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stories of C&C [message #-972448] Sun, 28 April 2002 12:05 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I think it is funny when some stupid newbie destroyes the fact/airstrip before anything else on a base defense map... Stupid other team keeps vehicle rushing and giving points to our team who just sits there and defends because we cant attack... Obviously we always win by points... All due to some stupid newbie destroying the fact/strip first...
stories of C&C [message #-972447] Fri, 28 June 2002 04:27 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i just had a funny story recently. i nuked the warfactory, then got a crate, w/ a refil, so i went back and and nuked refinary, then went back to base/getting cash for buildings ddestroryed, so i bought another, and got 4 buildings down, when allw as left was the barax, so i found a sniper rifle spawn, and climed the sky scr@per and shot the ppl dancing on the roof of rax, then some1 nuked the top, while i covered it... i was MVP too...
stories of C&C [message #-972446] Fri, 28 June 2002 06:19 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Nice, I didn't think the boxes would refill your nuke beacon too.
stories of C&C [message #-972445] Fri, 28 June 2002 06:35 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Hehe I had some fun today...

I was playing with hd1a32b and pysoSTORM we filled up the Tiberium Refinery in Islands wiht humvee's. tHne hte same to barracks.

Thne we had bumper car war with sedans in the barracks which was alot of fun.
We laso got humvee every structure on complex [Smile]

I also have differnt story.

Once while i was playing walls flying I was jsut mssing around and stuff.
We filled upa transport with 5 people then me (the pilot) ejected. because they were stil in it they were stuck (it wouldn't fall) they all had to jump.
[Razz] [Big Grin] [Razz] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Eek!]
stories of C&C [message #-972444] Fri, 28 June 2002 06:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I have 2 storys.


A while ago, i had played in a chain of games w/ 20v20 and i was MVP every game so almost every one did what i said. so in walls flying, i had a great idea. first i sent a trans heli full of med level chacters to the center of the nod air strip (i was GDI) about 10 nod forses came to intersept before we all died i said "NOW!!!!!!!!!" over the "all" chat system thing and little did the nod know that i had stationed 2 $1000 characters on every building. 1 on each set a becon while the other came to help us. the nod didnt know what hit them when all the becons killed them all.


the other story is like this: i was playing islands and we started w/ 300 creds. i bought a buggy while my team was waitin for some more cash. i drove into there base and someone ran out to kill me but i squished him and 12 others. then they bought a mammy and drove around trying to catch me but i weakend him so the driver (hotwire) jumped out and repaired it stupid! i just stole the mammy, killed there base, and became MVP. [Big Grin] [Wink] [Razz] [Smile] [Roll Eyes] [Cool] [Eek!] [Big Grin]
stories of C&C [message #-972443] Fri, 28 June 2002 07:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I love doing that and Ialsnds is the best tank stealing map. Get a SBH and wait. Pick the one you like, kill the driver as he approaches from way across the map (BTW, don't buy your vehicle until you are at the wep fac unless you like to donate to tank stealers on your own team) then plug him with the laser in the head. Mammy fun for all!
stories of C&C [message #-972442] Mon, 01 July 2002 00:18 Go to previous messageGo to next message
One time on Volcano I was on GDI, we were losing, but me (as Mobius) and two Hotties managed to Ion their base by putting the beacon in that little nook by the tunnel. People kept rolling up to disarm it, and we'd pop out and kill 'em. Well, flush with that success, I resolved to do it next time we played the about 10 minutes into the game, I buy a Mobius and a beacon and head out. Beacon deployed, no one on Nod seems to care, I'm like, "Man, these n00bs ain't paying attention, this is a piece of cake." another 10 secs go by and I'm looking around and - d'oh ! - I notice the TR is already wrecked! Musta been a Hottie rush first thing in the game and I missed the message. And of course, through sheer stupidity, also missed the smoke billowing out of the thing when I ran out of the tunnel...what a jackass, I almost quit the game from embarrassment, but nobody seemed to know or care what I had been up to anyway...
stories of C&C [message #-972441] Wed, 03 July 2002 00:31 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Other day i was playing on Mesa and nod planted an beacon on barracks. A n00b with an Sydney was trying to disarm staying on top of it not allowing me and other 2 engies to do.
stories of C&C [message #-972440] Wed, 03 July 2002 15:08 Go to previous messageGo to next message
One time i was playin on walls flying im not good at tech or hotwire rushes on this map for some reason (this is the only map i have that problem.) anyway for some reason i was able to make it in wit my tech and i was able to take out the weapons fac at the same time we lost the pp. me not likeing to die i ran back to the nod base to refill and went to attack the gdi ref on the way we lost our ref and someone eles from my team nuked the gdi barracks anyway after droping a few gdi soldier wit my hand gun i hit the ref and around the same time we lost the airstrip sadly i dident make it out of the gdi base alive but i had over 2k so i desided to snipe i went to the mesa and shot at gdi for alil about 10 -15 kills later they tryed to kill me after fighting off like ten of em i went back to my base to heal i was gonno go back to the mesa but i new they would probly wear me down and kill me so i stayed on the nod wall shooting at gdi attackers. At a few points the whoel gdi team rushed nod and tryed to plant beacons but we got em disarmed. a friend of mien got a timed c4 on me but somone from my team disarmed it 30 to 40 kills later i noticed a gdi soldier running around the rock on the mesa and i couldent hit him so i just ignored him about 40 seconds left in the gmae i saw a shotgun trooper come up on the side and i couldent hit him so i kept trying forgeting. All of a sudden i die ...the guy running around the rock on the mesa was looking for a snipers rifle ...well he found 1 and with me not moving and since i dident c him i was an easy target. i got about 110 kills that game mostly from sniping but im such a n00b for not realizing what that guy was doin on the mesa i guess....
stories of C&C [message #-972439] Wed, 03 July 2002 16:11 Go to previous messageGo to next message
110 kills my Ass. You did not get that much! thats a bunch of BS!
stories of C&C [message #-972438] Thu, 04 July 2002 05:41 Go to previous messageGo to next message
LOL Big n00b story here.

