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stories of C&C [message #-972473] Wed, 24 April 2002 14:57 Go to next message
i thought it might b kind of cool to put some stories up about things we have seen or done while playing, cause i always get a good laugh from a noob doing something stupid and the like
stories of C&C [message #-972472] Wed, 24 April 2002 20:57 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I've seen someone trying desperatly to repair a destroyed war factory. As an engy using his blue ray , he was in front of the MCT until i put myself between him and the MCT and told him to stop because it was useless...

[ April 25, 2002: Message edited by: n00by 0ne Ken00by ]

stories of C&C [message #-972471] Wed, 24 April 2002 21:12 Go to previous messageGo to next message
My son was playing on NOD, C&C Field map, and they were seriously under seige by 2 mammies, several med tanks, and a couple of apc's. As time was running out, he bought a buggy, became a techie, and proceeded to cover the buggy with prox mines.

It was a completely futile gesture, but it was very funny to watch him fly over the ramp next to the hand, rip around the corner and smash headlong into a couple of apcs with a huge explosion.

stories of C&C [message #-972470] Wed, 24 April 2002 22:27 Go to previous messageGo to next message
This has happened to me a few times in one form or another to me.

I planted C4 on the refinary on Islands. I waited for the timed to go before setting of my remotes. With the Refinary gone I made a run for it. Two MRLS were lingering near the weapon factory, so I wasnt going anywhere. I then lingered in the Refinary. Someone spawned and went to a PT. He bought a Mobius skin but didnt exit the PT, I took him out wit the pistol and legged it to the Wep fac. I was able to kill 4 more doing the same loitering tactic. A Hotwire, a Patch and two Officers...

Eventually I was killed by a trio of Base level units as I ran around the wep fac..

[ April 25, 2002: Message edited by: The Argon Array ]

stories of C&C [message #-972469] Thu, 25 April 2002 01:30 Go to previous messageGo to next message
once i went into a game late inthe game ( 1200 min left) and was a soldier and ran over to the nod tunnel exit in under to my dropped an officer there ran down dropped my c4 ran back up , i got somebody with that then a rave.. and mendoza ran from the tunnel ran right into me , turn around and ran back down the tunnel , lol
stories of C&C [message #-972468] Thu, 25 April 2002 04:21 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i saw a noob trying to kill a mamy with a pistol the mamy driver said yawn all the tim and he ignored the shooter
stories of C&C [message #-972467] Thu, 25 April 2002 06:36 Go to previous messageGo to next message
aight i got one...i told some noobs that the alternaative raveshaw (mutant) could heal in tib, and told him that it was just a glitch, and his health was reallly going when he died i told him about the snipers on OUR team....
tried several times...died,wish i got the points tho....
stories of C&C [message #-972466] Thu, 25 April 2002 06:57 Go to previous messageGo to next message
People on my team using repair guns to "attack" enemy tanks. Didn't really think it was all that funny since it was a mammoth attacking what was left of our base.
stories of C&C [message #-972465] Thu, 25 April 2002 07:00 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I was plying with some noobs in complex and my team had taken the ridge at the beginning and was not going forward any more and this made me mad so i said follow me and charged down the hil to met a small pack of nod noobs who were both dropped by me , another on the airstip and one inside the building , planted c4 about 10 health left i charged back out of the airport and dropped 1 more before i flew in the hand
stories of C&C [message #-972464] Thu, 25 April 2002 07:08 Go to previous messageGo to next message
This was pretty odd but funny. Not too long ago, I was in a game (C&C_Volcano) and everyone would pile up in the center island between the two bridges, and when the host gave the word, everyone whould just stand where they were and just kill whoever they could. It didn't matter who you were you just bought some one and killed
stories of C&C [message #-972463] Thu, 25 April 2002 07:28 Go to previous messageGo to next message
stories of C&C [message #-972462] Thu, 25 April 2002 13:01 Go to previous messageGo to next message
n00bs are responsible for a whole lotta fun, in my opinion. Unless they're on your team, which is not fun at all. Still, you don't really know funny until you see engi's trying to shoot down chinooks with the repair gun.
stories of C&C [message #-972461] Thu, 25 April 2002 13:21 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i love when they tey to kill u with it , i let them and drop everybody else on their team with their help hehehe!
stories of C&C [message #-972460] Thu, 25 April 2002 15:00 Go to previous messageGo to next message
True story I kid you not.

