Its really cheap too.(moneywise
You get the best transport heli driver to drive 4 engis,(engis must be the best at blowing up structures by themselves.), and drop 2 at each biulding. Together they have 6 c4, which is more than enough. Put the 2timed c4 on, then the 4 remote.DETONATE, and if it doesn't destroy the biulding, make sure no one repairs it until the timed c4 blows. PS. Driver tries to get back to base.If shot down, he/she helps one of the engi teams.
Its a simple strat, but no one uses it.One Hotwire works too, but theres a bigger risk that it will fail, and it will cost you money. 
[ May 12, 2002: Message edited by: Kirovy1234 ]
[ May 12, 2002: Message edited by: Kirovy1234 ]