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For all the Mammoth drivers out there [message #-967431] Fri, 12 July 2002 18:29 Go to next message
Stop using that stupid tank.

Why you guess? Well i will tell you. I just come from a game where i played as Nod on under. GDI was far better than we was. They had the best sniper who shot us in the head as soon as we turned around the corner at our base entrance. They had better tank drivers and better team work too. But they lost by about 1500 points cause they sieged our base with mammoths and our team did nothing but shooting at those tanks with mendozas laser chain guns and such stuff. Mammoths give 3 times the points to the enemy than they make for your team if not used correctly.

Another reason to not use mammoths is that they are big and slow. How many times you played on field as GDI and your base entrance was blocked by two mammoths? If then arrives the harvester they are all stuck and the artillerys get a lot of points by destroying them. You cannot even snipe the artys cause a) you cant get out cause they block the way b) they are to high to shoot over them c) your scope is shaking when they are shooting. And they have no chance to dodge the shells.

Same thing on Mesa. Mammoth drives into the tiberium field, harvester follows, mammoth and harvy block each other, both get destroyed, and you see a smiling mendoza running for a refill.

The mammoth tank has only one purpose and that is rushing (crawling) the enemy base (If you get destroyed by the obelisk the other team gets no points!!!!!). Thats what they are made for so if you buy a mammoth then rush or else its better to buy a med tank wich is superior to any Nod unit too without giving away to much points if destroyed.

Just my 2ct about the mammoth
For all the Mammoth drivers out there [message #-967430] Fri, 12 July 2002 18:33 Go to previous messageGo to next message
it seems you take on the mammoth from a newbies perspective, if you actulley have skills you can do anything with that huge pretty thing [Big Grin]
For all the Mammoth drivers out there [message #-967429] Fri, 12 July 2002 21:18 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Using the tusk missiles on buildings racks up points quickly as well...
For all the Mammoth drivers out there [message #-967428] Fri, 12 July 2002 21:31 Go to previous messageGo to next message
To matrix:

Well then 99\% of all players are newbs cause its very rare to see a usefull mammoth. Most of them are only cannon fodder for my big guns. And im not new to the game. I play it since it came out. If you want a proof join the "blueyonder C&C Renegade 1" server. I play a lot there and im curious to see your mammoth owning the field.

To the Argon Array:
Thats what i said. The only reason to buy a mammoth is to rush the enemy base. (Includes building destruction)

And did you noticed that in many games where teams are equally skilled GDI leads until they buy mammoths. From then on Nod scores more. We lost so many games just because Nod destroyed some of those **** tanks and scored big.

[ July 13, 2002, 04:37: Message edited by: Jaml ]
For all the Mammoth drivers out there [message #-967427] Fri, 12 July 2002 22:39 Go to previous messageGo to next message
on the map cnc under, if u are a mammy driver. Take the left when exting the base then u will not get hit my artrillay

plus the **** mislles gives it extra range and power to tanks and units

Missles are for Units/Tank
Cannon is for Buildings
I think most of u know this but its a reminder
For all the Mammoth drivers out there [message #-967426] Fri, 12 July 2002 23:27 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Wrong! Missiles are stronger in all situations. Always use the tusk missiles especially on buildings. If you dont belive me simply open the editor and look under the damage settings for the mammoth tank. But they have a very short range so always be sure to hit your target by watching his energy bar while firing missiles. Alot of players fire them without hitting cause their enemy is smart and remains out of range of the tusks.
For all the Mammoth drivers out there [message #-967425] Sat, 13 July 2002 03:20 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Personaly I use Mammys very, very rarely. Most of the times I go for a medium. The fact that the mediums cannon sits on its back combined with good knowledge of turret control steering & medium tanks speed makes him my all-time-favourite.

For all the Mammoth drivers out there [message #-967424] Sat, 13 July 2002 17:39 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i agree completely the md tank is the most superior tank out there. Mamoth's are too slow to be worth anything becuase they cant retreat and they are such easy targets and they are worth about 150 (i think not posative but it is around that. and mds are only 80 (i think)
For all the Mammoth drivers out there [message #-967423] Sat, 13 July 2002 17:48 Go to previous messageGo to next message
u mean mammoths r $ 1500 and meds are $800

[ July 13, 2002, 12:49: Message edited by: andrew726 ]
For all the Mammoth drivers out there [message #-967422] Sat, 13 July 2002 06:19 Go to previous messageGo to next message
No, cannons are better against vehicles while the tusks are better against buildings once you are close enough.
For all the Mammoth drivers out there [message #-967421] Sat, 13 July 2002 06:58 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i go for humm vee's, if u r a good driver, like me, i taken out 3 flame tanks and a stealth tank b4 i died, thats with 1 humm vee [Smile]
For all the Mammoth drivers out there [message #-967420] Sat, 13 July 2002 07:59 Go to previous messageGo to next message
"If you want a proof join the "blueyonder C&C Renegade 1" server. I play a lot there and im curious to see your mammoth owning the field.

I play on the BY servers a lot (I'm the community liaison) and I very frequently own with a Mammoth. I prefer Mediums though.
For all the Mammoth drivers out there [message #-967419] Sat, 13 July 2002 08:14 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Two mammys parked in front of the AGT on Hourglass will prevent ALL base rushes. I saw 6 Flames stopped by a pair and the AGT.

