Played this map 3 times yesterday, and each time at least one player said "god I hate this map, always a stalemate". Or along thse lines.Not being much good at offense, I wondered how we could avoid the usual plinking away at the HoN tactic, and hit upon a winner. It's so simple it's funny (and a tad boring, but heck it works):
All you need are 2 or more mobile artillery at the exit of the Nod base, and just continually pound the GDI exit. Why?
- The rounds have the range and rate of fire to cause trouble for vehicles/infantry who are not expecting attack.
- It's very hard for the GDI side to know/see where the fire is coming from, since you're in shadow and around a corner to them.
- It gives your side's infantry and stealths a chance to get into position.
- You're safe from fire from the waterfall tunnel exit.
- You DON'T get pushed by or block the harvester.
- Your own engineers are safe to repair you if you should get a stray hit.
- You have time to type out warnings as you're the first to spot any armour.
- You usually have time to kill their harvester before it reaches the tib field, or definitely kill it before it gets back with a full load.
In the games I tried this, I was only supported once (by another arty), as per the usual lack of listening/teamworking. BUT, I scored 6 boinks, 1 mammoth, 2 meds and a MLRS kills. Not to count the damage done and number of retreats tirggered. Try it and see