Blocking the Harvie Tactic! [message #-965383] |
Sat, 28 September 2002 09:11  |
For example: On Field, GDI is camping outside base, and destroying Harvie everytime it heads towards the field. If you park a tank in front of the harvie & stop it from leaving, it stops GDIfrom getting those points, and allows your team to push them back. When I have used this tactic some people yell to let it go, but it serves no purpose unless the harvie can get to and from the field.
Blocking the Harvie Tactic! [message #-965381] |
Sun, 29 September 2002 00:18   |
i do that to the enemy on comlex, no one bothers with the harvy/refinary coz its facing the other way, so it stops them from getting cash, they dont realize untill they actually go there.
Blocking the Harvie Tactic! [message #-965380] |
Sun, 29 September 2002 11:35   |
I got a better idea. Why don't you repel GDI, when they camp outside the base.
They are still going to get points for attacking buildings. The points from the harvey don't matter too much when they are pounding your building.
Put that light tank to better use and help drive off GDI.
Blocking the Harvie Tactic! [message #-965379] |
Sun, 29 September 2002 22:31   |
quote: Originally posted by thousand_sun: I got a better idea. Why don't you repel GDI, when they camp outside the base.
They are still going to get points for attacking buildings. The points from the harvey don't matter too much when they are pounding your building.
Put that light tank to better use and help drive off GDI.
IMHO the point is not to score from attacking/blocking it, but depriving the opps of much needed income.
I too didn't think this tactic was worth the effort until I was on the receiving side...boy that cash took its sweet time in growing
Blocking the Harvie Tactic! [message #-965378] |
Tue, 01 October 2002 10:30   |
I thought that by blocking the harvie, that it would allow your teammates to push back the enemy & then let it go, as that has to be better than letting them continually blow it up, where you're not getting any credits anyway, & they score points. I'm sure it depends on the situation, but a good tactic if used properly.
Blocking the Harvie Tactic! [message #-965377] |
Wed, 02 October 2002 02:04   |
Hehe, I like puttin a Buggy behind the Harvie on Islands. It usually works for 5 minutes or so, which is often enough to get a slight advantage. Lob your C4 in a different building to detract attention from the ref.
Blocking the Harvie Tactic! [message #-965376] |
Sat, 12 October 2002 09:13   |
I'll often sacrafice a stealth tank for this. drive it o the opposing base, and park in the bay. Usually goes unnoticed for several minutes. no one can steal it, because you cant get it out with the harv pushing against it, so they blow it up. Now if the ref was destroyed, and the harv blows up, they have a free stealth tank.
Blocking the Harvie Tactic! [message #-965374] |
Sat, 19 October 2002 07:47   |
i block the harvester all the time but not my teams harvy. i will block the oposing teams harvy so it doesnt get a way. like in the city i get a buggy or hummer and block the other teams harvy so it dont not get in to the tiberian. that way my team can get c4 on it and not loss any health.
Blocking the Harvie Tactic! [message #-965373] |
Wed, 23 October 2002 00:31   |
Actually - you should let the harvy out sometimes -- because the unskilled enemy normally never fails to shoot at the harvy -*which of course is not shooting back*
so - while they are doing that - you can use the distraction to push out...
(in fact - i've seen some id's stop shooting enemy tanks - to hit the harvy -- wrong priority)
but - this goes back to people not using long range weapons at range.
a couple of MRLS or MA's lobbing shells in - will keep a constant barrage of shells (damage) raining in.... -- they can hit the harvy as they shell - 2 volleys will kill it.. - and you get splash damage.
StoneRook out...
Blocking the Harvie Tactic! [message #-965372] |
Wed, 23 October 2002 16:58   |
Blocking the harvester allows for the attacking force to be concentrated in a central area. Since the opposing force cannot enter the fire of the ob or the agt for very long without taking to much damage this allows the force to collect in a rather small area outside the base. This then in turn allows the defending force to open fire on a concentrated force allowing for high accuracy in firing of the weapons. This also allows any units which are entering the fire of the ob or agt. to be easily taken out as the ob/agt will aid in the damage of the unit. This then allows the defending force to kill this unit quickly since it takes so much damage. The fact that you block the harv has nothing to do with money. It is all psychological, when a force takes control of the feild they want to shoot at stuff. It doesn't matter what it is, wheter it be the enemy tanks infantry or harv. they just want to shoot. Same deal with the buildings, if you back up and hide in your base where you can hit the enemy safely but they can't hit you then you rack up on points. They will advance and advance until they reach a point where tech do nothing but heal so an enemy tank can just sit there and shoot, while in turn you can shoot it back. The realization that fixing buildings gets you nearly as much points back as have been lost when an enemy shoots it and damages it has to be made. But you get no points back when healing a tank or infantry. This is why healing is very unattractive to most players. So if you let an enemy tank just sit there and take shots you rack up on points. And this is why it is important to block the harv. due to what you gain, which is oportunity, and not what you lose, a few points from a killed harv. [ October 23, 2002, 23:59: Message edited by: C4kitty ]
Blocking the Harvie Tactic! [message #-965371] |
Thu, 24 October 2002 03:40   |
Blocking the harv is a good tactic simply because while you are attcking and detoying thiers, yours sits safely behind a poll or something, and you can survive on the 2cred/sec and destroying the enemy harv(in clan games, mesa is a good example) I have seen the harv blocked in the some of the bigger games and its seems to have the effect that c4kitty was describing of funneling in the stupid enemy tanks while you sit under agt/ob and pound em.
Blocking the Harvie Tactic! [message #-965369] |
Tue, 12 November 2002 17:55   |
Best tactic of repelling a seige of not too skilled players is planting a beacon in your base and shouting "haha *team* theres a beacon in ur base bet ya cant disarm it". Well not too good if u havnt got money but if u have it sometimes draws a few tanks back.
Blocking the Harvie Tactic! [message #-965368] |
Thu, 14 November 2002 17:53   |
quote: Originally posted by Alslayer: Worst tactic ever. Man it doesn't take long to repel an attack. So the time and money spent could be put to better use.
That's not quite right... If the defending team isn't working together - and we all know that happens WAY too often! - the attacking team can stay there for ever. But yes, time and money could be used in a more effectiv way!
Blocking the Harvie Tactic! [message #-965367] |
Sat, 23 November 2002 14:04   |
quote: Originally posted by monrow: i block the harvester all the time but not my teams harvy. i will block the oposing teams harvy so it doesnt get a way. like in the city i get a buggy or hummer and block the other teams harvy so it dont not get in to the tiberian. that way my team can get c4 on it and not loss any health.
its tiberium tiberian is the game tiberium is what u harvest
Blocking the Harvie Tactic! [message #-965365] |
Sun, 29 September 2002 22:16   |
It still surprises me just how many players out there just don't understand the idea of rationing proxy mines !!!
In walls flying, it seemed like everyone wanted to be Hotwire and there were literally mounds of proxy in all the "wrong" places. This includes a fool I watched studiously attach 6 mines all around his mammoth, like a grass skirt
No amount of prompting/reminding/cajoling worked, and needless to say within a 5-10 minute period (foillowing a stalemate), we GDI were exterminated.
And they should be used primarily for base defense.
Peace, out!
Blocking the Harvie Tactic! [message #-965364] |
Sun, 29 September 2002 23:19   |
Yes very true. Last night i was on the map under and some idiot had filled the HON with proxy mines! Even worse was the idiot was laying more outside and in other buildings causing the others to disappear!