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Tunnel Nukes (Field Mix) [message #-968030] Sat, 29 June 2002 06:29 Go to previous messageGo to next message
The only ppl here calling it a wimp's tactic are the ones who ***** when Nod kicks their asses in the tunnel. You wouldn't be having a problem if you could stop it, so don't try telling me that moral ****.
Tunnel Nukes (Field Mix) [message #-968029] Sun, 30 June 2002 01:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
danm you ppl are dumb, you may hit the freaking building but you can only destroy it when the enemy team is one big n00b team!

As soon as you hear beacon deployd and you get someone to say its in the tunne;

everyone runs to ref MCT and starts repairing it so there is no way you can ever destroy it! what n00b ever figured that tactic out?!
Tunnel Nukes (Field Mix) [message #-968028] Sun, 30 June 2002 09:08 Go to previous messageGo to next message
The people who nuke/ion the tunnels are the ones that don't have the balls to go place it normally. It's as bad as the people who sit on islands with a gunner/MRLS shooting the HoN over the wall.
Tunnel Nukes (Field Mix) [message #-968027] Sun, 30 June 2002 11:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Shut up you ***** I bet you **** and moan when someone beacons the tunnels because you have to actually go after them rather then just sitting in your tank clicking your mouse over and over at the refinery. Your the one whos missing a sack. Tunnel beacons are smart, and if your too much of a ***** to go in after them. Get a med rush together and destroy the Nod base, as everyone will be in the tunnel defending the beacons. Use your god ****ed brain, n00b.
Tunnel Nukes (Field Mix) [message #-968026] Sun, 30 June 2002 15:47 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I have just worked out that 1 ion beacon can get both air strip and refin and it only requires 2 beacon to kill both at the same time. GDI have to have total control of the tunnel and requires team work to place the two beacons. With both refin and air strip gone at the same time Nod will be unable to recover from it and the remain job is use Gunner from tunnel to take out Obe while tank is hitting hand. For Nod it is a lot harder to get both refin and barrack with one nuke.
Tunnel Nukes (Field Mix) [message #-968025] Tue, 02 July 2002 12:06 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I think you have a point, maybe westood somewhat intentionly made it so you could nuke the buildings, i dont see it happening on any other map and both sides can do it. also do you rememebr the demo days when no one realized you could place a beacon on the outside of a building? it was fun for awhile then everyone caught on.
[Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Tunnel Nukes (Field Mix) [message #-968024] Tue, 02 July 2002 23:20 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Well- i agree with you --- nuking by - in - or around stuff is not a bug or a mistake - it's just good tactics ---

"Suitcase Nukes" -- well they were made to create problems in areas of control (i.e. tunnels/chokepoints) - so in the game - you can distract the enemy with a well placed weapon - and attack on a different front.

from the Sun Tzu's Art of War:
"Appear at points which the enemy must hasten to defend; march swiftly to places where you are not expected"

so - hosts that kick you for doing such are making a grave tactical mistake - well - maybe they need that help.... lol

IMHO ---- of course [Wink]
Tunnel Nukes (Field Mix) [message #-968023] Wed, 03 July 2002 06:48 Go to previous messageGo to next message
it is not good tactics, it is simply a way of getting around actually going INTO the base to shoot it.

"Shut up you ***** I bet you **** and moan when someone beacons the tunnels because you have to actually go after them rather then just sitting in your tank clicking your mouse over and over at the refinery. Your the one whos missing a sack. Tunnel beacons are smart, and if your too much of a ***** to go in after them. Get a med rush together and destroy the Nod base, as everyone will be in the tunnel defending the beacons. Use your god ****ed brain, n00b."

Armorace, get yourself a chill pill and a good psychiatrist, trust me, you neeed to CALM DOWN A LITTLE! If you think flaming people proves your point, you couldn't be more wrong; it just makes more people hate you. [Eek!]

And no, I don't go in and click my mouse over and over at the refinery. In fact, I rarely even try to destroy the refinery! Most intelligent people destroy the DEFENSES first, so that their team can get into the base and destroy the rest. But no, you'd rather gain huge amounts of points from planting beacons outside the base, where the only threat is the occasional person taking the tunnel!