[ July 13, 2002, 15:14: Message edited by: Spankinstein ]
For all the Mammoth drivers out there [message #-967418] Sat, 13 July 2002 10:14 Go to previous messageGo to next message
uhh mammoths are the best-thats why u have HOTWIRES backing u up for repairs in the fields... idiots... these amounts of vehicles should do u well:1 apc, to carry ur hotwires out, and to gun down any infantry, 3 mammoth tanks, to blow the **** out of buildings, 2 medium tanks, to cover the mammoths, and 1 mrls, to blow the **** out of the buildings, and at least 4 hotwires, any thing else is a plus(i.e. snipers, PIC...)
For all the Mammoth drivers out there [message #-967417] Sat, 13 July 2002 10:21 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Have you ever seen a group of 5 mammoths roll into a base? its a scary thing when your the other side, like you said seiging gets nod lots of points off of mamoth tanks but if your team is smart and everyone rushes in Wow, game over. I rarely use mammoths as well, i mostly use them on mesa in the tib feild so i can seige all there buildings{except refinery} and it can take a pounding.
I just wish it was cheaper{its over priced like crazy}
[Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
For all the Mammoth drivers out there [message #-967416] Sun, 14 July 2002 05:21 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Yes they are a great unit for rushing but they suck at battlefieldfield control. As for hourglass i prefer a Moebius to a mammoth in defense cause i can move faster, have great firepower and dont use up 2 vehicles that could be used in attack.

If there is great teamwork mammoths are really good but its so rare that you find that on a public server. And if i play in a team its usually more efficient to fill a apc with hotwires than to send in a mammoth with engie support. Apc rushes rule on Hourglass. 5 engies, 2 blow up the mines in the obelisk the others fill the mtc with remote c4 and bye bye oby. And they are so fast that Nod has little time to organize. The mammoth on the other side takes so long to reach the obelisk so that in the meantime the entire Nod team focus on you.

As for the price i think its fine. If they were cheaper then more noobs would waste mammoths to the enemy [Smile]
For all the Mammoth drivers out there [message #-967415] Sat, 13 July 2002 18:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Any Vehicle sucks defending APART FROM THE MAM.
As was said, two mams on #Hourglass can 0wN anything that comes near.

We had lost the fac and the AGT, and had 2 mams guarding....with a lot of Mobius support ( inc myself )

They eventually got killed by a huge assault, and we lost the refinery.

Hour left......=(

Half an hour later, we lost the barracks, so we ALL went around the PP.

We won on points.
For all the Mammoth drivers out there [message #-967414] Sat, 13 July 2002 21:56 Go to previous messageGo to next message
go for humm vee's, if u r a good driver, like me, i taken out 3 flame tanks and a stealth tank b4 i died, thats with 1 humm vee

I'd love to see that.... lol did those units have people in them?
For all the Mammoth drivers out there [message #-967413] Sat, 13 July 2002 22:26 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Sakuras own your hummvee pretty fast so i dont think its that good.
For all the Mammoth drivers out there [message #-967412] Sat, 13 July 2002 23:06 Go to previous messageGo to next message
use apc on flame tanks... its better, and has more armor, and can carry some PIC to help you [Wink]
For all the Mammoth drivers out there [message #-967411] Sat, 13 July 2002 23:50 Go to previous messageGo to next message
A Mammy parked at the bridge entrance on Islands is great for preventing any stealth nuke rushes. All you need is a Hotty to mine the tunnels
For all the Mammoth drivers out there [message #-967410] Sun, 14 July 2002 23:25 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I'd like to respond to this one with a story:

Last night I was playing on under as GDI. Of course we started out by getting pinned in our base entrance by Nod. We tried our best to move out of the hole and after a bit we pushed Nod back to thier base. This was due to some great teamwork, med. tank rushing, and good sniper and repair support. Then they threw a flame rush at us. Well, we won that round but we all had to rebuild with another tank rush. GDI made it back to the enrance to Nod's base and began wailing on their buildings and tanks and stuff. Before long we were ahead in points. Nod began to get smart and came after us with all sorts of infantry, not giving us too many points when we boinked them. Then some idiots on our team, who were doing good at repairing our med. tanks, decided it would be good to go get some mammys and rush the base, again and again. Again and again Nod took them out and we lost all our repair supports as they were all trying to get a piece of the action. We were were down to 30 seconds left, up by about 1000 points, and I was the only med. tank left. I got blown as two mammys pushed me into the base. I said NOOOOO, fall back, but they just stood there, got destroyed, and after over 17,000 points for each side, we lost by 30 points! All becasue some idiots on our team stoped repairing and bought mammys to give the other team points.

I like the Mammy, but there are times to use it and that was not one of them. Just play smart, defending with one or two on Hourglass is great! Thanks for your time! [Smile]
For all the Mammoth drivers out there [message #-967409] Mon, 15 July 2002 02:03 Go to previous messageGo to next message
You should get negative credits so that newbies learn what it means to loose a tank. [Smile]

However, this is not symptomatic for mammuths only. In fact, the same can be said for the stealth tank with its low armor and high price.

Or he harvy: block it in base (when you are defending) and it cannot be destroyed. Works nice in clan games.

For all the Mammoth drivers out there [message #-967408] Mon, 15 July 2002 06:02 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Never go in alone with a mammoth. You will die. Get medium support or go support an Mrls.
For all the Mammoth drivers out there [message #-967407] Wed, 17 July 2002 16:14 Go to previous messageGo to previous message
so youre not a newb... yet you've come to the realization that mammoths suck sh*t when???? hmmmmm you do seem to take the tank from a newbies prespective if it has taken you this long to post something about mammoth tanks.... oh... and mams can be good in ceritan situations....... but only as clean up... when some of the key structures in a base have been taken down....oh... and yeah... you are a newb... if you think that b*tching about a situation which tilted the game in your direction is a good thing... so what if they lost cuz they rushed yoru base with mams... wtf is it to you???.....they had what??? better snipers.... better tank skills... and better team work.... why the f' not be happy you won?.... capitalize on their stupidity for chr*st sake....
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