Newbs and n00bs, not too bad [message #-965583] |
Sun, 15 September 2002 15:15  |
Lately it seems that more new people are playing this game. I think that's mainly due to it's quick migration to the bargin bin at Wal-Mart, but more people are playing and I am noticing it's not so one sided in battles anymore. It used to be people kind of worked together but now, no way! This makes the game fun for me. I like seeing newbs try to figure out how to switch weapons while I zoom in on their head with my sniper rifle. I like how n00bs (enemy n00bs that is) will place mines in one building while I ion/nuke the other buildings. Each team seems to have the same amount of newbs so when I join, in a few games, I really rack up the points until another experienced played joins on the other side then we duke it out.
Newbs and n00bs, not too bad [message #-965582] |
Mon, 16 September 2002 05:47   |
I rather like having people work together it makes the game more challanging. Then again having n00bs and Newbs playing is pretty funny, many times I have sat there as a machine gunner, pumping round after round into a opposing machine gunners head while he tries to shoot my leg off. Of course thats only when they are on the other team, when they are on your team they make me feel so angry that I could buy a beacon and ram it up their a§§es!!
Newbs and n00bs, not too bad [message #-965581] |
Mon, 16 September 2002 02:18   |
I hate it when some newbies can't take a little advice. If I see someone doing something wrong then I tell them how to do it better.
In field the other day some guy in a stealth tank was trying to shot from the Nod entrance. He was trying to hit the GDI tanks that were on the other side of the map at the GDI entrance.
I private message he/she "you need to learn the range of a stealth tank". The immediate reply was "FU". I said, "hey dude, I'm trying to help you out here. what's up with the attitude".
You try helping someone out and you get abuse instead. Yeesh.
Newbs and n00bs, not too bad [message #-965579] |
Mon, 16 September 2002 17:34   |
I like newbs. It means many will matriculate into decent players, and CnCR will continue to thrive. Unlike many folks posting in these forums, I have NOT become disenchanted with the game and I hope to be playing it long in the future.
Newbs and n00bs, not too bad [message #-965578] |
Mon, 16 September 2002 08:33   |
quote: Originally posted by thousand_sun: [QB]I hate it when some newbies can't take a little advice. If I see someone doing something wrong then I tell them how to do it better. QB]
It's at that point they are no longer newbies. They have become n00bs and deserve to be reported at
Newbs and n00bs, not too bad [message #-965577] |
Tue, 17 September 2002 01:29   |
you must be a Nod Black Hand Stealth dude in a game where spawn weapons is ON!
Look for a sniper rifle, get it and return to your PT to reload (#5). This way you get the full ammo that a sniper gets with his/her rifle.
But you aren't just ANY old character.. but a STEALTH SNIPER! NOBODY can find you until they're already dead!!!! Thats what sniping is all about... stealth and one shot kills... being unseen will increase these chances.
If you feel daring, walk up behind somebody and peg them off in the head! and say hello!
if your in a sniper game and people have problems with it, saying.. SNIPERS ONLY OR BE KICKED! Just say you're using the sniper rifle! And they'll hate you forever
Newbs and n00bs, not too bad [message #-965575] |
Tue, 17 September 2002 02:06   |
I have never actually been lucky enough to pick up a Sniper rifle while i am a SBH, but i have been shot a few times by SBHs with Sniper Rifles! Very annoying cause you only see them right before they shoot!
Newbs and n00bs, not too bad [message #-965574] |
Tue, 17 September 2002 09:19   |
I picked up a ramjet as an SBH in a mod map once .
This works if you don't look for a target through the scope. Scan for one, turn on the scope, fire, turn off the scope.
Newbs and n00bs, not too bad [message #-965573] |
Tue, 17 September 2002 09:23   |
No no no no.
You can use the scope and still be cloaked. Simply turn it on, hide behind something for a fwe seconds (5?) and you will become cloaked again with the scope on.
Newbs and n00bs, not too bad [message #-965572] |
Tue, 17 September 2002 10:16   |
quote: Originally posted by Javaxcx: No no no no.
You can use the scope and still be cloaked. Simply turn it on, hide behind something for a fwe seconds (5?) and you will become cloaked again with the scope on.
Hes right. Tested that a long time ago.
Newbs and n00bs, not too bad [message #-965563] |
Thu, 19 September 2002 17:34   |
well it was field. we had been base nuked. 60 person server. im roaming in tunnels as normal soldier, find sniper rifle and run from a havoc and pop him in the head. i didnt want t go out front cause of sooooo many snipers. i got about 15 kills before i died.
Newbs and n00bs, not too bad [message #-965562] |
Fri, 20 September 2002 03:25   |
quote: Originally posted by Homey54: well it was field. we had been base nuked. 60 person server. im roaming in tunnels as normal soldier, find sniper rifle and run from a havoc and pop him in the head. i didnt want t go out front cause of sooooo many snipers. i got about 15 kills before i died.
what!? Good snipers aren't allowed to die. Shame on you.
Newbs and n00bs, not too bad [message #-965561] |
Fri, 20 September 2002 07:19   |
Funny sniper/SBH story: I was on walls as an SBH (the last SBH, our HoN was gone). We had a load of enemy snipers on the plateau (sp?), so I went up to take care of them. When I got to the top, I realised that I was the last SBH and that attacking them would mean certain death for me. I pushed them all off the cliff and they blamed lag:p. When I told them the next game, I got called "***" twice, "n00b" 3 times, and "****ER!!" twice.