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Nod defense on Field...Use the mob art! [message #-967152] Thu, 25 July 2002 07:56 Go to next message
I see lots of posts with complaints about GDI owning the field and relentlessly pounding the HoN. Usually they go for the turret first, and then they just camp and continuously fire at the HoN until it is destroyed.

NOT ON ANY GAME I AM IN. The best/simplest defense for this is a mobile art. Drive it around the back of the HoN, to the right of it, and BACK it up to the wall. You now have an effective mobile turret that can hit any GDI units that are pounding the base.

Often the GDI tanks will get angry and start to focus their firepower on me alone, but since you are behind a wall, you can backup, jump out, and if you are a tech, fully repair the mob art in less than 10 seconds.

Anyone who allready uses this tactic can vouch for its effectivness. Not only can you stop GDI from pounding the base, but often you can take out 4-5 mammoths and med tanks, because they either refuse to flee or they get trapped by their teammates or the harvester.

Also from this position, I stop any APC rushes that come into the base. The GDI APC can withstand a couple of obelisk blasts, but combined with a few rounds from my mob art turret, they are toast.

It is for this reason that I actually prefer to be Nod on Field...although they have other weaknesses like the fact that smart GDI infantry can run from either tunnel and reach the MCT of both the refinery and obelisk. A few well placed mines stops that though. Also due to your proximity to the airstrip, you can easily pull forward and fire a few rounds into the airstrip tunnel to take out those pesky gunners.
Nod defense on Field...Use the mob art! [message #-967151] Thu, 25 July 2002 08:12 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I already do this, and Blazer you are right. It works great, before they get into range, usually you can havfe them at 3/4 health because of the awesome range. [Big Grin]
Nod defense on Field...Use the mob art! [message #-967150] Thu, 25 July 2002 08:12 Go to previous messageGo to next message
true, seen a bunch of ppl do it when im gdi, frustrates the hell out of me since only like 1 of 4 shots actually hits em cause of the wall. but i personnaly never needed to use that tactic, i have NEVER been on the nod side and been stuck in base,
Nod defense on Field...Use the mob art! [message #-967149] Thu, 25 July 2002 08:14 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Great tactic I prefer Nod as well though for different reasons. I prefer a stealth and battle it out in the tunnels. Besides that I'll just stand in certain spots wait for a high cost character to come along and plant C-4.... [Smile]
Nod defense on Field...Use the mob art! [message #-967148] Thu, 25 July 2002 08:22 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I sniper will own a mob art there in what 5 seconds? You can try to shoot them with the mob art, but they have pretty good cover on the side hill and it is often hard to see them through all the tank smoke. It is also hard as hell for a noD to snipe back from the HON when a mob art is shaking the whole building. If you can get a mob art there and not be destroyed quickly it is a good spot.

[ July 25, 2002, 15:24: Message edited by: Jeg ]
Nod defense on Field...Use the mob art! [message #-967147] Thu, 25 July 2002 14:01 Go to previous messageGo to next message
1. The mob art can hit and kill any sniper in the far bunker. I fire at the bunker randomly while I have no other targets and often kill ppl I didn't even know were there [Smile]

2. The mob art does not shake the HoN while it is firing.

You simply cannot defeat the mob art defense in that position. Even if I don't have a tech supporting me, the fact that I can just back up by the tree, jump out, and heal myself in 5 seconds makes me unstoppable. Smile
Nod defense on Field...Use the mob art! [message #-967146] Thu, 25 July 2002 14:57 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I don't remember the last time I didn't get MVP on Field... Artilleries are great. So are MRL's and Medium Tanks.
Nod defense on Field...Use the mob art! [message #-967145] Thu, 25 July 2002 15:22 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Nod can easily own on Field.

Nod can get light tanks faster that GDI's medium.

Two or three teammates buying them as soon as possible seriously hinders GDI at the start of the game.
Provide those teammates are good tank commanders.

Back those up with the long range of the mobile artillery. You can easily whoop with Nod.
Nod defense on Field...Use the mob art! [message #-967144] Thu, 25 July 2002 23:35 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Good tactics -- even better when you have more MA's sitting there.

even better when perps learn to use RANGE weapons at their maximum range --->

i've seen plenty of MRLS/MA's going toe to toe with FT/Med's -- guess who wins...

I also prefer Nod on "Field"

Ravie rules the entrance...
Nod defense on Field...Use the mob art! [message #-967143] Fri, 26 July 2002 00:38 Go to previous messageGo to next message
1. If you meant the far bunker then that would mean you must have the shoot through mountain hax. I know that only about five of us have that cheat, last I checked at least. So, assuming you meant the near bunker...

