in 4 shots an apache is gone and my points are up. with the aircraft out snipers are finally getting the points they deserve, the last game i played i got 3rd out of 40 just for sniping guys and choppers!
Contrary to Popular Belief... [message #-973491] |
Wed, 17 April 2002 23:22   |
Yeah -- BD is going down hill - but it will pick up when the hoopla dies down. I was amazed that i flew the same transport chopper for 3 succesful stealth runs to GDI! i took minimal damage and was avoiding Orca fire pretty good (new pilots i suppose). But then GDI wised up and got some Havocs in sniper positions ---
*Boink* -- long way down.... 
Contrary to Popular Belief... [message #-973490] |
Thu, 18 April 2002 00:48   |
Now increasing the validity of ***** snipers is what I am worried about with this aircraft beta. The vast majority of pub snipers are lame cowards who can't melee to save their lives... so they sit back and snipe at people. When you discover them and attack, they run for their pathetic, sad lives.
Contrary to Popular Belief... [message #-973488] |
Thu, 18 April 2002 01:29   |
quote: Originally posted by StoneRook: Yeah -- BD is going down hill - but it will pick up when the hoopla dies down.I was amazed that i flew the same transport chopper for 3 succesful stealth runs to GDI! i took minimal damage and was avoiding Orca fire pretty good (new pilots i suppose). But then GDI wised up and got some Havocs in sniper positions ---
*Boink* -- long way down.... 
It bothers me greatly that snipers can take out vehicles (especially aircraft since they are more likely to be in the open) so easily. That little bullet must be misleadingly powerful.
Contrary to Popular Belief... [message #-973487] |
Thu, 18 April 2002 02:29   |
quote: Originally posted by kubi0461: It bothers me greatly that snipers can take out vehicles (especially aircraft since they are more likely to be in the open) so easily. That little bullet must be misleadingly powerful.
think of it like this. The armour in real life of a jeep, MRLS or chopper is painfully non-existant. A sniper can take out the driver of a jeep in real life from a mile away, and bugger off before anyone finds him. It would be good in renegade if you could see the occupants in the Jeeps, MRLS and Artillery. Make it more like real life, and open up a whole new line of strategies, where artilley can't sit at the edge of the battle field and pound away.
Contrary to Popular Belief... [message #-973485] |
Thu, 18 April 2002 06:39   |
Hehe, in walls all I do buy a Havoc, go up on top of the war fac, pull up a lawn chair - grab a beer, and just shoot them ****ed flying *******s whenever I see one of those retards coming my way. Hehe, then they figured they'd caught on and rush at me with like 3 apaches. For a challenge I like to try hitting all 3 of em' on their way down, so far I've only got 2 (seriously, I killed 2 falling people with ramjet).
Contrary to Popular Belief... [message #-973484] |
Thu, 18 April 2002 06:46   |
It's true that there is so much hype surrounding choppers -- They aren't good front line units but they are excellent for tank support and base defense
Contrary to Popular Belief... [message #-973483] |
Thu, 18 April 2002 08:49   |
They are quite weak. On city though, if you are Nod, you can get an apache behind the GDI refinery while only losing 16 armor, place a nuke, get back in to the heli and fly over to the pp, take it out with c4 and fly home to refil all the while only losing MAX 50 armor. It works, have done it countless times today
Contrary to Popular Belief... [message #-973482] |
Thu, 18 April 2002 10:07   |
thats because their defense was crap- I've landed on their warfactory roof, deployed the beacon and left it exploded, but I tried again this time their Def. was good so i got shot down, still irks me that you just fall out instead of parachuting or something
Contrary to Popular Belief... [message #-973480] |
Thu, 18 April 2002 15:56   |
3-4 FT or 3-4 Stank rush still beats the crap out of flying maps. If Nod can pull it together GDI is ****ed. Since I take it most pubs are pos jackathons, this is of no vital use. Yet WW has confidently assured me and we have proven the Nod tank rush will still work 90\% of the time. Air units are simply crap, and in hour long games just point fodder for rank pushing in ladder games. This and it sucks that the sniper is ultra uber now. I think the snipe rife should do **** against the air units and that Rave/Spic should be the anti air infantry, just so the game would be mixed more on infantry. I dont want to go into a pos pub and see 10 snipers. That games pants, pure pos pants, and any beta tester will agree.
Contrary to Popular Belief... [message #-973479] |
Thu, 18 April 2002 18:29   |
Here's the only real legitimate use for choppers: Distracting defenders while a FT or Mammoth rush comes blazing into their bases.  "OH LOOK, EASY TARGETS!" *BRRRRRRRRRRRM* "GDI/NOD WEAPONS FACTORY DESTROYED...GDI/NOD TIBERIUM REFINERY DESTROYED" Quite frankly, I think people are overlooking the power of the Chinook (which looks more like a CH-46E Sea Knight) - but since it doesn't have the ability to, how would the n00bs put it, "make things go boom and fall down and go boink," very rarely do I see someone buy one - probably because the general school of thought is that you have to go to the maximum crusing altitude so you REALLY die when you fall. 
Contrary to Popular Belief... [message #-973478] |
Thu, 18 April 2002 20:24   |
Really, a Mammoth is so slow and a soldier can get in its dead zone pretty quickly (the point where you can't run the guy over and you can't hit him with your guns). An Orca here would be wonderfull because it can reach that deadzone, and it can scout. I really think those 2 were made for eachother.
Contrary to Popular Belief... [message #-973477] |
Fri, 19 April 2002 03:41   |
quote: Originally posted by ]AoA[ The Emperor: Now increasing the validity of ***** snipers is what I am worried about with this aircraft beta.The vast majority of pub snipers are lame cowards who can't melee to save their lives... so they sit back and snipe at people. When you discover them and attack, they run for their pathetic, sad lives.
Ummm...that would be me. 