For killing all inf and tanks - you get 10 pts per $100 of the unit you killed, for example:Mammoth = $1500 - You get 150 Pts for a kill
Orca = $900 - You get 90 Pts for a kill
Mendoza = $1000 - You get 100 Pts for a kill
Free units = 1 pt for snipe, 2 pts if you kill with some sort of non-sniper weapon
If you do 100 pts worth of damage to a building, you will get 50 Pts for repairing that same damage.
Fixing tanks/inf, you get 1 Pts per 100 Armor Pts/heath pts you heal
Hope this is helpful, this is for all you people that make mammoth tanks and get killed, that 150 pts for the opposing team, not good.