this game go like this..
i was playing GDI at the map city.....and we was like leading with so many points.......and the game was ending like in a few mins..........
so i think this was the part which caught us unprepared.. our base defence was so lex...
so i walk a round to buy a vehicle.....
suddenlyn the alarm sounded and it seem all the buildings in the base was under attack!!!
we was caught unpepared. most of us jus rush to repair the building which was 1st to have it's alarm sounded.
and this was the terrible part. b4 we finish repair one building
the other buildings was under attack..
so the whole GDI team was in disarray......well i guess u all can guess wat happen next
my base was blown apart with nukes, enemy units and the dreaded strealth tanks......
i was really surprise. a group of strealth tanks has brought such a great problem to a winning team......
of cos with no time left
we couldnt counter them back.....
guess this can be a good tactic to share with u guys....
but good timing is required for this tactic to work.
but now i dun underestimate the power, strealthness and strenght of this tanks in groups and good timing....