Make a strong and decisive attack on airstrip/factory. Now the enemy team can't buy aircraft anymore !!! They will play the old way, and try to c4 and beacon your face as usual... In the meantime your team will continue to play with a max of aircrafts :- go up
- go down
oops the central is dead !!! I didn't see it coming
- go up
- go down
- just fire a few missile in the air and on the walls just because it's fun...
oops the tiberium refinery is destroyed ! But what the fokk my team is doing ?
- go up
- go down
- open fire on a little infantry unit
Hey did u see how this little foker ate my bullets ??? I 'm the strong and powerfull AIRWOLF !!!! oops ! our airtsrip/factory has blown... I will avenge this ! I head for the base alone because i'm the strong and powerfull AIRWOLF !!!! oops ! Sniped... dead...
S h i t ! i can't buy aircraft, i must play as normal, and we lose = no fun : i quit the server.
Seriously, i hope there will be more and more air maps. Because only 2 maps make the aircrafts rares : so everyone want to drive them. If they were standard units, people soon get tired of aircrafts and will search to win as usual, and will play not only to have fun... ![](rolleyes.gif)
[ April 19, 2002: Message edited by: n00by 0ne Ken00by ]