Sure you can hit them if they stand still, like a complete moron, in the semi-open or if you get head shots. If they duck behind the bunkers walls between shots and vary their shooting position then they should take you out before you take them out. Especially, if their teamates are smart enought to help them. Sure the mob art has some serious splash damage but it also has a skin thickness akin to that of my four old niece.

Anyways, assuming you can maintain that position against a bunch of newbs -and- gain more points (gaining more points being often more key than simple survival - eg. having to heal your tank alot is a bad thing in a points game) than they are from the tactic being used...

2. You are correct. The mob art does not shake the HON. That is due to the especially well made foundation beneath it and it concrete reinforced walls. However, it does shake the crap out of anybody trying to snipe from inside of it. If you think that is incorrect, you really should try it sometime.

[ July 26, 2002, 07:44: Message edited by: Jeg ]
Nod defense on Field...Use the mob art! [message #-967142] Fri, 26 July 2002 03:38 Go to previous messageGo to next message
1. There is no "shoot through the mountain" hack. If you have one, why don't you claim the prize of my cheat challenge? All anyone has to do is prove to me the existence of any kind of MP hack (exploiting map flaws does not count). I don't need or want the code, just play me 1-on-1 on a neutral server and demonstrate it, and the prize is yours.

2. I have sniped with Ravenshaw and a black hand sniper from the HoN while a mob art was parked there firing, and I had no problems...

Tell you what...since you seem to disagree with everything I have said...lets play a game and have a few spectators. I will take the defensive position with the mobile artillery and a tech, and you attack me with whatever snipers and tanks you want. I guarantee you will not kill me or make it into the base Smile

I know that you can have a Havoc in the side bunker and 4 shots would kill me...but after the first shot im going to be lobbing shells into your bunker, and all you can do is cower in the far corner and hope that splash damage doesnt take you out. I can jump out of my mob art and heal back to full in 5 seconds, so there isn't really much you can do [Smile]
Nod defense on Field...Use the mob art! [message #-967141] Fri, 26 July 2002 17:23 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I know that you can have a Havoc in the side bunker and 4 shots would kill me...but after the first shot im going to be lobbing shells into your bunker, and all you can do is cower in the far corner and hope that splash damage doesnt take you out. I can jump out of my mob art and heal back to full in 5 seconds, so there isn't really much you can do

Exactly. And because you can see were the sniper is going (health box etc.), you can shooot there, I hit many snipers that were in the bunker. (and even more tanks)
Nod defense on Field...Use the mob art! [message #-967140] Fri, 26 July 2002 15:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Field one v one ... sounds like a blast when I could be cleaning out the gutters instead. An apc would make it in easy. Even if not and you chose the tactic of a cowering mob art, then a med could choose a similiar tactic except rack up points taking shots at the hon. Gutter cleaning is sounding like more and more fun.

Now if all you will do is fall back with the mob art every time u get shot of course you won't lose the vehicle versus a solo sniper. But you are missing reality completely. In a real game multiple ops would be taking shots at you. Besides that, it boils down to points. When you pull back to repair for a total of zero points, the opponents are wacking your hon or your teamates for a total of greater than zero points. Math really is not that hard - give it a try!

Now if you really beleive your post #2 you must have another hack. That would be the no shake from tank fire cheat (aka 1337 nsftf hax.) Please share with the community. Thanks.

Speaking of hacks and your amusing response to the beginning of my post - well, your response was amusing. Cognizance of subtle humor can't be in the grasp of all I guess.
Nod defense on Field...Use the mob art! [message #-967139] Fri, 26 July 2002 15:14 Go to previous messageGo to next message
NHJ BV, what you are seeing there is the tiny tank cheat. They are making their tanks really really small and then driving right into the bunker. More power to you if you can take out those devilish cheaters who driver their tanks into the bunker. We all wish there were more soldiers such as yourself.
Nod defense on Field...Use the mob art! [message #-967138] Fri, 26 July 2002 18:09 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Another good way is loads of Raveshaws, becasue if 8 meds hit the ARTY almost at te same time, its gone
Nod defense on Field...Use the mob art! [message #-967137] Sat, 27 July 2002 03:29 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Look Jeg, I never said I had any cheats. YOU are the one that said that only you and 4 other people have a "shoot through the mountain hax". I have had a standing challenge for months for anyone to prove any sort of multiplayer cheat or hack. NOBODY has claimed it. Know why? They don't exist! Don't try giving us the story of how they don't want to share it, because the rules of my challenge say that I don't need to see the code of the cheat, just have it demonstrated to me.