There seemed to be a bunch of n00bs on my usual server, and they thought that every vehicle destroyed gave you points. Even ones from your own team.

As soon as one of them had enough money, he/she/it bought a mammy. And proceeded to c4 it, telling all the old hands on the server how to get more points easily. [Roll Eyes]

I'd actually like to thank n00bs, for providing so much enetertainment! [Smile]
stories of C&C [message #-972437] Thu, 04 July 2002 03:21 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Had a couple nice and fun games today, altough they were frustrating at some points, as (almost) all games is.

On mesa after our airstrip was destroyed i got a GDI APC (At one point Nod had at least two GDI APCs) (from the GDI airstrip rush) and pulled a nice solo-raid on the GDI power plant while everyone was busy fighting in the cave [Smile] .

Not a single guy in the GDI base [Big Grin] [Smile]

I repaired the APC to green and went back to base, repaired the APC fully and picked up a vehicle. I think another jumped in too. I drove to the GDI barracks, jumped out and planted a nuke beacon while the APC covered me and the beacon against another GDI APC. I was killed shortly after the beacon was planted, but it went off, and so two GDI buildings was credited to me. [Smile] (for a short while i was MVP too) We did another APC rush at the wep fac, but it failed. (a beacon already set when i came got disarmed and i was killed before i could set my beacon.)

Since we didnt have vehicles we did a few black hand assaults (very nice teamwork. People gathered at the obby and together we rushed. We did two attacks, but i was killed before i could plant a beacon in the first one. The second one was the one i find most remarkable and which was very nice and fun. With a minimum of talk (none at all, except "meet at obby for another rush, everyone with beacon") a perfect strike team was put together. [Smile] A few stealth black hands with beacons, a laser chain-gun black hand, a tech for healing, and me as a black hand sniper for cover.

We aproached the GDI base and did a stealthy aproach. I snuk into the bunker, the laser-chain-gun dude hid behind the barracks and the Stealth hands went in. Everyone used perfect tactics and everything was so co-ordinated, even without anyone saying a word, it was such a nice feeling of a perfect attack going well with a perfect strike team. It was really fun sitting in GDIs own bunker sniping them. (well, i only got one, but it was fun anyway [Big Grin] )
The worst thing was that at least two GDIs noticed me, including a med tank, but none came back to kill me, before after a long time. (the laser-chaingun dude took care of the med tank, again a excample of a perfect attack team [Smile] )

I got killed, and was on my way back to sniper more when someone finally got the Wep fac and we won.

Nothing special, it was just a very nice and fun game, and a example of good teamwork [Smile]
stories of C&C [message #-972436] Thu, 04 July 2002 11:17 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i stole a mammoth tank- 3 meds and 3 hummers...and 2 apc... GDI couldnt have any vehicles, exept for the harvester [Wink]
stories of C&C [message #-972435] Fri, 05 July 2002 05:17 Go to previous messageGo to next message
You all should post this at , that way we can rate your n00b and story. It's a great site and well worth visiting.
stories of C&C [message #-972434] Thu, 04 July 2002 20:38 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Well this is kinda a n00b story.

We were nod i came in late on Walls Flying.Air strip and power plant already destroyed and gdi choppers making regular ferry runs to our base.

I check the status of the game and discover that gdi has all of it's buildings intact. So since were basically screwed i saved my money for a stealth black hand. Finally got the 800 creds and bought it just as the tr bought the dust. So I sneak all the way over to the gdi base and sit in the corner waiting. One of the gdi choppers comes and lands and the hottie flying it starts to repair. I start runinng towards it i manage to run the length of the whole base and still get the chopper. She is still repairing me as i lift off. On the way back to my base hoping to pick up some engys and make a surprise attack, I notice to havocs sitting on top of the hill
SMUSH!! [Cool]
the game ended 30 secs later.
stories of C&C [message #-972433] Mon, 08 July 2002 04:41 Go to previous message
This is my favorite:

I was in Complex. I was a Nod Tech and in a flame tank. As we were rushing, as we like to do on this map, I got wacked by a Mammy on D. I was right next to the back door of the WF so I ducked inside. Since we were wailing on the WF there were about 6 engies in a nice little semi-circle by the MCT going to town trying to keep the game alive. Not noticing me, I threw a remote c4 in amongst the group and backed around the corner. BOOM! "Bionk" go's three. Still not dead I did it again. "Boink" goes three more. [Smile] Unfortunately there was a dude behind me by then and I got a bullet in the back of the head. But it was fun!

BTW love all of the stories. And thanks for the tips. They have gotten me up to 300 on the WOL rankings. [Razz]
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