Stealth Tank, useful?? [message #-966899] |
Wed, 31 July 2002 00:20  |
People argue that mammoth tanks are kinda useless except for defensive purposes when there's no good team coordination at all. But no one really seems to be complaining about stealth tanks. Even though that they can fire and kill light vehicles unexpectly and are good infantry squishers, they can't do much to tanks if people have camera/turret lock on. I was playing a game and a stealth tank tried to get me from my back to fire on me (a common stragedy used by ST drivers, so the ST could just turn with the tank that has no turret camera lock and keep on firing until it's dead), but i just turned my turret around and got him. So do you think the stealth tank is more useful than the mammoth tank? ST wouldn't do much also unless there's team coordination, where several ST could appear at once and kill something quickly and get away again.
Stealth Tank, useful?? [message #-966898] |
Wed, 31 July 2002 00:36   |
WTF are you on about.. the ST is the best tank in the game.. yes 1 on 1 it dont fair 2 well but thats not what its 4..
Stealth tanks own field ,under and especially city. on under if you just get 3 stealth tanks to hide on the hill... the mammys role past to attack base down the hill AGT destroyed.. on city 4 stealths can take out any structure before GDI even notices.
not to mention the missiles are bloddy powerful. they are only really vunrable to infintry and orcas in packs.
Stealth Tank, useful?? [message #-966897] |
Wed, 31 July 2002 00:39   |
That's why i said that if there's no team coordination for STs, just like if there's no team coord. for Mammoth tanks, they are not much useful.
Stealth Tank, useful?? [message #-966896] |
Wed, 31 July 2002 00:41   |
I find ST to be the number one cause of sniper casulties on field. A lot of idtots these days like to venture out of the bunkers in search of a better spot to snipe. They practicly dive under my tank treads! [ July 31, 2002, 07:42: Message edited by: Blue Eagle ]
Stealth Tank, useful?? [message #-966895] |
Wed, 31 July 2002 00:50   |
everything requires team co-ordination.. thats what the games about.. only thing mammy is good for is rushing oby and firing missiles into tha nod tunnel on under
Stealth Tank, useful?? [message #-966894] |
Wed, 31 July 2002 01:50   |
Properly applied - a MG can take out a Mammoth tank.
It really depends who is operating -- a awesome operator can make a bad unit do wonders - whereas a so-so operator can make a mamie go to it's knee's in 30 seconds.
Stealth Tank, useful?? [message #-966893] |
Wed, 31 July 2002 04:33   |
I rarely use a ST, but when I do I really just use them to mow down infantry in the enemy base. Otherwise give me a light tank and have the repair gun warmed up for me when I pull back into our base, after pounding mammies, meds, MRLS's, and APC's.
Stealth Tank, useful?? [message #-966891] |
Wed, 31 July 2002 10:32   |
*When you say something sucks you are using it wrong.*
Then please, enlighten me on how you use your ST. You can't take out a med/mammy tank if the driver is fairly experienced and has turret/camera lock on. Besides, remember that the missles of the stealth tank has a minimal range too. [ July 31, 2002, 17:34: Message edited by: HitmanUltra ]
Stealth Tank, useful?? [message #-966890] |
Wed, 31 July 2002 14:01   |
You have to LEARN how to use a STank... it's not an acquired trait!
First, a Stank can't win against anything but a Humvee one on one; so try to travel in a pair. But, if you're alone, you can do some serious damage if you pick the right time and angle to attack from; mainly: attack from behind and when the enemy distracted. I have killed many, many mammies this way.
and a trick to use on infs... if ya see one sitting still, headshot him, and hide again... works well vs Gunners and snipers who tend to think they're invincible.
Stanks are also great for blockading a base with defense... when in numbers, wait for the enemy tank to pass you by, then jump on him.
Learn how to use something before you bash it; Not every vehicle is designed to run in and blow stuff up. This game requires tactics, get it through your head!
Stealth Tank, useful?? [message #-966887] |
Thu, 01 August 2002 05:50   |
ST's are great against non turrel-camera tanks. But those drivers are just plain stupid so if evolution does it's job they will be very few.
No Monrow, you SHOULD BE CALLED stealth killer, remember?
Stealth Tank, useful?? [message #-966886] |
Wed, 31 July 2002 23:06   |
*First, a Stank can't win against anything but a Humvee one on one; so try to travel in a pair. But, if you're alone, you can do some serious damage if you pick the right time and angle to attack from; mainly: attack from behind and when the enemy distracted. I have killed many, many mammies this way.
and a trick to use on infs... if ya see one sitting still, headshot him, and hide again... works well vs Gunners and snipers who tend to think they're invincible.
Stanks are also great for blockading a base with defense... when in numbers, wait for the enemy tank to pass you by, then jump on him.
Learn how to use something before you bash it; Not every vehicle is designed to run in and blow stuff up. This game requires tactics, get it through your head!*
Yeah, but the solutions you stated above requires team-coordination, which is usually lacked on non-clan games, and in smaller games, not everyone will buy a ST. The amount of team-coordinate you said above for a ST is about the same team coordinate you need for a successful Mammy group, and that's why i said the usefullness (or uselessness) of the ST is about the same as a Mammy. I'm not bashing the ST, i'm just saying it's not much useful alone, just like the Mammy.
Stealth Tank, useful?? [message #-966885] |
Thu, 01 August 2002 17:32   |
There is something a ST is good for on CITY_FLYING actually any nod vehicle can do it besides the buggy. ST's are the fastest tank. You take the over pass to GDI and rush in and head to the weap factory from ther you can take out pretty much the whole base a flame tank would make quick scrap out of the weap factory but cant really do much of anything else. If the driver is good they can use this strategy: Become a techie, with nuke, and flame tank. destroy the weap factory with the flame tank. make a beeline for the refinery drop the nuke beacon between the ref and silo put a few proxys around it. head for the PP. if ur good the flame tank would survive the trip from the weap factory. heal the tank. drive over to the pp. C4 it. but wait for the timed to go off before deting the remote and if it all goes well you would have single handedly crippled GDI. once the powers down if ur still alive go finish off the other buildings. If a engi got to ur nuke just go and burn the ref before the AGT and barracks. oh yeah and to prevent anyone from hijacking ur flame tank lace it with proxy mines before leaving ur base. I have destroyed so many bases with this strategy.
Stealth Tank, useful?? [message #-966881] |
Fri, 02 August 2002 08:07   |
The stealth tank is very good at many things but unlucky in other thing. (just there i couldn't spell other)Doh! The stealth tank is good when you get out side your base(on Under) then you go to GDI entrance and there are alot of tec heal the mamoth tank. I run them all over. It fun. he he he
Stealth Tank, useful?? [message #-966880] |
Fri, 02 August 2002 10:46  |
Stealth tanks are good in groups. 1vs1 against an other tank $uck$ but they are not made for that.
The best are they to destroy a base. They are made to kill a base not tanks. You can kill n00b or newbies in tanks but not good tank drivers.