And one more thing: n00bs are people who absolutely refuse to take good advice. Don't be a n00b, and stop flaming people for making sense.
Tunnel Nukes (Field Mix) [message #-968022] Wed, 03 July 2002 10:30 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Just because my posts have lots of cursing doesnt mean Im mad. People curse all the time when theyre completely calm. Same thing as typing in caps. I dont get mad over a GAME. I just get even.
Tunnel Nukes (Field Mix) [message #-968021] Wed, 03 July 2002 10:31 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I could care less if ANYONE here has a negative thought about me. Seeing what most of you people act like and say makes me feel all the more relaxed if you try to curse me out.
Tunnel Nukes (Field Mix) [message #-968020] Wed, 03 July 2002 10:33 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Your a little slow on the uptake. I dont mean shooting the enemy refinery, I mean shooting at your own refinery on Field to kill the sbh soldier hiding behind the silo. Its much more fun and satisfying to go into the caves and take them out hand to hand.
Tunnel Nukes (Field Mix) [message #-968019] Wed, 03 July 2002 10:37 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Your calling me a n00b? LOL n00bs are the people who **** their pants when someone thinks of a good tactic and theyre too lazy to try and stop it, so they come here and call it cheap and demand that it be banned before they have to change their pants again. If you can do the same thing as your enemy (Tunnel beacon) THEN WHAT THE **** ARE YOU GETTING UPSET ABOUT DUMB****, EITHER DO THE SAME THING THEYRE DOING< QUIT PLAYING FOREVER, OR THINK OF YOUR OWN COUNTER ATTACK. There, 3 simple choices you can make.
Tunnel Nukes (Field Mix) [message #-968018] Wed, 03 July 2002 10:41 Go to previous messageGo to next message
All of your statements have been thoroughly countered, so theres no reason to post here again.
Tunnel Nukes (Field Mix) [message #-968017] Wed, 03 July 2002 12:00 Go to previous messageGo to next message
there is no reason y someone should ban someone from doing this.
Usally every map has 2 parts where the team needs to defend to be able to attack one of the buildings. I know its a cheap tactic, but it will help later on to attack NOD. Other Maps have disadavantges and advantages for both NOD, and GDI! SO there is no reason y someone should get ****ed off cause of this. The otheer team can get revenged in other maps. NOD has a big adavantage because the Moble Artiarys can attack the weapons and ruin the game for GDI!

C&C Under has 2 (the field and tUNNELS)
C&C hourglass has 3 (top, left side and right side)
C&C Volocano has 3, C&C walls has many, so does city.
Many more maps has more places to defend, because each spot has someway to attack the enemy buildings!

(sorry about the spelling) **** not Spell Checker
Tunnel Nukes (Field Mix) [message #-968016] Wed, 03 July 2002 14:41 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Yo lol u guys that post these messages on the msg boards must all be new its not hard to nuke the ref or the barracks u just have to no how to guard the nuke. On the barracks run to the first rock place the nuke then go to the second rock to guard it from behind. On the ref u get a clock and place is as close to the front door as possible wit out being seen by the agt and u move back to the wall so the eg dont c u when he starts t odisarm it blast him this is the only thing i do on nod when on field (i play in 30 ppl games and dont really use tanks)
Tunnel Nukes (Field Mix) [message #-968015] Wed, 03 July 2002 14:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message
You must play with a load of retards, because Med tanks should be pounding your position seconds after the nuke has been placed. Your nuke would never survive in a good server, because good players mine the tunnel entrance by the barracks.
Tunnel Nukes (Field Mix) [message #-968014] Wed, 03 July 2002 16:04 Go to previous messageGo to next message
umm.. its quite ez to nuke barracks and refin.

since the obvious spot for the NOD to guard it is right by the entrence by the barrack. Any tank can just keep on firing there and no NOD can really guard it cause the People would be dead.

Another way u can easeier disarm the nuke in a spot where the NOD cant get u.

Usally if u have a tank by u its ez to disarm it but if u dnt then its pretty tough but eventurally u will get it.