I was on the mesa map as Nod, crusing in my buggy, and I see a med tank being driven by a nOOb. Since I like to do sucide, I attack it and I keep circling around it. And saddly, I blew it up. It took about 10 minutes but I did it. That was a sad day in GDI history, but was funny to watch. lol

[ April 25, 2002: Message edited by: jindi007 ]

stories of C&C [message #-972459] Thu, 25 April 2002 15:01 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Sorry, I typed it twice

[ April 25, 2002: Message edited by: jindi007 ]

stories of C&C [message #-972458] Thu, 25 April 2002 15:12 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Last night I pulled a n00b move....
It was flying_city, and I was on the side of the noble GDI. We were trying various apc rushes, chinook rushes and the like to the power plant, when a fellow and I dicided to humvee it to the Hand. We made it in, i planted my c4, but got whacked before my remote could detonate. Every other structure was heavily mined, but for some reason, they weren't mining the hand.
Well, I went back again....same story. Got a few timed down, and then WHACKED before I detonated my remote.
By this point I had a serious grudge against the hand. So I kept spamming the comm "Guys, the hand is not even defended, attack the hand." I went back again, and failed to lay all my mines (this usually never happens to me as I'm quite good at hotwire rushing). Well, needless to say I was frustrated. I kept spamming the comm desperate for the dang thing to be destroyed. Finally, someone got sick of my spamming and yelled "DUDE, YOU BLEW THE D@MN THING THE FIRST TIME YOU TRIED!!! IT'S BEEN BLOWN FOR A LONG TIME!!!!!" Boy did I feel stupid. I'd wasted about three rushes on that bad boy....
what a n00b.
stories of C&C [message #-972457] Thu, 25 April 2002 15:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I stole a gdi apc from their base with my stealth black hand, Drove to our base loaded it up. Backed it into their base with a nod buggy "attacking" me rolled down 3 engy's dropped off 3 techs. Drove back to our base and killed a medium tank that was hitting our refinery, He had no clue. Loaded back up went back to their base and game ended as we drove in.
stories of C&C [message #-972456] Fri, 26 April 2002 05:24 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Once, I had a Medium Tank on the C&C Under and a noobie starting attacking me with it's repair gun (enginner) when I destroyed his Light Tank. After he fully repaired my tank, I ran him over!
I then told him "Thanks". [I bet he learned a lesson. ]
That's all for today, bye.
stories of C&C [message #-972455] Fri, 26 April 2002 01:25 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I was playin volcano with some decent but stupid players, on both teams , gdi didnt mine anywhere , advantage me, i was a blackhand sniper , our airport went down eary then our power plant ,so as i sniper i grabbed a nuke beacon , and ran to their weapons factory , dropping 2 stupid havocs on the way , the planted the beacon dropped the engys with my rifle , boom no more factory , u think they would have mind , nope i did it again to the refinery , by the cave exit in the corner, nobody even found it, then our refinery went down , so i went to do it again across the back way, and saw a abandon mamoth tank in the green , so i ran and got in that , stupid ppl leaving their only tank left alone , i dropped their pp , and was going after ther barracks , it was in the red , when our hand went up ,
stories of C&C [message #-972454] Fri, 26 April 2002 06:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I think the reason newbies try to "attack" you with the repair gun is because in SP, enemy engineers can actually damage you with the repair gun. And the newbies think this also applies to MP.
stories of C&C [message #-972453] Sat, 27 April 2002 10:29 Go to previous messageGo to next message
no, they just think so because it's nod weapon against gdi, gdi weapon against nod, etc.
The thing is, it's not a weapon
Particle Noun, that was **** stupid
deadmanwalking, i've been in those kinds of situations and ****et i hate it whewn your team can't defend... the whole team except you, cant even save 1 building
4 engioes repairing counters most anything
stories of C&C [message #-972452] Sat, 27 April 2002 10:32 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I was GDI on canyon.
As usual, the play was quick and frantic.
gdi had lost all our buildings but 1
I forget which, it was probably refine
I got a nuke with my engineer and had 2 or 3 people cover
1 other person had a nuke
We ran through the halls, into the already destroyed hand, and we both placed our beacons
the 3 of us guarded the 2 ion cannon beacons while we shouted to our team to defend for just a little bit longer
.... **** them
our refinery went down
3 seconds into the scoreboard, we heard our 2 ions going off...
**** them!
stories of C&C [message #-972451] Sun, 28 April 2002 17:00 Go to previous messageGo to next message
once i realized, when playing in the map Under, that the enemy tunnels weren't mined, i got 3 other people to be chem warriors. And they followed me and it took like a while (well 4 chem warriors are somewhat equivalent if not more powerful then a flame tank) to take out the power plant. And guess what...nobody came in to kill us or repair and it wuz a 20v20 game.
stories of C&C [message #-972450] Sun, 28 April 2002 17:20 Go to previous messageGo to next message
On C&C Islands. I was a engineer and had just damaged the war factory with some c4. I saw an MRLS driving to our base. So i got my pistol and started shooting at it. And believe me the pistol is pretty strong against MRLS. I followed him completely to our own base while shooting him. I almost destroyed him with just a pistol. At the end i shot the vehicle completely in the red. After that a tank drove me over, but the guy in the MRLS never had done anything to me.
stories of C&C [message #-972449] Sun, 28 April 2002 11:56 Go to previous messageGo to previous message
i've destroyed artillery/missle launcher things with snipers, its sad =/
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