I like how you say I would be "cowering" in my mobile art...You are the same kind of n00b that accuses an entire team of "camping" just because they are defending their base against an aggressive assault.

I stand by my tactic that the mobile art parked next to the HoN is a GREAT DEFENSIVE TACTIC, and STOPS MOST ATTACKS ON THE HoN. Thats all I'm saying, and you cannot disprove this. Please stop bringing other issues like nonexistant hacks and whatnot.

Go back to cleaning your gutters, I'm playing Renegade and owning ppl like you [Razz]
Nod defense on Field...Use the mob art! [message #-967136] Sat, 27 July 2002 03:48 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Jeg, I didn't meant to say that the tanks were in the bunkers [Roll Eyes]

Also, I mainly use arty's as defense if one ore more important buildings are down and we're certain to lose.
Nod defense on Field...Use the mob art! [message #-967135] Sat, 27 July 2002 17:21 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Blazer, sorry, nobody is owning me, least of all you. Camping, as a negative term, is more or less a non-existent issue in Renegade. Keep jumping to conclusions arrived at through assumptions and your conclusions, as those you have reached here, will be prevalently false.

NHJ BV, sorry I couldn't avoid making light of your poorly made sentence since it was (unintentionally) funny in the same way Blazers was. Of course, you just had poor sentence structure, which I certainly am guilty of often myself.

On the other hand, Blazer still doesn't get the cheating reference and that is just plain hilarious. I do agree though, camping a mob art there is a fine strategy, if you are losing, have given up on the team, and have no intention of trying to win.

[ July 27, 2002, 17:25: Message edited by: Jeg ]
Nod defense on Field...Use the mob art! [message #-967134] Sat, 27 July 2002 13:27 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Who says that you have to be losing or not interested winning to use that strategy? It's a good strategy if you care about defending the HoN. In fact, if you have 2 meds and a mammoth pounding the HoN from the base entrance, it's at the top of the list of advisable things to do.

I will let you get back to your Thesarus so you can dazzle us some more with your expanded vocabulary Wink
Nod defense on Field...Use the mob art! [message #-967133] Mon, 29 July 2002 10:13 Go to previous messageGo to next message
When you scroll up you can find the answer to your question #1. If you can't find the logic in that, please keep trying, we are behind you 100\%.

If you are dazzled by my vocabulary then you need more aquaintances with an IQ above 100. My vocabulary is not broad and I do not use a thesarus, unless I am at work where it occasionally matters.
Nod defense on Field...Use the mob art! [message #-967132] Mon, 29 July 2002 12:29 Go to previous messageGo to next message
I love being the much better then GDI.....well sept for Havoc is better then Sakura in my book.....but NOD has the MobArt and I dominate everyone in that hunk of holds bar for me wooo! later
Nod defense on Field...Use the mob art! [message #-967131] Mon, 29 July 2002 16:13 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i'm curious jeg, why do you need a thesarus at the mcdonalds drive up window?
Nod defense on Field...Use the mob art! [message #-967130] Tue, 30 July 2002 07:15 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Jeg, no offense, but if Blazer wants to win, he can't let the other team, so he defends instead of attacking...
Nod defense on Field...Use the mob art! [message #-967129] Tue, 30 July 2002 23:33 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Thats the point --

You need some defense - and you need offense.

I've been in games where everyone jumps into a APV/APC - by themselves - and rush out --

and no one stays behind to stop the incoming invaders.

Or even worse - they all rush off by themselves into the tunnels and get chopped up.

I usually try to rally my teammates - and fight in force - 4 MG's is better than one. Like when you rush on a destruction mission - the MG's should be in front - followed by the engies..
Nod defense on Field...Use the mob art! [message #-967128] Fri, 02 August 2002 13:04 Go to previous messageGo to previous message
jeg, jeg, jeg, when are you going to learn that you are a LIEING STINKING JERK THAT ALWAYS HAS TO HAVE THE LAST WORD! JUST LEAVE BLAZER ALONE AND LET HIM POST HIS PERFECTLY WELL WORKING TACTICS MISTER TESAURUS!!!!!!!!!!!! [Mad] [Mad] [Mad] sad sad boy you are jeg... [Frown] [Frown] [Frown] [Mad] [Frown]
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