The odds of getting it isnt really high inless you are playing w/ a bunch of nOObs and retards that dont even know what to do.

also no matter what if u place the nuke on the side of the refin, the AGT will fire and others will know that someone is there and ur cloak will be off.
Tunnel Nukes (Field Mix) [message #-968013] Thu, 04 July 2002 07:16 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I have to qualify so that people don't take me as some kind of wimp who's afraid of being nuked. It is not when I am Nod that I become upset with GDI placing beacons in the tunnel, it is when I am GDI. A big group of people run around the tunnels placing useless beacons. This slows down the front line who is in need of Hotwires, and more tanks. It is just a waste of time to place beacons in tunnels. Only people looking for easy points do that crap. How often does the refinery come down. Come out and fight like a man, or woman.
Tunnel Nukes (Field Mix) [message #-968012] Thu, 04 July 2002 07:21 Go to previous messageGo to next message
"Your calling me a n00b? LOL n00bs are the people who **** their pants when someone thinks of a good tactic and theyre too lazy to try and stop it, so they come here and call it cheap and demand that it be banned before they have to change their pants again. If you can do the same thing as your enemy (Tunnel beacon) THEN WHAT THE **** ARE YOU GETTING UPSET ABOUT DUMB****, EITHER DO THE SAME THING THEYRE DOING< QUIT PLAYING FOREVER, OR THINK OF YOUR OWN COUNTER ATTACK. There, 3 simple choices you can make."

I dunno, the way I see it, you're the one with a few problems go absolutely bat **** if one person dares to counter your opinion. Look at you, you're so aggravated by me not accepting your way of doing things that you can't even punctuate correctly!

Take your finger of the shift key, turn off capslock, whatever. Not everyone is going to think exactly the same way as you, and you need to calm the hell down and accept that. Got it?

You like to beacon the tunnels. That's fine, go ahead. But you have to get it through your head that there are people who oppose that tactic, just like there are people who oppose shooting the HoN over the wall on Islands. Some, including me, think that it is a cheap, easy way to get out of doing the gruntwork.

And just for your info, so you can at least make correct flame posts:

1. I often play an engineer. I do swap from high level characters to lowly engineers to take out beacons. And I will get out of my $800 medium tank to do it.

2. I am 15, 16 next month. I haven't ****ted my pants in 11 years.
Tunnel Nukes (Field Mix) [message #-968011] Thu, 04 July 2002 07:42 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Wow, did you look over everything I said? Just because I type in caps lock and curse doesnt mean Im angry. There should never be a reason for getting mad over a game.

I type in caps lock to point out important parts in my posts that should be paid extra attention to, but I guess that doesnt work because most of the things Ive typed have flown right over your head.

I dont give a **** about punctuation here. This isnt school, Im not getting a grade for my english, and my posts can be understood with no problem.

Im 14, and did you have to mention that last part?
Tunnel Nukes (Field Mix) [message #-968010] Thu, 04 July 2002 09:05 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Well, Placing the Beacon in the tunnels dont take to long! Once u got that done u can help the tanks get repaired.
Tunnel Nukes (Field Mix) [message #-968009] Fri, 05 July 2002 04:19 Go to previous messageGo to next message
"I type in caps lock to point out important parts in my posts that should be paid extra attention to, but I guess that doesnt work because most of the things Ive typed have flown right over your head."

If you want to emphasize something, use the pretty little button that says "italics". Or the button that says "bold" or the "underline" one. They're right under your post box. FYI, typing in all caps online is the equivalent of yelling at the top of your lungs in real life. Not many people are going to believe that you're calm and in control if you're swearing and yelling at them. [Wink]

"Im 14, and did you have to mention that last part?"

You used it as a flame, and I feel that if you want to flame me, you should at least do it accurately. [Wink]
Tunnel Nukes (Field Mix) [message #-968008] Fri, 05 July 2002 06:27 Go to previous messageGo to next message
"WOW" I never expected such a huge reply to subject. My 10 cents worth is: "I just enjoy the game" win or loose! Take care and see ya'll out there. [Big Grin] [Smile]
Tunnel Nukes (Field Mix) [message #-968007] Fri, 05 July 2002 13:03 Go to previous messageGo to next message
armor, it doesn't matter how you interpret sentences in all caps, everyone else on the planet sees it as yelling. Bold text stands out justa s well, and doesn't make you look as bad. [Wink]
Tunnel Nukes (Field Mix) [message #-968006] Fri, 05 July 2002 13:19 Go to previous messageGo to previous message
"and doesn't make you look as bad. [Wink] "

Hmm, another statement that has eluded your ever watchful eyes. [Roll Eyes] Im not going to retype this one, youl just have to find it yourself.
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