Get Out of Your Vehicle and Deal with the Enemy in your Buil [message #-966858] |
Wed, 31 July 2002 06:30  |
Grrr. Nothing new I know, but I was just playing CITY FLYING on Dev's House Server, and my GDI team got spanked. Four Orcas all shooting at our own power plant, screaming DEFEND THE POWER PLANT. I run and get killed by Nod army in our pp. I spawn again inside the power plant, get killed again. Spawn in Ref, run to PP and get killed again, all while trying to disarm the dozen c4 on MCT. Of course on a 20 man team, I am one of 2 guys in the pp dealing with the situation. Power Plant dies, Orcas fly off. Way to be completely useless but keep the Orcas!! GRRR. At some point you must park your vehicle and GET IN THE BUILDING TO FIGHT THE BAD GUYS! If everyone know this already, why doe sit still happen?
Get Out of Your Vehicle and Deal with the Enemy in your Buil [message #-966855] |
Wed, 31 July 2002 07:37   |
I think it depends on the situation....
I sometimes left my vehicle to disarm beacon / kill hottie or tech in building or repair it when almost destroyed.
Sometimes it happened that an enemy (i.e. bh) stole my vehicle and then i got flamed by all the others "Why did u leave that vehicle alone?" I tried to explain - but no chance - once i even got kicked!
I think that especially in a 16+ game it must be allowed to hope that when ur in a 600+ vehicle, there will be enough others (foot soldiers etc.) to do what is necessary at the attacked building. If it is not that way, they are so stupid idiots that u will lose the game anyway.
Don't get me wrong - i'm just talking about the situation that i'm the only one around who got a 600+ vehicle - if there are more of it, i can leave it of course, because when the enemy steals it then, it can be taken down by the others.
But when u leave i.e. a mammy for repair - u might not be repairing for a long time if the enemy grabs it and attacks u and the building with it
What do u think?
Get Out of Your Vehicle and Deal with the Enemy in your Buil [message #-966853] |
Wed, 31 July 2002 08:07   |
I'd have to agree with not getting out of your vehicle. The last thing you want to do is jump out and run into the building just as the enemy runs past you and jumps in your newly vacated vehicle. Besides, sometimes you can shoot into the building and kill the enemy easier. You know how those Hotties love to jump around flinging C4 everywhere!
Get Out of Your Vehicle and Deal with the Enemy in your Buil [message #-966852] |
Wed, 31 July 2002 08:19   |
One thing that i ALWAYS do is this...
When a building is being attacked and you really need to get out of your vehicle to protect the building inside, you should always exit your vehicle in the view of your AGT or obelisk.
This way, if somebody does try to get your vehicle, the chances are better that they will die trying.
There are so many people that don't do this, then complain about losing their vehicle to their enemy.
Get Out of Your Vehicle and Deal with the Enemy in your Buil [message #-966851] |
Wed, 31 July 2002 09:56   |
Hahaha it always amazes me how the n00bs on my team will react...example:
APC drives up, 2 hotwires jump out and run into HoN.
1-2 of my teammates see this, and instead of going inside to kill the Hotwires and thus save the HoN, they jump into the APC!
Now while the HoN is counting down to destruction, they are driving around saying "hahahah I stole an APC!" *HoN Destroyed* "I rule!"
Get Out of Your Vehicle and Deal with the Enemy in your Buil [message #-966848] |
Thu, 01 August 2002 17:20   |
A favorite thing i like to do that is a nasty punisher for vehicle theft is to lace it with proxy mines. When an enemy comes near or gets in the mines go off they are destroyed or badly hurt and they did it for nothing. I also lace a vehicle with proxys so that i just ram the enemy vehicle and destroy it easily. It is very good to lace a mamoth because a flame tank can destroy it if it get up to it. Mine that mammy and say no more to flametanks that ram you.