What's the best defense against Stealth Black Hand? [message #-973312] |
Thu, 18 April 2002 20:18   |
I heard Patch and Mobius see Stealth at farther range then other infantry. Also, most of the stealths in your base are beacon runners. If you have 2 defenders on your base, you should be able to disarm 90\% of all beacons, if you work together with your teammates (you and Hotwire, Hotwire disarms, you kill the stealth)
What's the best defense against Stealth Black Hand? [message #-973310] |
Thu, 18 April 2002 21:35   |
grenadiers are perfeckt to kill em! they see black hands long time bevore patch and moebius does! vewwy long times be4! they are low cost (nothing to be exact), and do good damage! in islands or stuff like this, they are just perfeckt for tunnel defending! and when black hands are hit, everyone can see em!
What's the best defense against Stealth Black Hand? [message #-973307] |
Fri, 19 April 2002 00:15   |
quote: Originally posted by MNeMoNiCS: Apart from laying mines, what more can I do? This is especially a problem on maps without an AGT, as these guys can walk into my base without any difficulty.[ April 19, 2002: Message edited by: MNeMoNiCS ]
Laying mines is pretty much the best way and really the only reliable way. Usually the only other way is to assault the Nod base as soon as possible. In maps without defenses, tank assaults are very deadly especially if you throw in an APC or two full of engineers at the same time. Just don't forget to have enough people back at base to defend it.
What's the best defense against Stealth Black Hand? [message #-973305] |
Fri, 19 April 2002 01:31   |
I think they need to implement another means of defense aside mines. Mines are so ultimately vital (and my choice defending weapon against blackhands, and all units for that matter). Methinks it might mix the game up nicely if they included another means of defense, and only one side got mines. Perhaps laser-tripped c4 or something. Imagine all entrances with either a GDI tan or Nod red beam going across all door entrances, where you KNOW they'll go off if you enter. Kinda like the ones in Half-Life. Those rocked! Defusing them is another thing...  But on topic, like I said, mines are my choice weapon. They can't disarm them, and they can't get around them. It's a stealth stopper. Multiple coordinated stealths with engi backup... oh brother.. (edited) Maybe built-in building defenses like in tribes? Each building had a small cannon mounted inside that needed to be destroyed before you could do anything (without being killed in the process). They weren't terribly strong, but they could keep a group of invaders busy for at least 5-10 vital seconds . We've all seen an enemy APC rush a building we're nowhere near and said to ourselves, "There isn't a da mn thing I can do and that building is dead......". Unless they all hit my mines at the same time . [ April 19, 2002: Message edited by: snakeoil ]
What's the best defense against Stealth Black Hand? [message #-973304] |
Fri, 19 April 2002 02:55   |
quote: grenadiers are perfeckt to kill em! they see black hands long time bevore patch and moebius does!vewwy long times be4! they are low cost (nothing to be exact), and do good damage! in islands or stuff like this, they are just perfeckt for tunnel defending! and when black hands are hit, everyone can see em!
Yes Grenaders are good for spotting them as long you keep firing in random places. They Don't see any better than any other unit. Splash Damage is the key. Once you discover a stealth black hand or tank-->make sure you destroy them before they restealth. Base defending with anything with splash damage will help-->LOCATE AND DESTROY... 
What's the best defense against Stealth Black Hand? [message #-973301] |
Fri, 19 April 2002 22:37   |
you see a stealth when u r close to him. So take a good anti-infantry unit (patch, mobius, or even the basic soldier) and patrol the tunnels. Apart of mines this is the best way i think. I 've tried to keep tunnels under fire with a MRL all a game (on island) to see the stealthBH, it works but this is really boring, and less efficient to kill them...
What's the best defense against Stealth Black Hand? [message #-973300] |
Sat, 20 April 2002 00:41   |
aah, but what to do if the stealth has already planted the beacon? if your base is currently intact, he'll usually go for the one in the back of the base, like the pp or tr. if you're alone and a hotwire, it won't be easy to both find and kill the stealth and defuse the beacon. i've had some success by starting to defuse, then when stealthy opens up, quickly switch to c4 and kill him that way. if he's good though, he'll probably pop you in the head while you're defusing, so you won't have much time... overall the best way to keep the stealths at bay is to have some good base D. if only 1 guy on the team is defense, you can't stop em all. with the exception of course, that your offensive team is doing a good job in their base, keeping them defensive. like somebody said, the best D is a good O, the emphasis being on GOOD!!!
What's the best defense against Stealth Black Hand? [message #-973295] |
Sat, 20 April 2002 03:12   |
a good tactic would be to either, blow up their hand of nod at start with an engineer rush or... you can have a sniper zoom in on your base entrance and watch for the disturbance patterns(stealth spotting ways) the when you see em, cap em.
What's the best defense against Stealth Black Hand? [message #-973293] |
Sat, 20 April 2002 17:23  |
quote: Originally posted by Slavik81: Question: Why is it that Mobiuses see me from so far away, yet all the others don't see me until I'm 2 meters (Eh?) in front of them?
I think that some units can track them better (the SBH) - I tested this a bit and this seems to be the case. Need more testing.... plus - if you are a SBH and move only a bit at a time - you can sneak past most people. (blend in with background.)